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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 14:45
Wahey! Got weighed,first time this year..didnt feel the slightest bit thinner but have lost two pounds in 2 weeks! Get in! :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 14:57
Good on ya Candy baby! That's the way to do it (sounding like Mr Punch there!) :wink: :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 15:01
Thanks, Penny, I will put something else like carrots and peas with the chicken legs. No worries as I found a yummy recipe to cook brussels sprouts with apples :eat:

Did a bit of a ride today however, if it was okay with my foot, I had a small asthma attack just after. I will go back tomorrow for a little longer and will see how it goes :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 15:26
Hehe! Thanks@callyanna or should i say,Judy!
I guess i am Ms Average..lost almost pound and a half a week if my dodgy maths is correct
Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick! Punch's stick haha! :grin: :lol:
Given that ive had a few blow outs along the way, i' m quite happy with that loss so far.. X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 15:38

Goodness, these just turned up at work from my lovely fella :)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 15:39
This mornings weigh-in was encouraging. Its still under 240lbs so after today's fast I am hoping that tomorrows weigh in will show a 2lb decrease. I am thinking of having the roated garlic and cauliflower soup for dinner tonight instead of my usual liquid only fast.

I'm feeling the cold now, so have gone into fat burning mose I think, as I was suffering yesterday from hot flushes with all the carbs I had eaten.

I think I have probably been in famine mode for a while and have been cutting down my calories to kick myself off this plateau. A relaxed few weeks will hopefully get me back on track.

And in the non-5:2 news today. We used our new hoover for the first time. Its a robot hoover that roams the floors itself and you can ignore it till it's timer beeps and you move it to a different level. I am now a proud owner of a robot! Its one of these... ... +ROBOT.htm
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 15:40
LOvely flowers. I must be away from hubby more then maybe I would get flowers. I get robot hoovers, not very romantic.

Right I'm off, I have filming to do.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 15:54
Lucky you @gym-sparkle-90! They're gorgeous.

Candice, well gone girl. No wet fish, then. And Julie too.

I've prepared tomorrow's meal - Denver steak casserole in the slow cooker and am making a lentil salad for me tonight, whilst hubs will have the Hairies Puttanesca.

My shelfie has turned into a marathon; 2 bags of books gone to charity (have to do it straight away or I'll waiver again and keep them!) and 3 bin bags of stuff that we have collected and is of no use at all - old mice, tapes, magazines being prime culprits! There are another 2 bags of books to go from this afternoon's foray in there!

I still haven't found the book that started all this - I bet I've lent it out to someone!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 16:11
Wow @gym-sparkle-90. Lucky girl! Congrats @candicemarie and @julieathome on your losses. Think I'm having famine reaction too but someone asked me today if I had lost weight, so who knows what is going on!

@callyanna. I confess I'm like @debs. OH is in charge of washing and I do the ironing. I get into trouble frequently with tissues.....

What a day so far. Chiropractor, then the post office to get some dollars in cash. I went there because the exchange rate is good and I like to support the little office in Corbridge. Ordered my money but my visa debit got rejected. Not me - the post office rejects over a certain amount. It was a right old faff reversing the order, trying with a lesser amount etc etc. Good job I know them there. They were apologetic and victims of their own process. A whole hour I was there.

Said goodbye to my yoga teacher and spontaneously burst into floods of tears :cry: , then another good friend, ditto :cry: , now having my hair done. The salon are equipping me with a list of all my colours and trying to find a salon who stocks the same products for me. Such kindness :heart: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 16:15
Thanks ladies! I'd much rather he was here than in his barracks, but right now I'm feeling blessed :)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 16:25
@gym-sparkel-90lovely flowers for a lovely girl! X
@PennyForthem thanks P..those 2 lbs were the hardest to lose,ever,its felt like a battle this last 2 weeks! X
@rawkaren awww change even good change is stressful x will be worth it when youre a sunkissed California Girl! X
@Julieathome congrats on loss and on the robot,wd love one! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 16:28
Ooh i love this early teatimey time of day..lots of us seem to call in here round this time..thanks Penny i love this chatterbox,how did we ever manage without one!
And i am sure its lighter tonight than this time a week ago! :0) spring is on its way!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 16:35
rawkarenI imagine this week will be a very emotional one for you as you take your leave of friends and acquaintances :cry: Must be nice to know though how much you'll be missed!
CandiceMarie, it almost felt like Spring when I went out this afternoon, birds were singing and I'm sure I spotted a cherry blossom in bloom already! :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 16:42
Yes the birds were singing this morning. I hope they don't think it's spring with all of this mild weather.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 17:15
@rawkaren if you pay by debit card at the post office, or anywhere in fact for currency, the bank (debit card provider) also charges you conversion rates, just as if you were buying currency or paying for something on the same card abroad. You are in fact paying double conversion on the cash.

Take your money out as cash first. Then use the cash to pay for currency, only the post office conversion charge to pay then, not your banks conversion charge added on as well.
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