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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Well here we are again then at the beginning of another week :smile:
Did a flying visit down to Hereford to see my mum for the weekend and to be with her on Father's Day (well why not - we still miss him and we could sit and chat about him as much as we wanted and he couldn't moan at us :grin:) So - lush pub lunch before the drive back home again - so it'll be a long way through until Tuesday and a bit of an extended 36er really, but that's OK. Good luck everyone - hope your fasting goes well. Who's in on this then for the next 36 hours ? :grin: One thing's for sure ... I know I won't be alone ................................ helllooooooooo
Iam in :smile:

I overindulged over the weekend ; which is usual for me :doh:

Mondays fast put me back on track and I lose weight after Thursdays.
I'm in. Overdone it as per, so looking forward to fasting tomorow till Tuesday morning. Monday is such a natural fast day now.
:like: I'm in with my first fast of the week today. Cold weather all week, which will make me shiver as I fast. I've found that as it gets colder, I need to remember to drink water - normally, I drink loads, but with it so cold, I have more tea and less water.
Oh - think it might be just us 3 today then .. that's unusual ... anyone else joining us ??? :?:
I am with you today...too much yummy cake over the weekend but oh well it was worth it :)
Suchard, I am confused about the subject line? This topic is for those doing 36 hour liquid fasts, right? Do you use the same thread for the whole week, rather than making a new thread for each day, or is this for a longer lasting fast?

I'm in for a 36 hour fast, for the first time. Though I do have a contingency plan if it turns out to be too difficult.
I'm in today, put on a lb this morning but no surprise there as had far too much food last week and over the weekend! Not too bothered as still a lb down on weigh in two weeks ago, so staying positive! Kids had a lie in this morning which is typical as it's a school day, so this morning was a rush! Having a big clear out today so manically cleaning the house whilst my little man has a nap. Monday is always manic as my daughter has gymnastics after school so will make sure I get some quiet time to myself too. Good luck everyone, this group is quite a small one nowadays, but feels like you get to know people better which is nice on such a big forum. Still wonder what happened to Redhead, I picture her on a hardcore water fasting forum pushing her boundaries! Ha, ha! It's odd how you end up thinking of someone when you just read snippets of their views and thoughts.
Anyway, have a good day all.
In response to above, we do a new thread for the whole week and good luck with your first36er
Thank you, mariposa :grin:

Redhead isn't here anymore? Did she leave because of the new rule about extended fasting? I used to enjoy reading her posts.
I'm in today. Not done a liquid fast for almost two weeks. I've still been doing 16:8 all that time though and it seems to be working. I've got two pounds left till Maintenence according to the scales today and hoping that two liquid fasts this week will get me there. Fingers crossed :)

Good luck to the other fasters today x
Good morning! A complete newbie here - to both 5:2 and this forum as of today. This 36 hour thing sounds great. Just what i need to kick start my new diet (especially after a rather indulgent weekend!) Can anyone tell me or point me in the right direct of what this entails? (I'm secretly hoping it's a little more than just water). Thanks in advance! x
I am in today. Managed my first liquid fast last Friday, was not as bad as I thought. So again today.
I'm here too, my fifth consecutive water-only 36 hour fast. It's already past 8 pm here so not long to go for me now! :smile: I have come to really love my Monday fasts and don't find them too hard. I'm fortunate that the family don't mind preparing their own dinner on Mondays so I don't have to torture myself...

The best of luck to my fellow fasters! :heart:
I don't actually know why Redhead hasn't been around, guess that happens a lot of forums, thunk she was at maintenance and sometimes the website isn't needed once you've established a rhythm. I was just filling in the blanks with an over active imagination! When I first saw water fasting it sounded very hardcore to me, I guess not so much now I actually do it (although I add black coffee and diet coke to mine). Interestingly I seem to have ditched the black coffee on recent fasts, not sure I could do without my diet coke though! Maybe that one will disappear at some point, seems like my caffeine addiction has reduced a bit.
Well done Umleila, so close to your goal, hope this week gets you there!
Hi glassmarble - yes, this is for those doing 36hr liquid fasts - and we tend to just use one thread for the whole week :smile: So others who will be doing a 36er on another day will use this thread too. I'm likely to be back on here on Thursday if I do a 2nd 36er this week. Hope that makes sense :bugeyes: Good luck with your first 36er - hope it goes well for you - come back on here for support if you need it later in the day (I'm likely to need a bit of stern talking to myself come early evening )
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