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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 00:18
Wriggley puppies win over jeans any day!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 00:41
Really odd, I'm never usually awake at this time. Looking at who's posting right now I feel like I'm in a time warp!!!! Hi everyone :smile:

Oh and another thing....... Dug the wii fit out tonight. Did some hula hooping. Was really pleased when it updated me with my target weight. Haven't used it for years. Had needed to lose that 21lb for a long time
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 00:53
Good evening Wendydarling and welcome to the night shift. I an often on here chatting to the same collection of insomniacs. Debs is our cheerleader and keeps up moral as the rest of us struggle. Anyway, why are you not sleeping? My excuse us that is that I'm a very bad sleeper hence my nocturnal appearances here. We had a real problem last night getting Julieathome off to bed. She eventually went and reappeared after an hour or so, hope she fares better tonight.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 01:05
Just sitting up chatting, really unusual for me. I'm usually an early bird but the rest of the family are night owls so it makes a change to see what they get up to at night time (MTV - not a place I've been to for many years!) Yes, Debs makes me laugh, she's a good cheerleader! Having an almond snackette now as a sleeping aid and off to bed in a minute. Going out for breakfast and a walk in the morning. Hope you're not up too late x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 01:19
Ballerina wrote: Debs is our cheerleader and keeps up moral as the rest of us struggle.

My first take on your typo/spelling error, @Ballerina, was that you meant to say Debs keeps us moral.

But then I realized that Debs keeps up morale might make more sense.

Not sure just how moral @Debs is. :lol:

Just thinking about what to make for dinner here, so I'll get my coat...
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 01:27
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 06:12
My morality is definitely in question. But I promise I didn't inhale (Mutley sniggers)
See you in the insomnia tent
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 07:56
Morning peeps!
Dreamed of wriggly puppies, jeans and trikes last night - didn't awake refreshed!
Anu has found her bark and it's a great game to chase the 2 year old springer, Toba, with toys and needle sharp teeth. They spend hours playing!

Snow might be on the cards for us later on, according to the beeb, but the met office isn't so sure!

Hope all insomniacs and @Debs are on top form today!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 08:04
Oh yeah, I've been on fire today. Nowt else to do :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 08:08
Puppy sounds lovely, she should have her own blog!!! Any more piccies?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 08:09
Morning girls ! (boys ?) :grin:

First evening without a smoke and it wasn't too bad. However I have no idea how it will go the next few days. Wait and see.....

I played a game this morning, putting on the oldest clothes I have like a 20 years old bathrobe.... and it fits me like a glove ! well, it's a bit too big actually and, unfortunately I lost the belt :grin:

Later there will be a raclette for lunch which is a bit worrying for me, actually but we'll see how it goes

Oh and the snow here should be for the end of the week. Let's hope they're wrong !
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 08:57
Wow that pretty amazing Manderley. There's no WAY I'd fit into my 20 year old outfits. Blimey, those were the days...when I was 9 stone something :(

Aw I love it when puppies find their voice @Pennyforthem I remember when Minnie found hers. It was while we were on holiday and noises from next door caused her little outburst. It was the funniest, sweetest sound. She hasn't stopped since!

Well this daily weighing business is proving to be quite hilarious. Yesterday I weighed 11:10 and today I'm 11:13!! What on earth?! Yes, I treated myself to fish n chips yesterday, but surely you don't put on THAT much THAT quickly do you?! That's the beauty of daily weighing I guess. You rein it in before it's too late!

Happy Sunday everyone by the way, whenever it appears :-)

Bean :neutral:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 11:10
wendyjane wrote: @
Ballerina wrote: Debs is our cheerleader and keeps up moral as the rest of us struggle.

My first take on your typo/spelling error, @Ballerina, was that you meant to say Debs keeps us moral.

But then I realized that Debs keeps up morale might make more sense.

Not sure just how moral @Debs is. :lol:

Just thinking about what to make for dinner here, so I'll get my coat...

Oops, never meant to imply the delightful Debs was an E short of being a good girl, :shock: sorry Debs, :confused: it was nearly 1a.m, but tiredness is no excuse for tardiness, is it? :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 11:13
... Provided great late night amusement tho, after my travails with the printer :lol: :lol: :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 11:16
200 posts till the next chatterbox, peeps! haven't we been busy bunnies? (talking of typos, I wrote busty bunnies - phew, glad I went to specsavers!)
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