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No 49 checking in for the last time.

Well not quite done it. No loss this week.

I think my body is trying to tell me something! Once again I am unable to shift those last 2lb to reach my final goal. Change of tactics me thinks!!!

I won't be joining the Easter challenge as I intend to stop concentrating on the scales (although I will still weigh every week and log it). I am going to start the exercises now and concentrate on toning up. I expect to gain a few pounds to start with but will now take more notice of the measurements. I do feel that I am at the size I want to be but need to iron out a few bumps.

I will continue with 5:2 as well as the exercises and will now look upon it as maintenance.

Congratulations to everyone who has lost during this challenge and to those who haven't, keep going you will eventually get there.

Many thanks Auriga for setting this up and all you have done to motivate us all.

Lesley. :grin:
Well weighed in this morn at 66.7kg so just 100g over my revised goal. Very happy to see 66 again!
On to the Easter challenge!
Hi! #55 checking in for the last time. In short - I haven't achieved my goal.

In fairness I should have checked in yesterday as I was just 1 lb off the goal and today I'm about 2 lbs off. :bugeyes:

I have let myself go yesterday. After the 3rd fast for the week I was exhausted and very hungry and it was Valentine's day too. :smile: I did take a peak just before my meal yesterday and there was 57.8 kg (the goal was 57.6 kg) on the scales which was the lowest I've ever seen.

I measured today morning and I lost 0.5 cm (which is about 1/5 of an inch) off everywhere: my waist, hips and thighs, which is marvellous. So there was some measurable progress there :victory:

Overall I am happy I have taken on this challenge. It made me focus on my priorities. Thank you @Auriga for setting the VD challenge up! We couldn't have asked for a better host :smile:

And :rose: to all challengers whatever the result.

I'll see some of you over in the SMART Easter Challenge!
Thank you everyone for the was a pleasure...hubby might not get ignored so much now! :heart:
Good luck to all of you who are still chasing that end goal like me! :heart:
Well done everyone who has met their goal :like: & THANK YOU Auriga for so brilliantly running this challenge :star:
Member 29 reporting in & I have gained 6oz & failed to meet my goal :frown:
However during this time I have lost 7 lbs 2 ozs which is better than putting it on & the challenge has kept me focused which can only be good. I will now be continuing with the Easter Challenge & hoping my body will cooperate & start consistently losing weight again.
Member #50 checking in. Thanks for the challenge - it was a great encouragement knowing that I was checking in on Fridays! I'm 3 pounds off my goal which was to crack the 140s. I've discovered I lose about 1 pound a week so I've set that more realistic goal for the Easter challenge. Auriga, thanks for all your hard work in setting this up!
I didn't reach my target :( Got stuck on 9st 2lbs in the end, it's always been a plateau weight for me unfortunately. Ah well, onwards and downwards for the easter challenge!
I set a very low target and reached it. Thank you to everyone. IT's fun to have a challenge like this to focus our efforts. Let's celebrate any weight loss, however small. If you didn't reach your goal, may be your goal was too ambitious. Onward and Downward.
Sallyo wrote: I set a very low target and reached it. Thank you to everyone. IT's fun to have a challenge like this to focus our efforts. Let's celebrate any weight loss, however small. If you didn't reach your goal, may be your goal was too ambitious. Onward and Downward.

You can indeed be overambitious and for some it's enough to make them give up, which is a great shame, because this WOE does work....BUT it needs perseverance: some things are never that easy.
Like @Sallyo I didn't give myself too much of a challenge and in the end revised it downwards 1k which is a boost to the moral I think, besides which I wanted to help everyone by being positive and not dwelling on myself for a while.
I am sorry @BethP that you got stuck on a plateau....that happened to me with the Christmas challenge and I nearly didn't make it in time for Christmas itself and I think it was shear luck that I broke through the plateau in time....two days to spare only. I know it's frustrating when that happens and you were not alone in that.
Quite a few people who joined the challenge at the start never posted after the initial push and I would love to know how they got on and in fact if they are still with us. I DO know that one or two are still here but just haven't told me how they did. I think @Juliana.Rivers has found that too with the Christmas Club. Please post folks, I am still here!! :heart:
I lost 10 lbs but 4 lbs short of my target.. :(
RobMorris wrote: I lost 10 lbs but 4 lbs short of my target.. :(

Hello@RobMorris! Well 10lbs is very, very good even if you didn't make your target! Well done there. :victory:
Hello everyone!!! I couldnt achieve my target and waited for a couple of days just in case there is any loss before reporting!!! :frown: I tried so hard to reduce but looks like I've hit a plateau for the past couple of weeks... Looks like I was able to reduce just 2 lb out of my 5 lb goal :cry: Going to start afresh next week. Taking a break!!!!
My apologies for not reporting in. #52 with a maintain at 167...although I went up during the middle period so glad to bring it back to the start. The weather has really messed with my motivation but I've finally succumbed to using the treadmill while watching music videos and the Olympics!
I came in at 63.3 kilo. So I think that I had gained, let alone lost anything.
However, I did try and explain the situation, with a torrent of events happening, cumulating in the loss of my only Auntie :cry: ....And then hubbs birthday...on Valentines day.
I thought that I would be up and running today...and I was, I did a 16;8, and only 140cals....then came home after a crappy day at work...and drank wine!! (I hope that you can't tell, but it is only 5%..and diluted with lemonade)
Tomorrow is another day...if you are lucky enough to see it!! :confused:
If I am accurate i failed so utterly I actually put on weight. I don't think I will do any more challenges as they are depressing for me as I don't reach any of the self imposed targets.
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