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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 21:42
PennyForthem wrote: Oi you lot, I don't want an, seriously, the more the merrier. Would love to meet again.
Shall we organise by PM?

yes please PFT! :like: Know you're back into chutney production so whenever suits!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 21:46
Yes please. That's fine by me.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 21:57
I guess you need to work out when you want your makeover Penns/ when you can get it booked/ what fits in with chutneying duties/ who is puppysitting ,and we take it from there? X
Perhaps we' ll all be clutching our JL cards by then for our free coffee and cake? :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 22:09
I think I have signed up for a card.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 22:15
Yeh i signed up today! & Cally applied yesterday i think
Come on Mr Postman ! :0)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 22:19
Feeling SO left out. I want free coffee and cake too :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 22:21
CandiceMarie wrote: Yeh i signed up today! & Cally applied yesterday i think
Come on Mr Postman ! :0)

Got a temporary membership number in an email so I suppose that could be used? Still waiting for my Waitrose card that I applied for weeks ago, apparently there's a huge backlog of applications!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 22:26
I've got a number in an email as well.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
27 Jan 2014, 22:47
Yep me too so at least we've got that far! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 02:50
wendyjane wrote: Feeling SO left out. I want free coffee and cake too :cry:

Me too, Wendyjane, me too. :cry:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 03:48
Bah humbug! It's 39 and I start back tonight to a choir that rehearses in a church hall. It's cosy in winter, it has great heating but the only "air conditioning" consists of opening the doors and windows. Sweatarama here I come!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 05:34
@Debs, I'm posting this here, so as not to further confuse the newbie you were chatting with...

Why on earth is sourdough bread an okay carb???
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 07:34
Cos I like it!! Hence the wink, in case you didn't spot the humour!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 07:51
Isn't there something somewhere which says that sourdough is better than ordinary stuff as regards carbs / bloating etc - maybe @Breadandwine can answer that one?? :?:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 08:33
A J.L. Card? Mmmm......if the rest of the gang are getting them then I'd better get a move on and get mine, don't want to miss out on coffee and cake. All you ladies out there who will not be able to indulge, don't worry, we'll indulge, by proxy, on your behalf, won't we girls? Can I put my name down for the next meet please? Did you say Liverpool? I can do that. Still hoping for an Edinburgh meet up in Mar/April so it looks like a busy spring round here.

Ballerina x :heart:
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