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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Jan 2014, 23:37
Big hugs all round.
I did compose a very detailed post about some stuff then decided that this is not the place.
You will survive this, cry when you need, but it will get better, honest.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 00:16
Ballerina wrote:
CandiceMarie wrote: Hehe! Me and SD are peanut butter virgins! :0) x

So I guess that means that I am technically NOT a virgin then? :shock: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:

Sniffed and had a very tiny taste? Really?
Quiz: What US politician said "I didn't inhale."

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 00:20
The same one who said he didn't have sexual relations with THAT woman methinks :grin:
Don't get me started on peanut butter again on a fast day :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 01:25
PennyForthem wrote: Bean, I know of a part time trainee chocolatier post going, but it might be a bit far for you to travel. That apart, it would be ideal for you.
Shame about the film Candice. Where was the new choc shop?

Hi @PennyForthem i' m not telling you coz i know'll go down there and snarf up all the goodies!
Oh ok then..its in L One..the poshest bit where Reiss / Ted Baker,all those sorta shops are x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 02:57
Nooo! I forgot to buy the peanut butter... and the dental floss, but the dental floss can wait.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 04:06
My rewards today for reaching goal (aside from the sheer feeling of happiness):

A slice of Whole Foods pizza fresh out of their oven for lunch, which was topped with chicken meatballs, goat cheese, pickled onion, cilantro, and artichoke hearts. Divine.

Out to dinner, where I ordered Thai curry. With Asian vegetables and cashews and brown rice. Cookies and cream mud pie for dessert. Shared the dessert with hubs, and brought half the curry home, but I still feel a little too full.

That's okay. This is a very special day and I'm treating it as such.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 04:43
@julieathome You could try the student edition but it will probably have alot of functionality missing because its only for educational purposes and will probably have a short expiry on it.
@silverdarlingwhich cafe in Corbridge? God it seems a world away and can't believe it was only last week I was there shopping.
@carorees. I feel a bit disloyal, but I would take a look at Kashflow. It has a good reputation and I think they let you try it for free.

Well I'm all alone guys in a new town in a new country. OH gone back to blighty tonight. It was really hard to say goodbye at the airport and not knowing when I will see him again in person. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 05:36
Oh, no poor you @rawkaren, I hear and understand exactly what you are feeling. Are you planning on skyping or Facetiming each other? Start planning your next get together. And eat some 85% Lindt. It is the answer to everything IMHO :wink:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 05:40
rawkaren wrote: Well I'm all alone guys in a new town in a new country. OH gone back to blighty tonight. It was really hard to say goodbye at the airport and not knowing when I will see him again in person. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ooh.... that's a tough one! Poor you.... :frown:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 05:42
Debs wrote: Oh, no poor you @rawkaren, I hear and understand exactly what you are feeling. Are you planning on skyping or Facetiming each other? Start planning your next get together. And eat some 85% Lindt. It is the answer to everything IMHO :wink:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ha ha! @silverdarling packed me off with some 85% and I have just eaten two squares of it :lol: :lol: We are going to skype/facetime every day. Have ordered a smart tv so he can be on widescreen with the cat :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: I will probably know if the next couple of days when I have to come back to the UK so we are going to plan around that.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 05:47
Brilliant!!! That's the way to go. I hope your connection is better than ours as we spend most of our time pixillating and saying pardon at lot :confused: :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 06:05
I skyped my mum yesterday and it was a great signal. I'm working from a wifi hotspot at the moment that is smaller than a smartphone until I get set up permanently. It's like witchcraft. Brilliant. So I'm feeling optimistic that we can communicate :like:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 06:45
I'm sorry you're feeling lonely, @rawkaren! I would agree, though, that being able to Skype makes a world of difference. I hope it will make your separation tolerable. I've never been that far apart from hubs for very long, but our son was on the other side of the world for the last half year, and I really did feel like I saw him regularly. It is kind of magical the things technology can do for us. (Like give us forum friends :smile: )
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 08:48
Hellooo... *echoes round an empty Chatterbox*
Like WendyJane, I've not been parted from hubs, but I'd guess it's hard to get used to, but with all this technology, it perhaps makes it bearable. We're all here for you @rawkaren xx

We have a lovely day planned - a meal out tonight and nothing, da nada, planned for daytime. Walking pooches (somewhere not muddy!), finish installing wireless printer/new router and a little noodling on here. Sounds like a plan to me!

Edited to add
@Candicemarie I've never been to L One - or Trafford Centre! We're having a short break on the Wirral in March - perhaps we might get 'cross the Mersey!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 08:53
@rawkaren you have to always look forward to the next visit/phone call. Skype and face time are great like you say, just as long as the connectivity is. You will soon get into a routine, then time will shoot past. Get your focus back on. Find a yoga instructor etc etc. so how's the food there?

I'm off to town to spend my Xmas money and vouchers, change a gillet my hubs bought me. Can you believe I haven't even been non food shopping since November. !
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