The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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Hi everyone!

I posted this elsewhere but decided to add my before and after photo's!

I was in Japan in January, 2013 and attended my friends wedding! Shock when I saw myself on the video and yes, I knew I was overweight but not sooo much!

I remember I needed to buy a brand new suit for the wedding!! Too expensive..!

I was 14 stone ( 196 pounds, 88.9 kilograms ) on return to England, and heard about 5:2 and read the book! Kicked off on the 2nd February and set a goal of 10 stone 10 pounds (150 pounds , 68 kilo!)

When I began 5:2 Saturday 2nd Feb 2013 I was 13st 7.99lbs -- 189.99lbs - 86.18kg and my around the middle measurement was 45" and BMI 30.53

I am 5 foot 6 inches - 166 centimetres!

This photo was taken in July 2012 on top of 2912 metres high Corno Grande in Southern Italy. I guess I was more than 13 stone 7 pounds in that photo.


The skinny twin joined the photo, one year later, in July 2013! He was 10 stone 10.6 pounds - 150.6 pounds - 68.3 kilograms! So only 0.6 pounds off of the goal!

That skinny twin has now reached 10 stone 4 pounds, 144 pounds - 65.32 kilograms and he can now wear 34 inch waist trousers and has a BMI of 23.14

The suit that I bought for the wedding now is in the charity shop!!


This is because the seamstress told me it would be cheaper to buy a new suit rather than tailoring my big suit to fit me! :doh:


Hope you enjoy my before and after photo's!! :oops:
Loving it! Thanks for copying these to the before and after really is great to see the dramatic results we are getting from 5:2!
You look great, well done you, :like: :like: :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Wow, the before and after photos are really inspiring, thanks for sharing them.
Wow thats incredible. look fab!! Thanks for sharing :)
Wow! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

Would you mind sharing as well how did you put both of your pictures in one? It looks amazing and it is so funny!
Great photos, love the 2 photos in 1 too !

Well done you, big pat on the back x
Great pics and great result, congratulations! :like:
Thanks everyone..!

Hi Iztla!

Iztla wrote: Would you mind sharing as well how did you put both of your pictures in one? It looks amazing and it is so funny!

I used a photo editing software and loaded the mountain photo and extended the canvas ( size ) of the photo. I than cut a section of the the mountain and then mirrored the section and then pasted it back into the free space. :like:

Therefore 'large tummy me' was on the left with extra mountain pasted to the right. :cool:

I then loaded the 'small tummy me' photo and using a lasso cut tool and the mouse, I carefully traced all around my head, legs and body. I then copied that section of the trace ... to the clipboard... :lol:


and pasted it into the mountain free space. :smile:

I then zoomed in on the photo and carefully removed any odd colours such as the green grass from the second photo..!


and then saved...

Piece of cake...! :grin: But not on a fasting day..
Really impressive results! Way to go! And thanks for posting the pics!!

Great photos! Congratulations ofiaich!

My hat off to you. Great work. The pants resizing is just amazing.
Well done Ofiach, what a transformation! :like: :like: :like:
Looking fab Ofiaich! :victory:
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