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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 08:34
I am trying a wholegrain bread because it's supposed to be "best for you" but have no idea how my stomach will react....I have a weakness for British white bread :razz:

Hello everyone !!!!! :grin:

Today is cleaning day and trying to stay calm day after I made an enormous fuss yesterday in a shop (a cell phones shop)Really need to find a way to keep my cool...
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 09:09
Well hello to you @Manderley and Good Morming everyone!

The sun is shining here. It looks lovely out, although I think it's getting colder. I'm currently working on my 2014 calendar of "the Girls" (my two beautiful Iggies). I thought I'd finished it the other day...but then everything was lost...aaarggghhhM how frustrating is that? Anyway, hope to finish it today.

Has anyone else got as exciting a day as me lined up?!!

Bean :geek:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 09:16
I have a new toy to play with.....a handheld steam cleaner, which was a bargain and recommended by a friend. After a little go yesterday I am all set to clean windows, the oven and the shower screen.

Beat that for excitement!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 09:20
Er...oh I don't think I can! Does it have turbo boost?

Actually, I'd be interested to know if those steam cleaners are any good...doh!

Bean :geek:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 09:28
I love my steam cleaner! I have a hand held one and a floor one. Having a house full of animals the latter is a necessity. The hand held one is fab though, you can get in all the yukky corners... It made a lovely job of my old wooden windows before we had them replaced.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 09:30
Hmm, might have to look into that!

Love your Avatar by the way @Babyfish

Bean :smile:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 09:32
Bean I'll get back to you with a report, I was a bit nervous of it when I tried it out yesterday, so today I am going to be BOLD :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 09:51
Oh Sian, contain yourself!
I have a steam floor mop and a handheld one! Fab bits of kit!
I'll PM all those interested in a Liverpool meet. Just need to sort a dew dates.
Off out this morning and calling at a place on the ay which sells NYDJ jeans.
Scales today weighed me in at 10 7 (and three quarters) but hub couldn't get a good reading on either pair this morning, so I'm now a bit dubious. Mind you, he seems to drop them from a great height to switch them on (I can hear the thud, thud, so I know!!) so perhaps it's not surprising they tell him lies! He stomped off to work, having written some very rude things on his paper tracker!

Catch you all later... watch out for the 2000th post! Whoever writes it, starts the next Chatterbox, girl's name beginning with B!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 11:04
Just posting because this post will make 1000 for me :smile:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 11:10
Ah well done wino!!!
Is the lovely @rawkaren out tonight?!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 12:51
Hi @debs. 5am here and decided to get up. Dreadful nights sleep. Should have checked into the Insomniacs tent. However I need to sleep! Working hard for a change is a bit of a shock to the system. :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 12:56
I'm very confused. Looking for a new car, well not brand new, such a waste of money, been there, done that.

My last car was a Lexus RX hybrid. Sadly got rid as we didn't need a big bus any more. So went down to a golf.....hate it, I'm too close to the floor. And these country road are filthy.
So my question is what car do you guys drive? I need ideas fast.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 13:04
Oh dear Caroline, you definitely wouldn't like my car...its a Citroen C1 (really close to the floor)...but I loves it! However, my dad has a Kia Sportage, which I sometimes use. Now thats a car I would highly you get the 7 year warranty. We are looking around at the moment at different vehicles. I'll tell you whats been highly recommended...a Fiat Panda 4x4. Now they look really good. Or what about a Kia Soul? They are supposed to give quite a high ride effect...if that makes any sense!

Enjoy looking!

Bean :geek:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 13:08
Oh yes, nursey,
I had a little look at a sportage on Saturday, fully spec'd.. That's what I'm after, something of similar size. I understand that one mans meat is another mans poison but, I love the evoque, q5, that sort of shape, size.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 13:11
Ooo not heard of the Evoque Q5. Who makes those?
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