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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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At present the Fast diet seems so sustainable. I was musing on how many of us will still be here in 3 months time or even more?
I don't know about you but I'm feeling good about this pattern of eating and keep sharing the info with friends. We should all have lost loads more weight in the next three months as well as improving all those other aspects of our health. Must be good!
That's a very interesting question. I have lost about 6 1bs on this WOE in 4/5 weeks (had already lost a bit prior to that); my main motivation being that I didn't want to have to take BP tablets! I am now sitting here with a 24 hour BP monitor strapped to me! Am not feeling particularly confident that it has lowered my BP, as the readings taken in the surgery when the monitor was fitted weren't much better than those taken before Christmas! However, I know that my BP is very much affected by anxiety,etc, so not sure that my diet/weight loss could have much bearing on that. Whatever the outcome, I hope to carry on until I have at least lost most of my excess weight, as that has got to be doing some good.
I've been doing the diet since September and I have no plans to stop. Once I reach my target weight I may vary the number of fast days so as not to become underweight but For me this is a long term lifestyle choice.
This is a crucial question, I really hope that almost all of us will still be if not here at least still doing some kind of intermittent fasting.

It would be massively useful to know why people who stop fasting do so as it would help Dr M and everyone to develop any necessary changes to the system. He has said that he thinks that if people are going to give up it will be in the first couple of weeks when the fasting is not so easy and perhaps the weightloss has not become apparent (for some).

Like Your Funny Uncle, I have no plans to stop just to vary the fast days if needed to stop going too low (though I severely doubt that will be a problem for me!).
carorees wrote: This is a crucial question. I have no plans to stop just to vary the fast days if needed to stop going too low (though I severely doubt that will be a problem for me!).

Ha! Yes me too, it has never been a problem here.
It's so much more flexible to my life than any other program I've been on. Hubby is still able to go on his business trips, and we can swap out days as is convenient. I love it!
I'm in it for the long haul!
Having had breast cancer and all the treatment I want to stay well and healthy for as long as possible.
No plans to stop, as I find it suits me very well, but I didn't stick to it over Christmas and don't plan to do it on holidays either...
I cant see myself stopping this WOE once I get to my target, hopefully by then I can do the 6:1 to maintain it, and get all the health benefits...I quite like the fast days :)
I see this as a life change, and hope to carry it on even after I reach my target weight. It seems a bit slow, but I have lost some weight, and my waist is a bit smaller, and really, when I think of how long it took to put all the weight on, 4 weeks is nothing. And although I don't seem to have lost a great amount, my clothes are looser and I feel a lot more comfortable. I am even sure I can carry on while on holiday, but I will get back to you on that one, I'm off to France in a few weeks so will see how it goes.
Early days for me but I am feeling very hopeful. Trying to remember if I am still this positive a month into other diets or not. Main difference seems to be that I am not thinking about it other than on fast days which is such a relief.
I'm in this for the long haul, I'm not looking at this as a diet but more a way of life now. I want the health benefits as much as the weight loss.

Cancer and dementia run in my family and if I can do something to lessen the chances of getting them then I'm going to do it.

2 days fasting is nothing, I hate calorie counting and I feel like I can enjoy food again with this lifestyle :)
I will !
See you all here with good news i hope ! :D
I've been doing this since the Horizon program and still going. I have up and down weight loss and I was on 2 BP tablets a day now on one. Its still a problem but the weight loss will help. Everyone is different and Other problems can cause high levels of BP keep trying and see how you go.
Good luck to everyone
I am in for the longer term for health reasons & losing weight.
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