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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I've been doing this happily since the Horizon special aired in August, and I've no intention of stopping anytime soon.

I've only had a slight break for Christmas (shifted to 6:1 for those two weeks) and a one week holiday where I also did 6:1.

This is so unlike other "diets" where you can throw everything off by having one "bad" day. It's flexibility is what makes it so easy to keep doing. I love it. 8-)
My clothes are more comfortable, so even with a small weight loss I feel that fat is being disolved after only 3 weeks. I am definatelty on this for life. My father, who would be 100 now, told me it was common for working class people to fast on a Monday, following feasting on a Sunday roast. However, in the post war years we have been bombarded with incredible quantities of cheap rubbish masquerading as food, and we are now showing the results. I think we need a radicle reform of the food industry, or am I getting political now?
150lbs - so agree with you - and part of that bombardment of cheap crap food has resulted in the horse meat "crisis" - Tip from me ;) - use your local butcher NOT the supermarket !! Quality not quantity - but maybe that's something else we're all taking from the 5:2 diet :lol:
Ive also been doing this since last august and have lost 21lbs.. and I feel so great on it .. its for life for me!!
It's great to read those posts from Greeneggs and Laska. I kick myself that I didn't start last August too but hey ho week 7 for me and already good progress.
I went to the supermarket today, mostly getting prepared for some b&b guests as I'm sure they won't want to fast. Of course we still have to eat too and we enjoy our food but I really wonder at some of the stuff on the shelves and isn't there so much of it? The fasting seems to be affecting my attitude to food and we are definitely buying less.
It is interesting how many of the 'early adopters' have NOT fallen by the wayside. All of the people who started posting when I did have been on 5:2 for many months.

I happened to fast today during the day because the kids had friends round (High School musical singalong by teenage boys) so I hid and planned a calorific supper for after they left.
It was easy and relaxing.

I see no reason to ever stop 5:2
I also so no reason to make it more complicated
I also see no reason to put on more than a few pounds short term on holiday again.
Cool Huh!
I've been doing 5:2 for 8 months minus holidays and Christmas. I love the weight loss but my real motivation is the hidden health benefits of fasting. Am due to have some blood tests next week which I hope will give good indications. Way of life for me now.
talkinpeace wrote: GillB

I see no reason to ever stop 5:2
I also so no reason to make it more complicated
I also see no reason to put on more than a few pounds short term on holiday again.
Cool Huh!

Very cool indeed!
I so agree about not complicating the whole business.
~LynnO~ wrote: I cant see myself stopping this WOE once I get to my target, hopefully by then I can do the 6:1 to maintain it, and get all the health benefits...I quite like the fast days :)

Love the "in for repairs Monday and Thursday" line, may just adopt that one!
As my main motivation is not so much losing weight though I do have a great deal of excess but to change to a sustainable dietery programme for life, I'm here for the long haul.
Small changes, baby steps, more fruit and veg and eating slower and stopping when full even if that means leaving food on the plate.
I am truely astonished I have managed to do this and so happy I found this site.
I think folk who decide 5:2 is not for them may be the ones expecting to lose alot of weight very quickly.
Go Bee, a lot of us are surprised that we can do this. It's not much hardship either is it?
I plan to stick around. I am just so glad to be able to hope again that one day I might have a healthy weight. And I have some health issues which have lingered frightfully in the background. It feels far less frightening when I can do something about it. Hopefully I will be doing this WOE for life!
I'm a relative newly, only starting week 9, but I fully expect to still be here this time next year. Probably be on 6:1 so I don't fade away tho !
I have a lot of weight to shift, built up over many years (I'm now 58) and on a large, tall frame so I perhaps don't look as heavy as I am. I very much hope to carry on fasting 5:2 for as long as I'm happy to carry on - as soon as fasting became a burden or a hassle I would probably stop but as there is little likelihood of that happening, I suspect I'll be on it - in some way shape or form - for good now.

It works. I too have found that I already look at the supermarket shelves very differently (5 weeks) when we go shopping at the weekend and I actually can't be bothered with all that choice and all the rubbish staring you in the face.

I actually find it quite hard to decide what to eat these eat days, so stick with veggies and either chicken or fish for supper on fast days and quite often the same on feast days but add haf a baked potato or 3 new potatoes into the equation. Or we'll have lean mince with either pasta or half a baked spud.

My weakness has always been bread and cheese! I still do look forward to having two crumpets for breakfast with half of one Dairylea light cheese triangle on each on some feast days!
Peta I am a similar age to you and also tall so the heaviness doesn't show as much. But I know it's there! Anyway I'm already feeling much better after only a couple of months on this regime and it feels like a pattern I can easily continue with. I look forward to hearing of your progress too, good luck.
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