The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Which meals do you usually have on a fast day?

Breakfast, lunch and evening meal
Breakfast and evening meal
Breakfast and lunch
Lunch and evening meal
Evening meal only
Lunch only
Breakfast only
No meals
No Snacks
Total votes : 987

carorees wrote: Ah well if you don't get cold, no increase in BAT. High intensity exercise activates BAT so you could, um, try running up the mountains in full diving kit?

What's BAT?
Brown Adipose Tissue
Just changed my eating pattern on fast days. Was having one evening meal but found after I ate it I felt just as hungry if not more and the evening was dominated by hunger. So now don't have an evening meal but treat myself to a cocoa and a banana before bed, it seems to be working. The cocoa tastes fantastic and I seem to have lost the kilo I gained last week.
So, your only calories are the banana and the hot chocolate? And you're not hungry afterwards? Interesting!
what are you eating on the days either side of your fasts?
Bear in mind the plan is to do this for the rest of your life, cocoa and banana does not sound very long term
I'm eating normally on the days either side of my fasts so a bigger calorie restriction on the fast days is not really an issue. I wouldn't bother at all with food on a fast day after the last couple of fasts experience with only the banana and cocoa before bed but I'm a bit worried I might not be able to sleep without having some calories. I do drink plenty through out the day including black coffee, diet squash and bovril so will be getting a few calories with these. Hubby has not eaten anything on his fast days for the last 2 fasts and seems to sleep fine with no problems of hunger keeping him awake so I might drop the pre bed snack in time, I'll just see how it goes.
I think it is sustainable as its only 2 days (perhaps one if I reach target weight) in a week the other days I eat normally. Eating an evening meal on fast days just seemed to make me feel more hungry and want to continue eating all evening and I was running out of ideas with what to do with a pile of vegetables each fast day!
This is just my 3rd fast day.
The first 2 i did 1 evening meal plus snacks of fruit, tea/coffee.
Today all i'v had is 1 cup of tea and mineral water and i'v not been hungry all day. The dinner is in the oven, having homemade bean chili, should be yummy :)
Ember just reminded me about home made soup, yep think I'll try that next week.
I usually have 2 weetabix with skimmed milk for breakfast then nothing till evening when I have a weight watchers meal.
I may experiment, that's the beauty of this programme it has so much flexibility.
When I say lunch and dinner, lunch usually consists of 2 ryvita with tapenade paste, 1 stick of celery and an apple or pear, then an evening meal of 300-400 calories. I survive until lunch on cups of apple and cinnamon tea with 1 sweetener. This is of course taken in the office, where colleagues are watching my progress with interest if not perhaps bated breath.

I seem, in my third week to not be able to get below my total loss achieved in the first 10 days (3.5Kg). I am hopeful that by the end of this week I will drop below 97Kg, a place I haven't been for a couple of years. Why did I send those 34 and 36 inch waist suits and trousers to the charity shop?

Plus the added bonus that I spend nothing on food in central London on fast days
I have been having a banana for breakfast, orange for lunch then a tuna or prawn salad for dinner on my fast days.....the odd rice cake if struggling at 4pm!!
It seems to be working for me....
Breakfast - mixed low sugar cereals with diluted milk; lunch - celery /cucumber /mushroom /watercress; dinner - plain veg with a little fish or other meat. Usually more than six hours between lunch and dinner. Don't think I could survive without lunch. Have always felt very hungry (as does my eldest sister, who is physically similar to me), my other sister and brother (who are slimmer) do not suffer from hunger as much (nor does my husband, or indeed his mother).
Yesterday I experimented and found that I do better by having lunch (cereal and skimmed milk) and low cal evening meal but with skimmed milk in my tea.
Poll done.
In an ideal 5:2 world is a 18-24 hr fast better than breaking down into 12 hr fasts?
Possibly but we don't know...
That simple huh? ;-)
Thanks muchly.
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