The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

76 posts Page 2 of 6
From a new member and new to 5-2 point of view you are a true inspiration :like: - a huge round of applause :clap: both for the great post and yeah I did read to the end :grin: to your final brilliant achievement
Congratulations minigill
I too would love to see picis :wink:
How FANTASTIC must be so pleased! :clap: :clap: :star: :star:
I have loved reading this! What an inspiration. Amazing. I am sat here struggling to get through my fast and then you read something like this and it just makes you think, yes, it is worth it, keep going! Thank you for posting this.
Congratulations Minigill on achieving your goal! :victory:

You story was interesting and ispiring :smile:
Well done! It's great to read about your success! :like:
@minigill you are a star. Shining bright in my little sky. :star:
You are so modest as well. The post is very well written , and easy to complete. Actually wanted more.
Very inspirational! Congratulations and good luck with maintenance!
Thank you for writing such an inspirational story and the best thing is that it was archived because of the effort you put in. You make it sound so simple, but changing eating habits of a lifetime is a huge deal - kudos to you for sticking at it and not obsessing about the numbers too much :heart: :like:

A huge congratulations, what an achievement and what a wonderful way to start 2014. :grin: :grin:

Good luck with maintenance :clover: :clover:
Crikey guys, thanks for all the lovely comments, I am very touched :heart: :clover:

It was a pleasure to write it :smile: :grin:

22 Jan 2014, 17:23
I did write a reply earlier, which seemed to get munched when the original post was moved around. I think.

Quite a few here will know that @Minigill is my gorgeous OH, but few will know just how proud of her I am. :heart:

She is inspirational to me on my own 5:2 journey, a bit slower, but that is down to my own (in)discipline, but always helpful with keeping me close to the path! :worship:

Thanks also to all the other people on here, too many to mention individually without the risk of inadvertently missing someone, but you have all made a huge difference to both of us.

Even though I am only just into orange on the BMI scale, I feel the cold more than I did, but it is my excuse to snuggle up! :kissing:

Congratulations, @Minigill. What a brilliant post and it matches your brilliant achievement! It certainly sounds as if you are going to have no problem with maintenance. Keep us posted on that journey, please! :smile:

Just saw the post from @fixedwheel What a lovely husband you are! You too have done extremely well with your weight loss!

Now you can both enjoy a healthier life together, supporting each other as you go.

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Congratulations on reaching your target. I am a little bit green at how fast you have managed it but we will all get there in our own time. Your time is NOW - HURRAY!!
StowgateResident wrote: Congratulations, @Minigill.

Just saw the post from @fixedwheel What a lovely husband you are! You too have done extremely well with your weight loss!

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Husband, that will frighten him :lol: We have been going out a couple of years but live apart, so I keep my beady eye on him to keep him on track :grin: :heart:
Logged on for a bit of pre-dinner distraction as I'm ravenous and found this fantastic story. I love to read about people who have been doing this for a while, quietly plugging away and then can be the living proof that this really works. I loved reading it, didn't mind how long it was I could have read more. And I can't wait to see the photos - I bet you look amazing now!

And I can't believe no one's mentioned this but JAFFA CAKE ICE CREAM??!! Homemade or bought? It sounds incredible!

Pre dinner distraction... more like dinner has now passed with the length of my post !

Jaffa cake ice cream was homemade from a farm shop just outside Abingdon... it REALLY did taste of jaffa biscuits ! Had a scoop of salted caramel with it as well.

Utterly divine... who cares it was only 9.30 am in the morning ! and cold outside... :lol: How does one resist Jaffa IC ! Never seen it before either.
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