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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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NotSoWise, it's great to hear from people who've been doing this since last summer. Many of us started in the first few months of 2013 so are newbies compared to you guys. Very inspiring!
Yeah, what NotSoWise said! LOL
My other way of eating was making me sick. I could feel it. But with this I can actually feel myself healing. And it's wonderful! Why would I change?
What an inspiring thread to read!
I have only been trying to lose weight for 5 weeks and have so far lost 4.5kg.
I am 72years, hypothyroid and I thought I would never lose weight, having tried WW and Cal counting with little long term effect.
This is a way of eating that is satisfying and most of all guilt free, and it seems to be working, so I will be in for the long haul, (if I live that long!)
Thank you all for the encouraging words. Thank you Michael Mosely for making the programme!
This is my third month, now in my fourth. Lost 1st. Aim to lose another, and review how many fast days a week, as doing 3. I want good health too. Really not been a problem to fast. More social difficulties than will power.
Linus41 - wow! Class! And I agree, I'm so grateful for Micheal Mosley's programme - and, of course, this forum!
Well as this thread started on 11 Feb we have now passed the 2 month mark. Can't believe how easy I find this now and can't wait for another month to see how much weight I have lost overall. My weight loss has slowed right down but I am not despondent or discouraged because even with blips for Easter and overseas visitors I am trending steadily downwards. I have the month pf July in London and Italy and am looking forward to buying a new cossie in Marks and Sparks! See you all on 11 May.
Thanks for the update - so encouraging for a newbie like me :-)
Wow, great to see so many 'old' faces! Yes, I'm still here too and coming up to 3 months on 5:2.
I've had the occasional wobble (in many places!) but the general trend is down.
Here's to the next 6 months...
5 months and counting, can't see any reason why I would not continue with some form of fasting for life!
Absolutely, I'll be here for the long haul. I think this is a lifestyle shift for me, for good, hopefully!
Love this thread and love this way of eating. 10 years ago I started fasting every Monday to keep my weight stable as I yoyo'd all the time, at that time I didn't even have 500cals. When I became 60 and retired I began to get worried that I was not doing my health any good so stopped it. Since then I have put on 14lb, have been on many diets, have 3 sizes of clothes in my wardrobe (to accommodate the fluctuation in weight. I did not see the Horizon programme because I am a great Olympics fan so only heard through the grapevine about it all 3 weeks ago I started immediately I lost a fab 5lb in the first week weighed myself last weekend and was the same but am now going to try only getting on the scales once a month . I hope I haven't bored you all as I am really enjoying all your remarks. Thank you for this great forum, I will be around for a long time. :heart:
Well just entering my third month of 5:2 ing & I will certainly be here until I reach my goal weight & then learning how to stay there & then forever on this WOL. My husband will also be joining soon & he is just awaiting his blood test results. He has less weight than me to lose but would like the health benefits. (I know yet to be fully proven but we are convinced enough). I would also like to say a very big thank you to everyone on the forum for being here, being supportive & sharing you enlightening experiences. Onwards & downwards. :smile:
linus41 wrote: What an inspiring thread to read!
I have only been trying to lose weight for 5 weeks and have so far lost 4.5kg.
I am 72years, hypothyroid and I thought I would never lose weight, having tried WW and Cal counting with little long term effect.
This is a way of eating that is satisfying and most of all guilt free, and it seems to be working, so I will be in for the long haul, (if I live that long!)
Thank you all for the encouraging words. Thank you Michael Mosely for making the programme!

Well done linus41!

I'm also hypothyroid and have tried WW etc with not a lot of effect. Also like you, the weight's coming off slowly - but it IS coming off.

I think that, unlike the many 'diets' I've suffered over the years, this WoE actually encourages a hopeful attitude. There's no feeling of failure and guilt. You either compensate, or realise that it's going to take a bit longer to get where you want to be, but that's OK.

Plus, as your body adapts to days it takes less into the stomach and you anticipate and enjoy something healthy but tasty at the end of the fast day, I think your brain gradually retrains itself to expect less, but better quality.

Why would I want to go back to what I had before for life? (Especially if I can indulge IF I WANT TO and repair the damage immediately and without angst).

Can't see why I wouldn't be here in 3 months.
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