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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 16:06
I now have my computer back and working. :victory: Didn't really understand what was wrong with it but doubtless SIL will be able to explain tomorrow .
Suspect I might have to invest in a new one after Christmas . :frown:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 17:33
My fortune cookie from yesterday's Chinese dinner says "You will soon receive a package of joy from a friend or relative."

Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 18:19
Dentist attended; my usual away ill, I waited 40 minutes and saw an efficient lady who cheerfully told me I really needed a crown but here have yet another temporary filling again :0(
Next appointment is May but I've a feeling I'll be back before then.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 18:25
@rawkaren I hear what you say about the Winter Solstice, I always feel like we've turned a corner once the days stop getting shorter

(OMG I got the tag thing to work)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 18:28
I always think that, by the end of January, you can really see the difference.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 20:06
rawkaren wrote: Well you can tell the winter solstice is almost upon us here in the wilds of Northumberland. It's not even 3pm, its dark and its snowing (for real, not the virtual kind) :shock: :shock: :shock:

Got that driving into Morpeth for my hair appointment around 3.30 - slushy snow and sky yellowy brown, roads aflood!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 20:09
I think we can do snow one-up-manship @rawkaren
- that is, until the Scots but in :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 20:44
Couldn't sleep longer than 5 am, just out of a fast. So I start to make my salads, one a seafood pasta, the other a gorgeous Jamie Oliver chorizo watercress potato salad with garlic aoli. So for breakfast I ate raw red capsicum, milk coffee, tiny slice of cooked chorizo and a grated frozen lemon in water.
Keep chanting dont want to feel bloat, dont want to feel bloat, but I know as these days flow on, I will feel damn bloat.
My eyes and tongue and imagination :confused: rule over my poor tummy
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 20:50
I know Zam..i am predicting a bloat too
But what can we do..
accept its Xmas and de- bloat soon as its over, is my guess! X
I hate feeling bloaty these days specially now midriff and belly are looking more trim...
But i want dem Crimbo Carbs! Been good so far as regards mince pies...not a crumb has passed my lips yet! Different story come next week tho!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 20:52
PennyForthem wrote:
Julieathome wrote: ...such as re-doing the legs so they are wider apart....

Glad you're not a 'human' surgeon, @Julieathome

:shock: :shock: :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 20:57
angie090465 wrote: Hi there
just a thought for those with slow or sluggish internet, go to tools, manage "add ons" and disable all the one that you don't recognise, usually there are in toolbars extensions, they really clog up your system and are a pain!! (under the guise of search engines ) then refresh your page and this should do the trick and speed up things a little, good luck!!! I do this as soon as I switch on pc :-)

Hi @angie090465 thanks for the advice x
I havent got tools or at least cant find..
My ipad is v slow but only on this site.fine everywhere else but i just now got rid of some apps i dont need

I think the prob here is Too Many Tents and Tentees causing a bottleneck x :confused: xx
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
19 Dec 2013, 23:38
I suspect my 'repaired' computer is going to give up the ghost soon! Hopefully it at least is number 3 of things that go wrong. OH car was 2 and another computer was 1 ! At least the car isn't terminal.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 00:23
Can anyone chat?? Hearing speak of winter solstice, I am looking forward to summer solstice. I am so not a summer person, our summers are hot, dry dusty, neverending days, hot nights. Give me cold days and colder nights and I'm happy:)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 00:47
Me too..i feel more well when its cool STM..the heat makes my sore joints and muscles hurt more,the cold soothes the inflammation
Just signing off now,past my bedtime x x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 04:15
You can really tell when the Brits are asleep. Gets really quiet around the forum. Here I am looking to be distracted from pre-Christmas cleanup, and no one is about...
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