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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 17:54
rawkaren wrote:
PennyForthem wrote: Photo, Caroline, please! Perhaps that's where I need to visit, too, bearing in mind my photos of last week!

But, I too have spent wreckless money... threw caution to the wind, eschewed a clothes shop.... and bought...wait for it... ... 237386.htm

Yes, I didn't want to spend a LOT of money, but it'll complement Mr Dreadthrill, won't it?

:razz: :razz: :razz: :grin:

Blimey. A clothes horse :lol: :lol: :lol: Good luck with that! You still need the jeans so you can hang them on it :curse:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 17:56
Girls, I have my hair in a messy bun, wear a 3 sizes too big jumper, a 3 sizes too big home pants, not glamorous at all :razz: :grin:

Already had dinner because the temptation to go out to buy tobacco with a full stomach is smaller. On the other hand, I ate a bit more than usual as I need to feel really full to not be tempted with a smoke. Nothing devastating however as it was homemade soup, sardines filet (without any oil) on toast (without any butter) and 30g couscous. Still, quitting smoking is way harder than eating less..... for me anyway.....
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 18:01
Have you considered e-cigarettes manderley? A lot of my friends are doing very well on these and even the ones who are still indulging in the e ones rather than conventional one smell lovely now!

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 18:04
@Manderley i gave up smoking back in 1979 ..i was a 30 a day girl..
I had many failed attempts behind me..not smoking turned me into a horror to be with and people used to beg me to start again..they literally used to buy me packs of cigarettes coz i was impossible to be with..then i tried acupuncture and it took all the hell out of giving up..made it a breeze
Course i then put on several stones in weight instead but hey ho thats the way the cookie crumbles ( usually down my piehole ) :grin: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 18:06
I am an all or nothing woman plus I don't believe it's good to replace cigarettes with patches, gums or e-cigarettes. Plus there are some controversies about them anyway.

I may try acupuncture or hypnotic therapy but it'll be later, when my wallet will be a littler fuller :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 18:10
Mands i only needed one session..they send you off with a stud in your ear which you twiddle when you want a fag and it magically takes the withdrawal symptoms away which makes life soooo much easier! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 18:48
Dear agony aunts, clothes horses and new jeans purchasers, @Candicemarie, @rawkaren and and @Carorees

All this talk of jeans made me remember a 'good pair' of size 12 hanging in the wardrobe 'just in case'. They've been there many a year, but I did spend good money on them!
I've just tried them on... and they fitted round the waist, perfectly, but everywhere else they are just too baggy! Should I take them to the charity shop?

And should I now consider NYDJ's please? Answers on a postage stamp to:
Mrs Shrinking Bottom, Whittling Waist, Deminshire.
Thank you
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 18:51
Manderley wrote: I am an all or nothing woman plus I don't believe it's good to replace cigarettes with patches, gums or e-cigarettes. Plus there are some controversies about them anyway.

I may try acupuncture or hypnotic therapy but it'll be later, when my wallet will be a littler fuller :wink:

I understand completely what you are saying but at least the e-cigs render you socially acceptable, they cost a lot less than conventional ones and whilst they do contain chemicals, are they really any worse than normal ones? Enough of this nagging woman, sorry Manderley, you are a very sensible woman who is entitled to do as you wish and I still think that hair in an untidy bun and oversized sloppy clothes sounds very Gallic and sexy, so, you are still the epitome of Parisian chic to us whatever you wear or have hanging out of your mouth, just love you, mon Cherie x or should that have been, ma Cherie?

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 19:07
Don't worry, Ballerina, I understand perfectly what you're saying. I am a small smoker, only 5 a day so it's a bit pathetic for it to be as difficult to stop as if I was smoking a pack or 2. I mean, last time I bought tobacco (I made them with a machine, which is cheaper) was 2 weeks ago...... Plus I never ever smoke in public. When OH is here, for example, I don't feel the need to smoke. I only do when I am on my own, at home. Strange, really......

I may try the acupuncture but, as I live a a really small town, I will probably have to go elsewhere.

And when you see the size of my boobs I am definitely a "ma" not a "mon" :grin: :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 19:10
Yes! Charity shop immediately
And yeeeeees! Get yr ass down to the NYDJ shop toot sweet! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 19:12
@Manderley so enjoying yr blog!
And on a totally different France does it get tricky deciding who gets " vous" and who gets " tu"
And when do you decide when a vous becomes a tu..or indeed,when a tu becomes a vous? X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 19:30
A "tu" wouldn't become a "vous". The "vous" is for older people or people you don't know or like your boss, for example. A funny and true story, I know my GP since I was 14. At the beginning, I was a "tu", when I was 20 I became a "vous" and now that I am flirting with 40 I am a "tu" again as he's so shccked I am getting so old :rotfl:

Another example with OH. At the beginning, when we met he was a "vous" and became a "tu" only after our first night together. It's a bit old fashioned but he's 55 and me 39 so we're old anyway.... English is easier that way, there's only the "you" :grin:

Another thing I love in English it's the "Ms". I love when people can't know if I am a "Miss" or a "Mrs"
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 19:55
But @Manderley, I thought after a certain age, and not all that old, all women are Madame even if they are single?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 20:46
oooohhhhh nooooooooo....... And I don't know what is worse to be called "madame" or "mademoiselle". "Mademoiselle" can be taken as what we call "vieille fille" which, translated literally means "old girl" which nearly means a virgin that no man wants....... Both, "Madame" and "Mademoiselle can e be equally humiliating for different reasons
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
25 Jan 2014, 22:20
CandiceMarie wrote: @PennyForthem
Yes! Charity shop immediately
And yeeeeees! Get yr ass down to the NYDJ shop toot sweet! X

NYDJ better (cheaper) purchased online, even if you go to a shop first for a try-on ... (That's if you aren't near Worcester :wink: )

And to afford them, suggest you take back that trike - and possible the Dread-mobile as well!!! :lol: :shock: :shock: :lol: :shock: :lol: :shock: :wink: :wink: :razz: :razz:

(Karen is right - they do make a huge difference)
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