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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 19:46
@coffeetime forgive me if I say that your post brought tears to my eyes, not because it was sad but because you deserve to have lovely times in your life and it was wonderful to read about your fabulous time with your family. Here's wishing more days like that,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 19:58
Hi @coffeetime What a lovely post. So glad you had a good weekend.

I'm in my office as I wanted access to fast broadband and I'm also being a bit naughty. Have rigged my ipad up as a UK VPN which means I can get UK telly. Currently downloading a load of stuff down from iplayer right now so I have something to watch tonight.

On the way here I stopped off at a place called Draegers Market. It is the most eye watering supermarket I have every been too. I read on line that it is the sort of place that Barbie would shop at. A very good way to describe it.

It's beautiful, but shockingly expensive. The salad veggies get carefully watered by an assistant whilst they nestle beautifully on the shelves. I wanted to take a pic of him doing it but I though I'd get into trouble, so I took these instead
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 20:11
Thank you @callyanna, @Ballerinaand @rawkaren. :heart:

That food looks so scrumptious Karen, even though I'm full to bursting I could easily have a slice of that creation with the bright pink bow, and the chocolate thingy, and the..... and the ......
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 20:13
Oh my goodness! foodie heaven Karen!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 21:50
SO glad my fast is coming to an end. My mouth is watering at the sight of those scrumptious cakes

Bean :wink: :starving:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 21:56
I haven't been feeling all that great recently so I've only just caught up with the last 20 pages. It appears that many of you have house trained your husbands. @Azureblue's OH does his own ironing and I think @Pennyforthem's OH has a day when he takes his turn doing the housework. How do you achieve this? My OH feels hard done by filling up the dishwasher or putting the bins out.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 22:06
@wildmissusI'm always jealous of what other husbands do too. My husband is always working on our house, if I have any free time I am expected to help out but nobody helps me with the cooking and washing up (actually youngest washes up twice a week):( Every now and again I have a big blow up but I don't seem to get anywhere.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 22:16
I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones then or have just well trained my hubby! We have three toilets in our house and he keeps them clean, washes up every evening, cleans windows, steam cleans floors, he's a little treasure! I do all the cooking, washing, ironing, most of the shopping and the other cleaning so we seem to share the chores 50:50. We are both retired though so there's no real pressure on us.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 22:18
StowgateResident wrote: I'm sitting here at my computer wondering what to have for lunch? No fasting today for me! :smile:

It's my Fastiversary- one year since I started this WOE and I'm almost back to my July target weight, only four and a half pounds to go! :victory:

:heart: :heart: Happy Fastiversary @StowgateResident
Good luck with the pesky few lbs you'll soon be back on track lessons learned just lately by a few of us. :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 22:39
@callyanna, was it always that way or has that only happened since you retired.

@Loulou51, next time I shout at OH and my girls I'll feel better knowing that'll you be a few hundred miles south doing the same :lol: .

The thing that annoys me the most is that I'm last home from work and no sooner do I open the door and I get 'when's tea'. I'm quite an organised person and on a Sunday morning I ask everyone what they fancy for their tea for the next week and write a list. Don't get me wrong nothing is written in stone, it is just so that I know I've bought enough for 7 evening meals. It means that on the kitchen worktop there is a notepad that says what could be for tea that particular night. Would it really be any hardship for a 53year old, 15 year old or 13 year old to put the oven on and at a push peel some veg. Oh, I'm soooooo demanding :grin: .
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 22:53
@Wildmissus, I probably did more of the housework when we were both working but even then hubs would help a lot despite being an only child and absolutely pampered by his doting mother! :shock: I know I've got a good 'un! :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 23:05
My hubby used to help around the house as much as he could before the arthritis (and alcohol) took over his body and his life, he still washes the dishes when he can and takes the dog for short walks occasionally. When he is ill I am aware of just how much washing up he does, the kitchen sink piles up with dirty dishes as I leave it till almost bedtime to do it. He used to love cooking but has difficulty holding a knife now, if he wants a cooked breakfast he insists on cooking it himself, but he always breaks the eggs and then refuses to eat them, then breaks another and another - even the dog gets sick of them!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Jan 2014, 23:41
@coffeetime enjoyed reading about your nice day xx
@rawkaren what are you trying to do to us with the food porn pics! :razz:
@StowgateResident congrats on your Fastiversary! X

Night night chums x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 00:16
I'm training the lads at the moment, its going fairly well. We now have a situation where I do all the housework on a Monday and Thursday. The two lads work around my days by alternating with each other and its their job to do all the housework on alternate days. Its working fairly well. The eldest remembers to do stuff like load or empty the washing machine and take food out of the freezer in time to defrost. But the youngest tries to get away with just washing the pots once a day and only cooking the dinner.

It does end up, so far, that I empty the tumble drier more than they do, I also am the only one to clean toilets, and I am also the one who sorts all the washing. Its been a family policy to NOT iron, unless there is a special occasion or its work clothes that have to be done. So I still do about 70% of the work, but the lads are getting better. I will be incorporating toilet cleaning into their days as they get more 'automatic' about doing the base level stuff.

@rawkaren, those cakes and the cheese counter look heavenly. Its the end of a fast day here and I'm going out for lunch tomorrow. I may well pick up a nice cake as well.

@coffeetime I dream of having grandkids, but there has been nothing on that front and probably won't be for at least another 2 years.

That's it from me tonight. I am attempting to go to bed when I've only been up 12 hours. This will be a new one on me. I am actually yawning so I could be successful.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 00:54
Have a good sleep @Julieathome, you are very fortunate having your lads doing anything houseworky at all, most young men living at home rarely lift a finger to help. Well done!
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