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Number 39 checking in - still 13 st 5 so did not reach my target. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Going now to sign in for Easter Challenge (if at first you don't succeed, try try again)
Failed 9st 3lb, I did manage 9st 1lb earlier in the week but had a blow out yesterday :-(. Thank you for organising x

Valantine challange 69
I made it - 10 6.7/8, so a close shave under 10 7!!
I have lost another lb - so 3 altogether since 1 Jan - but a close thing! I am now 10st which is my interim goal - so very pleased. :grin: :victory: :grin:
No 62 here. Why did I weigh yesterday I never usually weigh before my actual day which is Fridays! So yesterday I was at goal 14st happy dance and hardly daring to eat, however this morning that pesky 1lb has reappeared so have not met goal as I am 14st 1lb :frown:

Ow well time for birthday celebrations and then fast again on Monday happy valentines everybody.
I failed

Bean :cry:
#33 reporting in for the end of the Valentine's Day Challenge...

Well, I didn't quite make my target, finishing at 142 lb rather than the 140 lb I was aiming for.

However I'm still really pleased with this as a) I didn't get OCD about meeting my target, just plodded along with my basic 5:2 / 16:8 some days, and b) I've kind of lost my mojo* this week and have been overeating on non fast days, so a .75 lb loss this morning was a pleasant surprise!

* I've had a think about this, and know why - fed up with winter/weather, tired, work and family stress. Not much I can do about these things at the moment, but hoping that being aware of them will put me back on track next week...

Many thanks to Auriga for running this challenge, and good luck to everyone!
Whoosh! Yesterday's fast plus an hour's swimming has done the trick...a 600g drop on the scales taking me below my Valentine's target! And I didn't even need to cut my toenails or shave my legs to reach it!!

@Auriga I've gone green as Juliana would say.

In fact I've gone green in two ways, my BMI is now in the normal range so the progress tracker is showing me in green, hurrah! Just 1.1kg to final target, bring on the Easter challenge! But first I have a hotel break next week so I'll probably be back in the overweight category for a while :oops:
@Auriga, OMG I know it's only just but made 57.9, lowest since I started this. I am soooo pleased. Maybe one day I will get to 57.

Thanks for organising this & happy valentine's day to everybody.
Just like bean I have failed. Miserably! Stuck to my routine and even when I carbed out I was still within my TDEE. Sadly I have put in nearly 4 kgs in the last week or so. Not a happy bunny at all. I don't want to spoil it for everyone and be a complete misery guts... congratulations to everyone on this challenge that has been successful and reached your target. Well done!! xxxx
#41 - failure here - missed target by 1lb. HOWEVER I have lost 6lb since the beginning of the year so I'm not downhearted. If I hadn't put on a 1lb at Christmas I would have made it. Ah well, nearly there!

Thanks for organising Auriga :)
The moral of this story is challenges don't work for everyone, including me :0(
71.8kgs today.
Ho hum.
I didn't make my goal of 12 stone but I have stated losing the standard 1lb a week so am happy. I made it to 12.8.4 which is good considering I put on about 3lb over Xmas.
Thanks for organising @Auriga :like:
I'm now heading over to the Easter Smarty pants Challenge to make a determined effort to get to 12 stone. :oops: :heart:
PennyForthem wrote: I made it - 10 6.7/8, so a close shave under 10 7!!

:heart: Well done @PennyForthem I never thought of that one tell us again what exactly did you shave to make your valentines goal??? :shock:

Well done @carorees We knew you'd do it :heart:
I normally officially WI on Monday, but seeing as today is the last day of the challenge and I'm going to be away from my scale Monday morning, I figured I'd do it today. I'm down another pound! I didn't reach my goal (it was somewhat aggressive), but I'm down a total of 3 lbs for the challenge (and that includes a small blip in the beginning where I went up.) I'm headed in the right direction and will continue it in the Easter Challenge.

Thanks @Auriga for doing this. You've been a fabulous challenge host, very encouraging and supportive!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Splurge a little!
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