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Digestive I don't know if this is too indelicate, so I will type it in white font and you'll have to highlight it if you want to read something gross:

I have rather horrid bowel movements the day after a fast day. It's huge and stinky and extra gross and makes me think I'm getting really cleaned out.

I'm only on my 3rd week, having done 5 fast days and it happens the next morning without fail.

I also notice I"m irritable when making dinner, but otherwise I"m fine. I have reached a point where I don't eat anything but broth, herb tea or black coffee until about 6pm.

Cold sensitiveity
- I'm definitely a lot more cold sensitive - and we're having a cold snap where the temps are well below freezing before you add in the wind chill.
Hi Tracieknits

I had to laugh at having to highlight the text, first time I've seen that. I wasn't shocked at all :o

I don't think you have to worry about it too much, as long as it's not diarrhea. Just make sure you drink plenty and try and eat as nutritiously as possible.

Good luck

Tracieknits wrote: Digestive I don't know if this is too indelicate, so I will type it in white font and you'll have to highlight it if you want to read something gross:

...ah, which reminds me! The 'spoiler' BBCode is always handy to install on a forum. You can now post stuff within the 'spoiler' bbcode tags so that it will only display when a user clicks on the 'show' button :)

For example:

COFFEE: It's been quite a few days that I don't enjoy my coffee during the day (only the one at breakfast). Is that to do with the 5:2?
Me too Pashcaline, I seldom have an after lunch coffee anymore.
Isn't it generally a good idea to keep one's coffee intake moderate anyway? I just restrict myself out of habit -- I could drink it all day long, and with a Nespresso machine, that could get expensive very quickly.
OK, so yesterday was my usual fast day and I felt fine, if a little hungry - obviously, and had my last food at about 8.30pm.

This morning I woke at 4am, not hungry at all, but couldn't get back to sleep as I had a slight headache. I've been swimming this morning (just 30 mins gentle front crawl - nothing too strenuous!) and I felt awful. Very light-headed, no energy at all and still a bit headachey.

This is about the third time this has happened - but it only happens if I've woken up early after my 2nd fast day of the week. If I manage to stay asleep to my usual time (5.30 - 6 am) I'm absolutely fine and can go swimming and not eat until 9am! I know that not drinking enough doesn't help but I drink LOADS on a fast day!

Any thoughts / similar experiences?
Hmm, well in diabetes it is common to get high blood sugar in the early morning, which increases insulin needs. As, I presume, you do not have diabetes, I am guessing you may have some impairment of glucose metabolism if you are overweight. So, what this could mean is that you are getting an increase in blood glucose in the early morning. It may be that, when you wake early, there is also an increase of the stress hormone, cortisol, which also interferes with glucose metabolism, which when combined with your insulin production in response to the high blood sugar causes too much sugar to be removed from your blood, resulting in a low blood sugar episode, and causing a headache.

This is just a guess, mind you! If you don't normally have breakfast on a feed day until after exercise you might consider having a small snack on days you wake early to see if that cures the headache. If it doesn't, then my guesses are all wrong!
Thanks for that Caroline.

I don't have diabetes as far as I'm aware and I'm not overweight (BMI 25) but I do have to be careful that I don't go too long without food or else I get headaches (I still have to have 3 meals a day on a fast day).

I did eat before swimming today as I woke early - a slice of brown bread and a pack of go ahead biscuits and I've since had my 'proper' breakfast of porridge & banana and I now feel OK, just a bit tired.

It doesn't happen every week so I think it's just me!
Slightly bad breath?

Apologies! Sad but true. :lol:
Jem: I think waking up too early can give anyone a headache ;-)
I am so glad I was pointed in the direction of this forum. I'm on my fourth fast day and wondered why I felt so cold - even colder than 'normal'.
Hi Pennyforthem

Digesting food generates heat from the work involved in digestion. That keeps you warm. No digestion on fast days = feeling cold! Not helped, I have to say, with our current wintry weather! A hot cup of Bovril or similar helps a lot!
Thank you! I do like Oxo, too. Miso broth is also excellent.
Internet addiction, I do seem to spend a lot of time on this forum!
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