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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 14:49
Wendy Darling wrote: Cor, you should see @pennyforthems chutneys

I know,wendy! what a brazen hussie..she should be ashamed of herself! :grin: :lol: :razz: :bugeyes: :oops: TutTut!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 15:26
CandiceMarie wrote: Thanks guys x
The ticket collector has been heart sank coz asked to see senior railcard..think he just enjoyed his bit of power for a while then said he wd let me off just this once..
Darent take a chance coming back in case same guy collecting tickets! :shock:
Have had to rebook journey home..forty quid...serves me right for being careless..
That senior railcard deffo back at home!
Only purchased it in Nov so not used to it yet..
@Betsysgr8 yes think its tucked in back at home in my undies drawer!
Am a bit blotto now ..have really downed the rose wine ..shdnt be allowed out alone! X X :razz:

@rawkaren. @Betsysgr8 @SianS
Ahh well you live n learn..thanks for yr support ladies,youve no idea what a comfort it was! XXX

Wow Candice you lucky girl! :lol: :grin: I think that nice inspector took a shine to you :wink: :grin: :victory:
here's the pic you wanted to post! :like: :grin: :smile: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 15:30
Its now next day @SianS and the effects have worn off but yeh i bumbled off at Euston in a winey haze, :0) xx
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 15:40
angie090465 wrote:
CandiceMarie wrote: Thanks guys x
The ticket collector has been heart sank coz asked to see senior railcard..think he just enjoyed his bit of power for a while then said he wd let me off just this once..

Wow Candice you lucky girl! :lol: :grin: I think that nice inspector took a shine to you :wink: :grin: :victory:
here's the pic you wanted to post! :like: :grin: :smile: :heart:

Haha! :grin: i think the inspector thought,"better not throw her off the train..the poor old dear is practically gaga!"
Thanks for the pic..i think the awards are great fun but like you said Angie,everyone brings something to the site. At the end of the day,what matters most is how we see ourselves.
Weight issues can cause lack of self esteem,so more than anybody,we 5:2 ers need to remember to value ourselves as the wonderful people we are.x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 17:39
@Candicemarie you bring a huge smile to my face - in the nicest possible way!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:02
callyanna wrote: We went out for a lovely meal with friends last night, complete carb, sugar and booze overload which my body just isn't used to any more so wondering if it's just coincidence or sod's law that I've woken up this morning with the most humungous red spot on my chin pulsating away to rival Rudolph's nose, just in time for Christmas!
:cry: :unlike: :reindeer:

Can identify totally @Callyanna same happened to me recently :cry: :curse: :confused:
Just got rid of a huge one on my cheek, and another right in the middle of my forehead :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:07
Thought I was well past the raging hormones @Silverdarling so don't know what's going on ! :lol: :shock: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:09
Silverdarling wrote:
callyanna wrote: We went out for a lovely meal with friends last night, complete carb, sugar and booze overload which my body just isn't used to any more so wondering if it's just coincidence or sod's law that I've woken up this morning with the most humungous red spot on my chin pulsating away to rival Rudolph's nose, just in time for Christmas!
:cry: :unlike: :reindeer:

Can identify totally @Callyanna same happened to me recently :cry: :curse: :confused:
Just got rid of a huge one on my cheek, and another right in the middle of my forehead :shock:

Never mind @callyanna as long as you enjoyed it at the time...
I can't imagine you with a massive spot,youre far too elegant..but at least it will have gone by Crimmy X!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:11
Well I unfortunately do suffer from rosacea from time to time - as does my Mum - and she still gets big shiners at 80! :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:17
Groan. Stomach complaining badly. Took my mum out for Christmas lunch. Portions not too bad, did not eat the roast potatoes, but did enjoy the cheese rather too much. Probably my turn for spots tomorrow :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:24
I've got a feeling we'll be hearing a lot of groaning over the next few days!
Following on from the clattering of knives forks and spoons and clinking glasses x! :0)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:43
@callyanna I've never heard of the red chinned reindeer before
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 18:54
PennyForthem wrote: @callyanna I've never heard of the red chinned reindeer before

:wink: Aw well they're a very rare breed, you can only find them in Cheshire, they wouldn't dare cross over the border into wild Wales! :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 19:11
callyanna wrote:
PennyForthem wrote: @callyanna I've never heard of the red chinned reindeer before

:wink: Aw well they're a very rare breed, you can only find them in Cheshire, they wouldn't dare cross over the border into wild Wales! :grin:

Hehe! @PennyForthem and @callyanna very funny! :lol: :grin: :grin: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 19:52
CandiceMarie wrote:
callyanna wrote:
PennyForthem wrote: @callyanna I've never heard of the red chinned reindeer before

:wink: Aw well they're a very rare breed, you can only find them in Cheshire, they wouldn't dare cross over the border into wild Wales! :grin:

Hehe! @PennyForthem and @callyanna very funny! :lol: :grin: :grin: :lol:

and straying into Liverpool would be a very dangerous foray for a red chinned reindeer! But Perhaps, in the New year?
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