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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 23:48
I have decided that tomorrows dinner is going to be a deconstructed pizza.
You make a dish of tomato/pizza based sauce, cover with cheese sauce and grated cheese, with your usual pizza topping on top of all that. Bake in the oven till piping hot and bubbly. Then make your pizza dough, roll out and cut into wedges, bake as usual (I was thinking of making mine a garlic pizza dough) . Then present the warm wedges surrounding the dish and everyone just dips and scoops.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Jan 2014, 23:54
Sounds interesting! I have a lovely Mexican recipe which is a bit similar, with refried black beans, avocado, lettuce, spicy salsa and cheese, sandwiched between two corn tortillas and warmed in a frying pan and sliced!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 00:01
I do the two tortilla thing with grated cheese and ham, plus whatever else I find to throw in like onion and tomato. Its really easy, just make sure everything is ready before hand, already grated, sliced etc.
Heat up a frying pan thats big enough for your tortilla to lie flat. Put one tortilla in the dry pan (no need to oil), throw your filling in and add the second tortilla. Once the cheese starts to melt, slide the tortilla out onto a plate, then invert the plate/tortilla back into the fry pan, but upside down to what it was (just turn the begger over in other words). Heat a little bit more then slide onto a plate again. Cut into wedges and serve with salad etc.

One of these days I am going to try re-fried beans.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 04:16
Hi chatterers...just ambled over from the sleepless tent..enjoyed all the bean stufff...very very funny! Thank you for helping me pass the wee small hours..very apt description as needing to wee was what woke me at 2.09 ..and kept me awake :confused: xx
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 04:17
Ps hungry! Waaaarghhhh!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 04:33
Oh no, that's no good!!! Would you like some of my chicken and avocado?!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 04:40
Oh no i couldn't @Debs ..oh well,maybe just a little if you can spare it..and * ahem* some choccy too if you don't mind... X :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 04:45
Gahhh! Neighbour upstairs is in the shower..the pump is going like billyo
Its late for them..they are lovely elderly couple but get up 3 ish,4 ish ...loooong day ...they have nap in afternoon,go to bed after ten pm news,get up 3 to 4 a.m,
So,i guess a 4.45a.m.shower is their version of " sleeping in" :grin:
Never wakes me if i'm asleep,only on insomniac nights... :confused:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 04:53
Oh bugger, aren't they rude?! They need to get a grip on reality! Are you working today? Now, choccy I can spare, would you like, geranium and orange, coconut, dark orange, summer pudding, lemon meringue, spotted dick or milk caramel :starving: :grin: :oops: Friends from the UK know me VERY well!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 04:58
Mmmm fab choices Debs...amazing...where have i been all my life..have never heard of most of these!...would quite like a little nibble of every flavour please! x
No ...retired now so it never matters too much if i don't sleep..can always have a little siesta!x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 05:00
Oh that's good! Well the good news is, they are all available in the UK. Montezumas in CHichester is the purveyor of fine choccy, but they don't send them o/s so I rely on lovely friends!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 05:05
How amazing is that! I thought must be uk when you said yr uk friends know what you like..but thought i must have misunderstood..
have seen Montezuma here but only in a few flavours..i must investigate further...
As gifts for family and friends you understand..mot that i would indulge :razz: :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 06:41
Still awake Gahhh,been over in the sleepless tent and now just watching the world wake up thru my window
Have just had the most divine piece of toast made with Crosta and Mollica pane pugliese ..big slices,only five in the pack.about 200 cals near enough per slice..another 80 cals for the butter on it.
Was lovely with a hot cup of tea after an almost sleepless night!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 09:05
Good day everyone ! :wink:

Had to have a kind of explanation with my mum. She's on a diet, a s"traditional" one with silly things to eat and don't eat IMHO but that's another story, and lost 2 kgs in a week, which is great, except I found her drinking a heavy sugar drink (a bit like Fanta, to give you an idea) and as I know she can't drink water as she find it too bland, I got angry. Why ? Because I am a bit fed up with her excuses. She has to lose a lot of weight, around 50 kgs, has difficulties to walk, stay in bed all day and, when you say something she answers "it would be better if I die". Who says that ?????? :pissedoff:

The good news is that OH and I have a date night tonight and I may receive my late Christmas gift :heart:

Oh and I have to send my C.V. to a woman who may help with the no job situation. Fingers crossed :clover: :crossed:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Jan 2014, 09:05
Morning peeps.
Hope by now that Candicemarie is safely in the land of nod.
As regards chocolate, I don't buy the stuff, but I did buy some salted caramel drinking chocolate flakes, made with Anglesey sea salt (let me know if you want a bag, @Debs) and made it up with skimmed milk. It was absolutely gorgeous!!

I have a long list of things to achieve today, before starting production tomorrow. Most of them can be achieved from my laptop, so I won't be going far today! I've bought a new wireless all in one printer (job 1) and collect in-store tomorrow!
Onto job 2 now... and no bile bean jokes either!!!

Good luck with the job @manderley xx
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