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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 10:23
Have a cannibal, he bite me and I can see a big mark teeth on my fair skin :eat: :rotfl:

Have a strange tradition, I always fell sick the 24th until January the 2nd. Soooo armed with tissues and syrup, and all useful things you take when you have the flu and stop going outside as of today. Well, except to ride, of course.... :wink:

Does it snow in either one of you ? Except on the forum, of course...
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 11:22
Loving this Chatterbox!
That's a lovely thing for your man to do for you, @Manderley. Love is in the air in a big way.

And @Azureblue and @gillymary it's such a wonderful feeling to see offspring doing well.

Yes, @silverdarling I am indeed going out. It'll make a change from leaning and making chutney! When is the closing date for your quiz?

Just had an oxo to stave off the hunger pangs.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 12:17
rawkaren wrote:
CandiceMarie wrote: Morning Karen! Tea up! Would offer you a bite of toast if it wasnt a fast day for you.
Have a fabarooney festive fast day x

Ah, that's better thank you. Well my day will be interesting today. I can't say much right now, but I have been offered a job and sitting here reading through the details. I wasn't expecting it and so now I have to think deeply. I have really enjoyed my time off this year but I do need to earn a living....... So I'm excited and daunted all at the same time......

Oooh i can understand your mixture of excited and daunted @rawkaren
Have a good think over the holiday and you can always mull it over on here if you want to get points of view before making your final decision! We are not nosey,just all ears! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 14:53
Well you will be pleased to know that you you will all be the first to know....... There is alot to sort out before I consider signing up. Don't know if I will have the luxury of Christmas to decide. They seem a bit keen....... I'm a lucky girl but scared too.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 14:57
Well, who is a popular girl, you must be good at what you do, which I don't doubt, but you must also be known to be good at whatever it is you do, so, CONGRATULATIONS :star: :rose: :party: :drink: :meeting: :reindeer:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 15:01
Ballerina wrote: Well, who is a popular girl, you must be good at what you do, which I don't doubt, but you must also be known to be good at whatever it is you do, so, CONGRATULATIONS :star: :rose: :party: :drink: :meeting: :reindeer:

Ballerina x :heart:

oooo not yet! I'm still panicking :shock: . Can I do this etc etc? Will let you know when you can serve the champagne!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 15:03
I have the same feelings of excitement for my daughter. 3 weeks ago life the universe and everything was ordinary. 2 weeks ago her boyfriend was offered a job in Dubai. He mentioned in the skype interview that my daughter was also in the same field with slightly different training and bias and they up and said , 'tell her to give us a call we need XYZ at the moment'. So 2 days later my daughter talks to them and bingo she also has a job in Dubai starting a month later than her boyfriend. Its a bit more fraught for her as she has the flat and contents to sort out as well. But she couldn't turn down the wage and perks. It comes out at twice what she's on now without taxes to pay out of it, plus she's with her boyfriend.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 15:05
I had a lovely post fast lunch with my eldest today and lo and behold, I couldn't eat it all. I also dragged him around a load of charity shops looking for some pashmina's for my daughter. A better option than buying off ebay, with the trouble I've had, I think.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 15:07
Sounds like you've been head hunted Karen. Whatever you decide, good luck.

My lunch was lovely - a starter portion of Moules and no frites!
Just right. But I feel so cold now. Hope I'm not sickening for a cold. My last market is on Sunday and I can't be poorly for that!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 15:20
I am waiting for a call to tell me how sick my computer is! It is an old one I resurrected after the last one died last week! I really don't want to have to get a new one at the moment. Fingers crossed-but I am not hopeful.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 16:10
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 16:32
Advent calendars! Anyone got one? And if so have you already scoffed the lot?x
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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 20:40
Yes, @silverdarling I am indeed going out. It'll make a change from leaning and making chutney! When is the closing date for your quiz?

@PennyForthem ... When you get your answers in :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 20:54
Merlin wrote: I am waiting for a call to tell me how sick my computer is! It is an old one I resurrected after the last one died last week! I really don't want to have to get a new one at the moment. Fingers crossed-but I am not hopeful.

Hope you can get online Merlin x
So much to plan on here what with the party and everything
Need to keep eveyyone in the loop ! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
18 Dec 2013, 21:08
I am using the iPad.
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