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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 04:36
Oh this is totally weird. Time shift makes it harder to chat. Anyway fried the AMEX card today. Most of the big items purchased, and just back at an empty apartment eating sushi. Sorry no time to catch up with all the threads but wanted to say hi. :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 04:37
@moogie. Ooo, I just saw my badge. What a lovely surprise. Thank you so much :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 05:49
rawkaren wrote: Oh this is totally weird. Time shift makes it harder to chat. Anyway fried the AMEX card today. Most of the big items purchased, and just back at an empty apartment eating sushi. Sorry no time to catch up with all the threads but wanted to say hi. :heart:

Yes, I'm often poking around in the evening here, while all the Brits are asleep. Can sometimes find an Aussie to say hi to, though :smile:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 06:17
Hello rawken, have you spent all your money before you've earned it? Naughty :oops:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 07:57
Hello Karen, happy to read you :heart:

Morning to everyone ! :grin:

After yesterday's discussion I looked under my stairs but, no I can't, even the broken things. You see, I am nuts enough :silly: to think things have a "soul" so it would be a sin to throw them out.... I do that only when I move, about every 5 years or so, I even have all my cell phones since 1998 :rotfl:

Today I have to finish the blog post, yesterday was crazy, I didn't have time on my hand before going to bed, didn't fast as usual because of it. Today should be quiet, at last :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 08:08
I'll send my husband around Manderley, he would have everything out in a trice!!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 08:19
Just off to the doctor's for a "review", then this afternoon I'm being assessed to see if I still deserve benefits. I'm so nervous this morning my legs are like jelly :(

Bean :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 08:22
nursebean wrote: Just off to the doctor's for a "review", then this afternoon I'm being assessed to see if I still deserve benefits. I'm so nervous this morning my legs are like jelly :(

Bean :cry:

Oh Bean. Will be thinking of you and sending good vibes :like: :clover: :heart: :victory:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 08:23
@Manderley, get rid of the stuff you'll never use it :grin: . Yes, I am an OTT chucker, often known to look for things that I've chucked. My OH keeps everything, even his car magazines he's has since he was a child. Things like that are so precious to him - they are all neat and tidy, in order and with no creases on them and making our loft bulge - he's a virgo!

@rawkaren, it's good to see normality has resumed.

Good luck today @nursebean, it must be like being back at school and doing exams.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 08:29
I'm a chucker generally too, hate clutter and stuff!!! Apparently many of us suffer from 'stuffercation' when we have too much!!!

Good luck bean, I hate the idea of having to prove you are still ill. Whys is it always people like that that the gov't targets??? :curse: :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 08:39
@nursebean Sending you lots of positive and happy vibes :heart:

I am a pure Aries so your husbands would be in a lot of trouble if they would go in my way :rotfl:

I still have a book I have in school when I was 8 because I love it, even have the books I learned to drive with in England :grin:

The worse are the broken things like the toaster.... Keeping things can be a good idea, though, as old clothes (and I am talking 25 years old) are now transition clothes until I am sure I can buy new ones

That reminds me, I have to look at my old vhs to see which ones I convert in mp4 and which ones can be thrown
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 08:52
Oh no not Jellybean ~ had to do it but I know with your sense of humour @nursebean it might bring a smile to you on this stressful day. Hope it goes the way you need things to be. Sending good vibes

@Manderley my hubby is pure Aries too, might be zany fun too.

I am always hoping to chuck but hardly succeeding. I am good at stuffing cupboards so you don't think I hoard ... But I do
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 09:11
rawkaren wrote: Anyway fried the AMEX card today. Most of the big items purchased, and just back at an empty apartment eating sushi. :heart:

Fried the AMEX @rawkaren? Not good, think of all those calories!

Awe, jelly bean, @nursebean let us all know how you get on and good luck :clover: :clover: :clover:

@Manderley I'll volunteer to pop over to see you for a good declutter! I hope those mince pies have been eaten, though!

Late on duty this morning as I overslept after yesterday's exertions! I was awake for a couple of between 2.30 and 4.30, but felt nicely dozy (but them I always am a bit dozy!!) so didn't visit the insomniacs' tent.

Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 09:50
yes @rawkaren, hope at least the AMEX frying was in coconut oil! :oops: Hope your apartment is now looking more like home, some pics would be nice when you have the time of course! :razz:
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