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Thank you for posting everyone! I am really happy for those of you who reached their targets and for those of you who are pleased with your losses so far and glad for those of you who enjoy a challenge and have already signed up with @PennyForthem.
@Maggiee your weight loss was amazing...congratulations! :rose: Good luck everyone with your journey. :heart:
Auriga I usually weigh in on Saturday so if you don't mind I will delay in giving my result until tomorrow morning after my fast today. I don't think I will have managed to reach my goal of 12 stone 12 lbs because of an awful January but I hope I will have lost something. I am trying to hang in there now fasting & to not go above 500 calories but it's grey & rainy & I feel chilly, hungry & empty. Roll on tomorrow :grin:
hey all, in a great mood and been excited to share my news all day!

#77 checking in and I weighed myself and I was 131.6lb....under my goal by 2lbs!!
This averages out over my weekly weight as 133.1-under my target by 0.4lb.

I'm UNDER 11 STONE!!!!!!!!! Wooooo.

Congrats to all on their fantastic results! Happy Valentine's Day xxxxx

EDIT: ha I wish it averaged out at 133.1...I'd be at my overall target. I mean 151.6 and 153.1...I'm a moron :grin:
Congratulations to everyone, first and foremost

N°37 checking in with a big fail.Well, not "fail" per say but I didn't reach my goal. To go on a scale once a week is bad for me, my body doesn't like it at it's used to once a month and I kept losing weight even if I wanted to put 2 kgs on to be over the "underweight" BMI

However, it's a positive experience, it made me learn that I need to go with the flow and not focus on numbers
I have meet my target and am still here going strong. Looking at my weigh in today and seeing my true weight calculation for today I may need to look at changing my Easter smart target although we are away week after next so going to try doing some kind of 16:8 that week.

Congratulations everyone on you losses :like: :like:
And good luck to everyone starting the Easter challenge :clover: :clover:
No 81 checking in

Made my target 146lbs - only just - I jumped off the scales before they changed their mind :wink:

Two weeks ago didn't think I had a chance with 4lbs to lose but lost 2lbs last week & same this week - still don't know how I did it.

Now back to the lowest weight I was in June last year when had to take break of 4 months from fasting due to flare up of my chronic illness - & put on 10lbs in these 4 months :cry:

So glad I came back to fasting - hard to start again but worth it :like:

Next goal - I want to return green too :clover:
Well done to all you Val Challengeers who made your target!
And also well done to those of you who took up the challenge but didnt quite hit your least you tried xxxx :like: :like: :like:
#56 checking in!
My weight is 67.5kgs,I lost 1.3kgs in this challenge :)
I didn't reach my goal but will continue on the Easter Challenge.
Thank you!!!
I've had an awful couple of days with TOTM so I'm going to use my weight from earlier in the week - which was 16.3 so 4 lb over target I think but happy with that nonetheless!
#44 checking in. 8st 13lb again this morning. Really pleased that I have maintained for 9 days in a row so far. However, I have found that I still have to do 5:2 and healthy no white carb 16:8 every other day. Friday evenings is wey hey and I definitely overdo it. Red wine and valentines chocs tonight. I am always going to have to watch my TDEE I think.

Thank you Auriga for organising this challenge, it really did keep me focused
No 24 checking in for the last time at 11st 8lb. Doesn't look good but I lost 4lb this week, the previous weeks I had put on weight as I had been unwell. A good start for the Easter challenge.
Hi all #19 checking in here. So the end of the challenge is here and I have lost a whole 2 lbs since my xmas gain :( (today's weight is 172.6lbs). I didn't make my Valantines day goal but I have lost a whole lb this last week. I'm happy about that because I've had weeks of going up and down the same quarter lb. I hope my weight has started moving again now. Thanks for the challenge Auriga hope I do better on the next one
:) Well done everyone :)
Checking in managed 10.5 lb 3.5 lb off target :-(
well done everyone who reached theirs
can everybody keep their valentines signatures till i can tally my christmas club as sometimes i can use end results of the VD club if they have posted final weights. thanks.
Thanks to all for their posts and encouragement. Thanks to Auriga for setting this up and well done to all who got to their goals.
#71 signing out with 129 lbs, just 3 away from that imaginary goal! I must get there and a bit below? for wiggle room with SMART Easter encouragement.
I gained over birthday last weekend, but am at least on the downward trend again. Going on with 5:2 and the odd 16:8.
I will not have alcohol, sparse dark chocolate! watching carbs and the TDEE, weighing every day, coming to this forum daily too, enjoying healthy foods plus nuts and natural fats, trying new recipes, and not stressing out. Sounds great! I happily compare the state I was in, large and unhealthy a year ago, with how I feel now. It's marvellous to get it in perspective. :like: :heart:
I'm grateful to be dry and safe in this spate of storms and my heart goes out to those having such hard and tragic times.
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