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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 17:35
Psst....check out the men's only tent. Interesting convo going on :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 17:55
rawkaren wrote: Psst....check out the men's only tent. Interesting convo going on :wink:

Whoops I've just mentioned that too. Lol
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 17:56
Quote..."and 3 bin bags of stuff that we have collected and is of no use at all - old mice, tapes, magazines being prime culprits! There are another 2 bags of books to go from this afternoon's foray in there! (Unquote)..."

@PennyForthem ..i feel SO sad about the old you really have to get rid of them?? couldnt they just live out their last days with you..all they ask is a few crumbs and a bit of cheese every day..squeak! Please find it in your heart.. :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 18:05
I felt sorry for the mice too, PeenyForthem!

It has just taken me ages to catch up on everyone's posts since yesterday. This thread is obviously serving a very useful purpose!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 18:07
CandiceMarie wrote: Quote..."and 3 bin bags of stuff that we have collected and is of no use at all - old mice, tapes, magazines being prime culprits! There are another 2 bags of books to go from this afternoon's foray in there! (Unquote)..."

@PennyForthem ..i feel SO sad about the old you really have to get rid of them?? couldnt they just live out their last days with you..all they ask is a few crumbs and a bit of cheese every day..squeak! Please find it in your heart.. :cry:

Well, when I skimmed this thread (because if I read every word, it might be the only thing I did all morning!), I was initially concerned that the mice were nibbling your books, @PennyForthem. I had to go back and do a thorough read to see that they were that kind of mice!
Then, over in the temptations tent, I found that @Julieathome had apparently put the poor mice in pies!
Get me away from you mad lot! (That was a bit of British I've learnt here - wouldn't say mad, lot, or learnt for that matter around these parts..)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 18:09
@rawkaren just a thought, but we usually get one of those cards which you load up, personally or on line and draw out cash at that countries hole in the walls. Save getting loads of cash out. But I expect you'll be setting up something more permanent really.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
14 Jan 2014, 18:44
Thanks @carieoates. Going to get one of those too as it's going to be a week or so until my bank account will be up and running.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 06:09
Ooo, this thread is unusually quiet. Where did you all go? How are you coping in the heat @debs, @sallyo, @gillymary, @wineoclock and all? Any chance of it cooling down soon?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 06:37
Not well Karen, we had a power it for two hours earlier today! We are hiding at Ju's aunt's house in Adelaide in front of the air conditioner, waiting for the cool change on Friday. Hit 45 yesterday, 46 tomorrow, ridiculous!! :bugeyes:

It is always a tense time as fires can so easily spring up, either through lightening strikes, of which there have been quite a few, or arsonists, of which there are also a few. The police keep a close eye on them. I feel sorry for the older people who struggle to cope in this weather.

Just found out today I am going to receive the National Emergency Medal for work during the 2009 bush fires in Victoria which I am quite proud about.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 06:50
Congrats, @Debs!! That's indeed something to be proud of.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 07:42
@debs - wow - and wow again! That is really something else! Though they've taken a long time?! Congrats though, will there be a ceremony (and pictures in the paper - and online??) :like: :victory: :cool:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 08:02
I'm not sure what will happen to be honest, but thank you!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 08:15
Wow @debs. You really are a brave lady. Congratulations to you. Of course we expect to see photos with you and your award :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 08:19
Well done @debs.

Had a bit of a shock last night when the doctor phoned me at home. As some of you know I made a comment on @julianna's thread about her doctors compliments about me feeling poorly and having had an ECG and bloods done. It turns out the I have something up with my heart - 'a break in the rhythm' and I need to be referred to a cardiologist. Hopefully it won't be much but it'll take me a little while to get my head round this one as I normally have excellent health. So if I go quite around here for a while you know why. I do know though that if there is ever a time in my life that I need to keep myself at a healthy weight it is now and this a certainly a wake up call and I'll be hanging around here for the long term.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 08:24
Oh goodness, that's awful to hear, let's hope it is something easily fixable. You have plenty of support on here if you need to nip in for a bit of relief. :heart: :heart:
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