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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 09:56
zamale wrote: @CandiceMarie What are dem Crimbo carbs? When it comes to cool and what is trending, I'm last always and always last with a joke. doh :bugeyes:

Hi @zamale I'm the opposite of cool n trendy hehe! I just have an annoying habit of abbreviating everything!
Crimbo carbs = Christmas carbohydrates such as christmas cake,mince pies etc etc etc!
( yummers!) XX
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 10:13
What a panic this morning. Woke up to my oldest daughter running into my bedroom saying it is 8:32am and we are late for school! I'm on holiday this week and haven't been setting my alarm just getting up when I hear the girls up...oops. 15mins late two girls and there mum sitting in a frozen car - another 5mins later windscreen scraped and off to school.

I've got so much to do today and I end up spending lots of time on here, again!

@Silverdarling sorry to disappoint at the moment. We had big snow yesterday but is was the heavy, big, wet stuff. Although about 20 miles away up the hills they had a few inches of lovely Christmassy white stuff.

Must go now and get the slow cooker on.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 10:33
You know the feeling... thinking, 'what have we done?'
Well, what have we done?

A friend has been taken into hospital and will probably be there a while. She has 2 dogs, both of which are temporarily at her mum's. She's looking to rehome one of them, so, as we seem to be suckers for dogs, we've said we'll take her. We must be crackers, but I can't bear (like her owner) to think of this lovely little dog going off to kennels and whatever fate might await her. I just hope she gets on with ours and the pack balance isn't altered too much. Our old dog is still with us, but we know it won't be for too long - a few months at the most, we think.

Anyway, all this exercise will keep us fit!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 10:37
@Wildmissus I know what you mean about spending too much time on here. As poor Princess Diana once famously said, " there are three of us in this marriage!" It may have to impose a time restraint on this in the new year but I know I won't actually carry it out, too, too, addicted :bugeyes: :bugeyes: :bugeyes:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 10:38
Ahhh how kind Penny x
I cant bear to think of animals being unhappy either,and this little one obviously has a very happy future ahead
Thank you for doing that x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 10:48
Ballerina wrote: @Wildmissus I know what you mean about spending too much time on here. As poor Princess Diana once famously said, " there are three of us in this marriage!" It may have to impose a time restraint on this in the new year but I know I won't actually carry it out, too, too, addicted :bugeyes: :bugeyes: :bugeyes:

Ballerina x :heart:

Know EXACTLY what you mean B - here I am, packed and ready - and spending 5 mins 'just checking' the forum, before setting off thru the Tyne Tunnel and down the A19 :shock: :lol: :wink:

@wildmissus no snow, thank God! @PennyForthem great re dog - would love the chance to take one on, but at the mo, can't - maybe if my circumstances alter ... :like:

@Azureblue weight steady at 69.8 - haha that's :victory: avoid any fried egg sarnies tho! :shock: :wink: PS I may be stopping for my customary bacon butty near Thirsk!!! :evil:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 10:51
Off to daughter's until Sunday evening. Son and family and my mother arrive Monday. No I'm not fasting but may lose weight by tearing my hair out!-only joking but it will be a bit hectic.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 12:18
Things are getting exciting arent they with peeps going to n fro all over the place visiting and being visited
I am off to london later til 28th woooooohooooooo
Safe journeys everyone ! Peace and Love! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 12:42
PennyForthem wrote: You know the feeling... thinking, 'what have we done?'
Well, what have we done?

A friend has been taken into hospital and will probably be there a while. She has 2 dogs, both of which are temporarily at her mum's. She's looking to rehome one of them, so, as we seem to be suckers for dogs, we've said we'll take her. We must be crackers, but I can't bear (like her owner) to think of this lovely little dog going off to kennels and whatever fate might await her. I just hope she gets on with ours and the pack balance isn't altered too much. Our old dog is still with us, but we know it won't be for too long - a few months at the most, we think.

Anyway, all this exercise will keep us fit!

hi Penny
just wanted to say great on you for taking the little dog, I love dogs too and have two rescue babies from Battersea, if I could have more I would! I would love a huge house with huge land lol, if only...
My two really keep me fit,most of the time they take ME for walkies lol! :lol:
Am sure your new addition will settle just fine, you have done a very decent and good thing :-) :grin: :like:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 12:44
Ange,If i won the lottery i'd love to open a donkey sanctuary with a cattery and doggery as well ! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 12:47
Awwww brilliant!

then id pack up my job and get a job down there :-) xx
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 12:59
I LIKE shopping on Christmas Eve, its usually quieter as everyone thinks that its going to be crazy so they stay away. You can also get some fantastic bargains last minute on Christmas eve by hanging around the fresh food aisles as they have to get rid of stuff that has a best before date of 24th, 25th and 26th, sometimes even 27th stuff as well. I have walked out with cases of fresh mushrooms and tomatoes, lovely meats etc on Christmas eve. It all goes in the freezer.

Talking about bargains, Approved food have coconut butter body scrub at half price on their page. If you go for it watch out for delivery costs. Have a wander around the site and pick up enough bargains to make the delivery costs negligible.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 14:13
Well after this morning's panic, I've got a rich beef stew going in the slow cooker, done the housework, cleaned the bathroom and nipped up to Sainsburys for a few bits (car park was busy but I didn't have to wait in a queue). Just having a bowl of soup and some crackers for lunch and yes I find myself back on this blinking forum :grin: . This afternoon I need to wrap oldest daughter's Christmas presents before she gets home from school, paint my nails as I'm off out tomorrow night (work's night out), I also have a pile of ironing to get through!

Penny, if that had been a cat in need of a home I'd have jumped in the car and been there by now. Well done you, I hope all the pooches get on well.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 14:30
Oooh look whats just popped up on my Facebook page. ... tmas-party
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 16:21
Julieathome wrote: Oooh look whats just popped up on my Facebook page. ... tmas-party

I went straight to the cheese section. Habits must be changing......

Back from shopping. Newcastle fairly quiet (most people are too scared to go into Newcastle the last Friday before Christmas). Legendary for drunken brawls in the afternoon. They call it 'Black Friday' not the same as in the US, but because people get a few black eyes.......

So in and out of there fairly speedily. Managed to snag OH's pressy with a 20% promo on :like: :like:

Corbridge and Hexham totally different kettle of fish. 'Minging' as they say in these parts. The 'coooncil' have had an outbreak of Christmas spirit and declared free parking until after Christmas. Drove round Corbridge twice (I only wanted to go to the Post Office), and in Hexham, I had to park quite a long way from Waitrose and Tesco. Tesco - plenty of trolley rage in there. (only needed Ketostix). Waitrose, a bit more patient and polite. I suppose you would get chucked out of Waitrose if you started a food fight in their establishment - just not the done thing :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope you all saw my Christmas turkey weight loss chat-f12/a-christmas-game-with-turkeys-photo-s-t10139.html
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