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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 13:19
I'm sitting here at my computer wondering what to have for lunch? No fasting today for me! :smile:

It's my Fastiversary- one year since I started this WOE and I'm almost back to my July target weight, only four and a half pounds to go!

I have had lots of ups and downs with my weight since October, as some of you will know, but I'm back on track and have, hopefully, learned some lessons from my backsliding!

I love this WOE and this forum and I can't understand why I took my eye off the ball for so long before doing anything about it! :bigfrown: Never mind, I'm back now! :victory:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 13:37
Aaargh - I'm useless with technology - haven't sussed anything to do with tagging avatars etc etc - want to start a new thread with an interesting article I saw but can't even work out how to do that - doh! Help please Ladies!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 14:39
Madcatlady wrote: Aaargh - I'm useless with technology - haven't sussed anything to do with tagging avatars etc etc - want to start a new thread with an interesting article I saw but can't even work out how to do that - doh! Help please Ladies!

@madcatlady Go to the home page (click on Home at the far left of the grey menu bar above)
Scroll down to find the forum where you want to post your link (e.g. Non-diet chat)
Click on that forum
Click on the button labelled 'new topic'
Enter a topic title in the subject box
Write your post
To include a link, open a new tab in your browser, navigate to the page you want to share with us, highlight the url in the box at the top of the screen
(says something like: www. html)
copy the link (press control and C together, or if you're on a tablet or similar press and hold until a menu comes up and then choose copy)
Now come back to the tab on the browser where you have been writing your post for us, and press control and V together (or if on a tablet, press and hold until the menu comes up and choose paste)
Now click 'Preview' and wait for the page to load where it will show you how your post will look. Check it's all worked, if all OK, press Submit

Then just say 'Hey Presto' in a magician-type voice and we'll all be able to enjoy your post!

Looking forward to it!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 15:13
Re the topic of when one is old enough for Madame. I love visiting Quebec and the way I am always addressed there as "Madame" rather than as one of "you guys". Age doesn't enter in because I'm obviously a gray-haired grandmother.

A couple of weeks ago when we were dining in a fairly up-scale local restaurant, the waitress addressed me as "my lady"--a first for me. Of course, it literally means the same as "Madame" or madam does it not? Yet sounds so strange in English in this day and age.

So much better, though, than "dear", "dearie", or "hon" unless it's one of those old-fashioned diners where the old-fashioned waitresses call everyone "hon". I was incensed a few years ago where the server at a buffet called me "dearie" but addressed the white-haired gentleman behind me as "sir".

I resent being patronized just because of my age--we're not all addled old dears (end of rant) Sorry for going on---
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 15:33
An interesting subject! I know in the UK we have many regional (informal) means of addressing someone, 'love', 'me duck', 'darlin' spring to mind. Any you would like to add from where you live?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 15:43
I love reading British novels where a character uses these forms of address--my favorite is "my luvver" Dartmouth area, I think? And those characters usually use endearments for everyone.

It's not so much fun, though, to be singled out for the endearments because one is a gray-haired old lady :(
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 15:44
Oh, I meant a frown, not crying!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 16:13
I have to admit that I do call people luv, but it's everyone. Yes, when you go to plymouth you'll be called "my lover" by my sis in law. And where my mum is in Lancashire shop assistants say "see you later" all the time.
Were a funny bunch here in the uk. But that's what makes us special. :oops:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 16:29
:rain: :rainbow: :umbrella: Dammit, this full ironing basket will not clear itself. OH did his this morning, it's all mine now. I have used up all my displacement activities so must just get on with it.
Also it's much needed exercise this dreary wet blustery grey day.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 16:39
I know a 'real lady' who likes to be known as 'My lady'. Her daughter is a Countess!! Oh, but thankfully, the days of fawning and doffing one's cap are long gone!
Here is Wales, you're Cariad! (darling!)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 16:44
callyanna wrote: An interesting subject! I know in the UK we have many regional (informal) means of addressing someone, 'love', 'me duck', 'darlin' spring to mind. Any you would like to add from where you live?

:heart: Yes @callyanna Duck + sweetie + chuck+ hun + sweetheart + chick, what a mix we are yes the
"see you later" when you've never seen them before.
OH @wendyjane will love this one few more unbelievable ones for her to get her head around. :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 17:55
Hi everyone, I didn't visit the insomniacs tent last night as my daughter was sleeping on the sofa so we went to be early, for us that is, about 11:45. I was out in about 5 minutes (it felt longer) but I was in a deep, deep sleep till just before midday. A full 12 hour sleep. It was wonderful.

Now to catch up on you all. Those jeans look fab. I bet they don't do size 18. And I would probably need a panty girdle to tuck everything in before the jeans could tuck everything in.
I am racking my brain trying to think of the local greetings... I have just asked my daughter and the local ones seem to be . Babe, hun and love for the women and 'mate' or 'how you doing mate?' for the blokes.

We have my daughters 'stuff' all over the house. Some of it is going into storage, for when she visits mostly and 'stuff' that she wants to take, but can't as she needs to take more important stuff in he suitcases. She will pick it all up when she comes back for visits. Then there is the clothing, most of the winter clothing for her to jump into when she comes back on visits so she doesn't have to buy a complete new wardrobe (but I bet she will when she comes back). Then there is the packing and the bathroom scales. She will be taking a HUGE bike transit case, its like having the biggest suitcase ever and its on steroids, plus two suitcases. The case with most of her clothes in has vacuum pack bags in there, to get as much in as possible and to get up to the 23kg limit. The other bigger case has heavier but less bulky items, like her shoes. She has amazed me by only taking 4 pairs of shoes on top of her 6 or 8 pairs of cycling and sports shoes. We now have the hallway clear of boxes, but my dining room/office is now crammed with suitcases.

Fast day today and my second day of weaning myself off tramadol. I have tried to just cut them out, but have found that I've been on them too long. I had terrible withdrawal symptoms. In a weird way I now sympathise with hard drug addicts, its hard getting of drugs. So I now pull the capsule apart and tip half the powder out before putting the capsule back together. I will do this for 2 weeks for my morning dose, then cut the evening one back as well. Then on to just the evening dose then hopefully cut the last one out. Then I will try and come off the pregabalin, though that may have to wait till after surgery.

Tomorrow is a girly shopping day and hopefully a pedicure. I am getting myself some slimmer tracksuit bottoms as mine are embarrassingly baggy now. They actually flap when I walk and to cancel the baggy bum, I have to pull the waist up over my boobs.

Fast day today, so Jade, youngest and hubby are just having bacon egg and chips. Which will have me drooling I bet.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 19:35
I've just typed a long comment here and stupidly lost it all when I checked a spelling!

What I wanted to say was that I had a good weekend, my son and granddaughter stayed with us and yesterday we went swimming with my daughter, her partner and my other granddaughter. We had a great time, I haven't been swimming for years, I managed to fish out my cossie which hasn't seen the light of day for many years and now I'm slimmer it fits!

When I woke up this morning I could hardly move, did I really have to race my eldest granddaughter to the far end of the pool? I practiced my breast stroke and back stroke, messed about in the baby pool with my youngest granddaughter and had a splashing time with her in the big pool.

My back pain has eased now, I'll be more careful next time - there will definitely be a next time!

Today my son cooked us a lovely vegetarian roast dinner - lentil roast, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, cavolo nero kale and peas followed by a Christmas pudding which a friend gave him. Very enjoyable and so good not to have to cook.

They have all gone home now and the house seems so empty, hubby in bed and just me and the dog down here with a pile of washing up - my son did offer to do it but I'm so grateful not to have cooked the dinner it's the least I could do.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 19:38
sounds like a perfect day to me @coffeetime, seeing your lovely family, having fun exercising and having a meal prepared for you! Pity about the washing up but a small price to pay eh? :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 19:44
I haven't done it yet @callyanna, I'll probably leave it till late evening, I ate so much Christmas pudding I feel like a stranded whale - a happy, contented one. :grin:
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