The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

69 posts Page 4 of 5
Congratulations! What an amazing transformation you have achieved, you look gorgeous and like a different person. I bet some people haven't recognised you! :grin: :lol: :smile:
Congratulations, what a fantastic inspiration you are to newbies to 5:2 like me. Thank you for posting and showing me just what can be achieved. Good luck with the rest of your journey. :victory:
You look absolutely stunning.
It is very inspirational to see your pictures.
Holy smithers!!! OK, if you could do it so can I. I will probably take me a while to get there (my goal is 20kg) ....Seeing your pictures will make my fasting days worthwhile, that's for sure.
Extremely well don girl!! :smile:
You look like a completely different woman! Absolutely an inspiration, you gorgeous thing :smile: :like:
Gosh - you look amazing! Well done.

Also - where did you get your dress/what brand is it?? It's beautiful, and just what I am looking for someday....
I've been dipping in and out recently and didn't notice how many replies there were here. Thank you all so much.

Anyway I thought I would post another quick before and after as I've now hit my target and have been trying to maintain (still not quite there, am losing but very very slowly) for the last month and a bit.


I haven't gotten rid of my love of silly hats.
Wow, look at you :like: :clover: :star:

You tiny thing :) Looking fab ! and green hair..... :wink:

W E L L D O N E :dance:
Look at you and your teeny tiny waist. You look absolutely incredible. Very inspiring. Thank you!
I honestly wouldn't have known that those pics were of the same person you look so different. Very well done, you look ab fab!!
callyanna wrote: I honestly wouldn't have known that those pics were of the same person you look so different. Very well done, you look ab fab!!

That's exactly what I thought! Well done indeed! :like:

And who knew fasting could make such changes to your hair colour :razz:
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