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Benefits & Side Effects

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Hi everyone.

I'm still 'pigging out' on the day after a fast. I must have eaten (wait for it) 3000 cals yesterday. I did something similiar last week and still lost, but I get frustrated because I want so much to eat better and stick to within a 'normal' calorie intake. I've always been a binger, so it may take me longer to get used to this new WOE.

Is anyone else a binger and finding it difficult to stick within a healthy calorie count the day after a fast day? Am I being too picky?

Thanks for reading and forgive the rant. :roll:
I get a headache every time. Usually it's only mild but a couple of times I've needed to take some painkillers. It goes away as soon as I eat my one meal in the evening so I presume it is to do with my metabolism producing ketones. I drink lots and that doesn't seem to make much difference apart from the increased exercise with walking to and from the loo!
Hi Nikipins

I got headaches for the first few fasting days but I don't any longer. I found a cup of vegetable stock helped...I wondered whether I had peed out too much salt! I don't think it's the ketones that cause the headaches actually (there is good evidence that ketones actually are neuroprotective), I think it is low blood sugar and/or caffeine withdrawal as I had decaf coffee the first few times but now I'm back on the hard stuff! I also speculate that nowadays my body switches into fat mobilisation faster so I don't get the low blood sugar headaches.

Some say that having a low carb meal before the fast starts helps to get you into ketosis quicker...
Hi all

Remember I mentioned a few posts back that I get an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach on the day after a fast day? Well, I discovered why....too much breakfast! :oops:

I cut my breakfast by a third this morning and what do you know, my stomach feels completely normal!!! :D

It only took me 11 weeks to work this out! :roll:
Interesting stuff.

I have discovered that I really don't need to eat a conventional lunch - a sandwich or whatever. Fruit, a few nuts & raisins and some yogurt is all I need and want.

All those years of cheese sandwiches ... :roll:

I would rather have a hearty meal in the evening when I really enjoy it.
I find the same thing Jo, I don't really need a lunch I just feel like I ought to because it's 'lunch time'. It's always been a bit of a chore trying to figure out what to have because I guess I never really needed it so my body wasn't asking for something. Occasionally I'll have a lunch ready if there are leftovers and I might look forward to that... and eat it just because I 'ought' to. Today I haven't had lunch. I've nibbled a few dried apricots & a square of dark choc (better than having a wagon wheel or somethng!) and don't really feel hungry.
Yes, Moogie, my thoughts exactly.

Normally, I would have a sandwich because it's lunch time and be so bored with the ham/cheese/tuna options! I would eat it anyway.

Today, I'm really looking forward to my pork in cider casserole which I fully intend to have with mashed potato (sorry if you're fasting reading this! :lol: ) I know I'll enjoy it all the more because it's my only MAIN meal of the day (not my only meal, I had breakfast which I still really enjoy).

I wish I had discovered this years ago!

I'm hoping this change in eating habits will have a positive effect on my health and weight. I feel more energetic/less tired already and feel like doing some exercise (unusual!)

I'm enjoying fruit, nuts, berries etc. Have I accidentally gone Paleo/Cavewoman? :o

I posted earlier in this thread that I was experiencing excessive hunger on the day after my fast days. I’m pleased to report that after fasting yesterday I did not experience this today.

I have stuck to a low-carb day; eating egg and bacon for breakfast, omelette for lunch and salmon and veg for dinner. I have had a ‘Go’ biscuit and 2 milky coffees (half milk and half fresh coffee), but most importantly no bread. This seems to have worked for me, so I may do this every time. Bread really is a trigger food for me.

Just thought I would post this in case anyone else was experiencing the same thing as me.

M x
That's interesting shell, I'm trying to eat less bread, avoiding it totally in the middle of the day.

I think I have more energy and a feeling of mental alertness.

Interesting to experiment, isn't it?
Hi Jo

It is interesting. There is a book called 'Wheat Belly' by William Davis MD, which explains why some of us can't eat the stuff.

It's hard to think of something else other than bread to eat sometimes. I miss it as well, especially the white crusty stuff. LOL
I am apple shaped and may well have a wheat belly! I will have to look at this book, shell!

I'm concerned about my abdominal fat and am hoping to reduce it for health.

Bread makes an easy meal but actually, a lot of the stuff I eat isn't even very nice! How ridiculous? :lol: I got some Irish Wheaten bread recently (Rankin?) which WAS good and French bread is often lovely.

I daren't make homemade bread in case I eat it all! :shock: Don't tell breadandwine!

I am interested in Mark's Daily Apple and his primal eating - no bread there.
Fast Jo- I make my own bread too and to stop it all getting eaten and keep the freshness, I slice it when cools and stick it straight into the freezer. It's still really fresh and yummy when it gets defrosted. Might be worth a try?
janeg wrote: Fast Jo- I make my own bread too and to stop it all getting eaten and keep the freshness, I slice it when cools and stick it straight into the freezer. It's still really fresh and yummy when it gets defrosted. Might be worth a try?

janeg - that's a good idea! I was imagining me and a packet of butter at the kitchen table ...! :o
That happens with the outsider before it the rest goes into the freezer!
Janeg ha! Yes - far too nice!
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