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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 08:54
Oh big hugs @Rawkaren it must be rather daunting for you being in a new country on your own. It is wonderful having FaceTime, though, isn't it. I use it for my sister who left me and fled to Canada last year. I know it's not quite the same but it's the next best thing I suppose.

I am rather pleased this morning because I have finally broken my Groundhog Day experience and have moved down another pound...hoorah! That means that I have lost 4 lb in this, my first week doing the EOD diet. There's still an incredibly long way to go but it is just the boost I need!

Good luck with your fast day @Debs. It's a shame we're out of sync isn't it :)

Hmm somewhere not muddy @Pennyforthem. Good luck with that!

Happy Saturday everyone!

Bean :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 08:55
Hellooooooooooooooo Penny !

Big hugs all around

@Debs you remind me, I have to buy unsalted peanuts to make peanut butter :wink: next week

@rawkaren, how did we do 15 years ago without smartphones and internet ? I guess I wouldn't have felt so homesick 20 years ago if I had the possibility to communicate that way and maybe I would be still living there.... But that would mean never have met OH..... No, impossible :grin:

The weather here is changing, they are talking snow for next week and as I didn't do grocery shopping since the beginning of December, except for the cat food, of course, you can imagine how all the cupboards are pretty empty :shock: Today is the list day, the shopping will be on Monday. The plan today is to try to survive without a cigarette...... :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:02
I didn't realise you are a smoker, @manderley. Pop in here whenever you fancy a cigarette and we'll take those thoughts away, so you succeed in a day without one!

@nursebean whoooo hoooo... the EOD (had to stop and think, there) must be working for you, then. Great stuff!!! How's @Debs getting on?

I got to my lowest yesterday (and almost half a stone under my original 11 stones target) but am a whole pound heavier today. I didn't have my Allbran yesterday, so things haven't 'moved'
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:07
Give it time @Pennyforthem ...give it time!

Bean :dazed:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:10
Debs wrote: Brilliant!!! That's the way to go. I hope your connection is better than ours as we spend most of our time pixillating and saying pardon at lot :confused: :razz:

Perhaps cutting down on the beans might help that :shock: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:18
Hi @rawkaren hope you are feeling a little bit less lonely today! it must have been so hard to wave hubs off but as everyone else says, Skype, FaceTime etc are all fabulous for keeping touch . Once you both get into a routine it might not seem so bad, hugs, and lots of them, on their way to you.x :heart: x :heart: x :heart:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:25
I am a smoker but not a heavy one. Only 5 cigarettes a day. However that doesn't mean it's easy to stop..... Just hope I wont go to food instead, that would be a bad idea

Does anybody know "supersize.vs.superskinny" on Channel 4 ? I am a bit shocked by it actually, it's trashy T.V. at its trashiest. Maybe I am a bit too hard, I don't know, it could be seen as "information" maybe. However, I don't think we could see this kind of program here. Don't care as I don't have a T.V. anyway :grin:

All you bean eaters do you know a soup recipe that includes baked beans ?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:35
Manderley wrote:
All you bean eaters do you know a soup recipe that includes baked beans ?

I am very relieved to be able to say NO to that one :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:56
@rawkaren - hope you're keeping busy and feeling better today :heart: :clover: that coffee machine looks the business :victory:

(Have 85%, will travel! :wink: )

The cafe in Corbridge was the former Cafe House, up from the Black Bull. Went in there with my Mum on the way back from Scotland in September, and they were lovely. It's teeny, but the service is homely and lovely, and the stuff is all home-made. The waitress told me get a lot of their bakery goods from the guy in Consett who was on Best British Bakery ... And the egg custard was wonderful :victory: Corbridge was actually quite quiet for once, but that maybe because the bridge is closed. I got a parking space in the Market Place (although next to the FISH VAN :shock: :lol: ) and resisted going into the Vintage shop next to the Tower which had a lot of lovely vintage handbags and handknitted mohair cowls and scarves in the window. Also love going in the hardware shop, which must be the most attractive hardware shop in the NE, if not the country ...
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 09:57
That one looks nice

Without the cheesy slices, that said :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 10:33
Gosh, I turn away for five minutes and you lot sneak in!! Well done beanie, slow but steady it goes!! Penny, that cafe sounds lovely, just not today!!
Hey manderley, how about some raw cacao with the peanuts!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 10:46
Don't know if it can be taken as "raw" but I have unsweetened cacao powder (Van Houten for those who know this brand) that may be good...

Put the corset on, a bit tighter this time. That may help with the cigarette craving as it's impossible to have a smoke with a corset (it makes me feel very weak, not a good sensation at all).

For now I crave raspberries.... Am going to see if there are still some in the freezer. Maybe I can do a smoothie with a banana, raspberries and a granny smith ?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 11:33
You'll love it Manderley but loosen that corset first!!! Ballerina, we all know women don't do tgat sort of thing in public!!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 12:09
wendyjane wrote: My rewards today for reaching goal (aside from the sheer feeling of happiness):

A slice of Whole Foods pizza fresh out of their oven for lunch, which was topped with chicken meatballs, goat cheese, pickled onion, cilantro, and artichoke hearts. Divine.

Out to dinner, where I ordered Thai curry. With Asian vegetables and cashews and brown rice. Cookies and cream mud pie for dessert. Shared the dessert with hubs, and brought half the curry home, but I still feel a little too full.

That's okay. This is a very special day and I'm treating it as such.

Congratulations, @wendyjane! What a great achievement - reaching your goal! You deserve to eat whatever you want - and it sounds delicious! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 12:12
And a bit more Britspeak for you @wendyjane cilantro over here is fresh Coriander!!
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