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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 08:20
:doh: :doh: :doh: Of course. I'm a bit slow this morning. Must be grain brain (and cheese brain) :bugeyes: :bugeyes:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 08:25
Morning all, I was mugged by a piece of Christmas Cake at a friend's house yesterday, then again by 2 of Heston's Mince pies last evening. It's odd I didn't see the Mince Pies coming as I had to take them out of the freezer and defrost them. Ah well.

Son has another Uni offer - Southampton, bringing his total to 3, which will make the choice of 2 more difficult. A nice problem to have though.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 08:32
SianS wrote: Morning all, I was mugged by a piece of Christmas Cake at a friend's house yesterday, then again by 2 of Heston's Mince pies last evening. It's odd I didn't see the Mince Pies coming as I had to take them out of the freezer and defrost them. Ah well.

Son has another Uni offer - Southampton, bringing his total to 3, which will make the choice of 2 more difficult. A nice problem to have though.

That's funny Sian! Food gets quite violent this time of year doesn't it? We need to take extra precautions. Big congrats to your son. Sounds like he has some important choices ahead.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 09:01
A first for everything, first fast in a heat wave, neither here nor there, but different.
Still zero energy and zombified. Been fasting every week, but out summer has been slow to be warm.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 09:03
Oh dear. Clearly today is not a good choice for a fast. Sounds like I'm going to have a nice day though :cool:

Today's Scorpio Horoscope
Today during the day this influence brings about pleasant feelings between you and everyone around you. It is a good time for being with friends or out having a good time. You enjoy everyone around you and they enjoy you. Similarly you will enjoy good food and drink now, but be careful not to overdo it. During this time you will tend to take things into yourself, so it is easy to overindulge.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 09:39
A heatwave, Zamale? I think I remember heat??!

Meeting a friend for a cuppa and a catchup this morning - at the same place I used to meet Suchard before she moved to the seaside. I miss her on here - where is she? Still buried under packing boxes??
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 10:43
Morning all, I've been hand washing cashmere and silk pashminas this morning. They are all on the line dripping in the sunshine. I made one mistake when rummaging in the charity shops, you can tell a man made fabric by feel when its wet, though viscose can fool me a lot of the time. But the one man made shawl/scarf is in more manly colours, so hubby can have that as an extra pressy this year.

Today I have a little bit of adaptation to do to the home made dining table, such as re-doing the legs so they are wider apart and if I have time doing two more drawers for my larder unit.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 10:47
rawkaren wrote: :doh: :doh: :doh: Of course. I'm a bit slow this morning. Must be grain brain (and cheese brain) :bugeyes: :bugeyes:

Dunno about you, Karen, but my t'internet is so slow this morning and it hasn't got grain brain, more like brain drain.
Trying to order hub's pressie (I like to be well organised, don't I?) took almost an hour, with trips upstairs to reset the router, plugging in the 3G dongle when router fails again, only for signal to drop out on 3G.

Grrrrr... but it's done now.

I'm off to make sage and onion stuffing and lemon thyme stuffing and pop them in the freezer. Have a lovely day, peeps!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 10:49
Julieathome wrote: ...such as re-doing the legs so they are wider apart....

Glad you're not a 'human' surgeon, @Julieathome

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 11:16
My internet is slow. It must be all the last minute shoppers!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 11:19
Same here, to open a topic takes a big minute and it's driving me crazy
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 11:32
Hi there
just a thought for those with slow or sluggish internet, go to tools, manage "add ons" and disable all the one that you don't recognise, usually there are in toolbars extensions, they really clog up your system and are a pain!! (under the guise of search engines ) then refresh your page and this should do the trick and speed up things a little, good luck!!! I do this as soon as I switch on pc :-)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 12:05
All ok for me and I still have the snow on. :like:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 14:55
Well you can tell the winter solstice is almost upon us here in the wilds of Northumberland. It's not even 3pm, its dark and its snowing (for real, not the virtual kind) :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 15:42
Hope you don't snowed in @rawkaren and @silverdarling

My stuffings are made: lemon parsley, sage and onion and a rice, sage and orange one.

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