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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 13:14
Mine is a 21 year old lady which still works like a dream. I hate the new cars with all the electronics, I call them lazy cars. I have mine for 11 years now and I am not looking forward the day I will have to let "her" go.... at all.... Oh and it's a Ford escort :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 13:21
nursebean wrote: Ooo not heard of the Evoque Q5. Who makes those?

Q5 is audi, evoque is that squashed Range Rover. .
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 13:34
Ae just changed our 10yr old Mitsubishi Pajero wagon (talk about a gas guzzler) for an almost new Nissan Qashqai and so far love it. Me I like those nifty electronics, like when you go into a slight spin with 2whd, it automatically changes to 4whd. And there is a back (reverse) camera...and... well, I hope it will work as well as the Pajero which was a magnificent car to drive :)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 13:55
Thanks Wolfie, this is valuable feedback, thanks
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 14:49
I just caught up with this news. Pete Seeger's death at age 94. Here's his NY Times obit: ... &rref=arts
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 15:07
Just caught that on our news, Marybeth.
I drive a Freelander, Caroline, and just love it! Not light on diesel, but as we only have one car (hub doesn't drive) and need it to tow our tintent (caravan!!) we put up with that. We have taken out an extended warranty - not cheap, but it has paid for itself. It usually has a load of chutney in the back, enroute somewhere! It copes with our muddy lanes like a duck to water!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 15:37
Afternoon all, I couldn't make it yesterday as I was being a girly and spending the day with my daughter shopping and getting pedicures. The evening was sorting out stuff and watching TV.
Last night, well last night. I had terrible hot flushes last night and ended up having 2 cold showers, horrid, to be able to get to sleep by 4am. I should have come downstairs and joined the Insomniacs tent, but that would have disturbed my daughter who was sleeping on the sofa. That is the last time I eat chocolate covered shortbread in the evening or any high carb food. I think it will also end my drinking days too. I am getting really sensitive to carb overloads these days and it shows in hot flushes.

Concerning cars, we have a Fiat Croma (an unusual car, only 96 of them left in the country). We need massive boot space and this one has loads (for hubby's little powerchair). But, we will need to upgrade again to something with even more space when we upgrade hubby's wheelchair to something that needs a hoist. So we are looking at the big Sanyong's at the moment. They're not bad on the fuel, a bit of fuel guzzling is a sacrifice we have to pay for carrying around a heavy duty powerchair and its hoist, plus have room for shopping too.
We know a 7 seater Vauxall Amiga will have the room with the rear seats permanently down, but we have had one and the road noise was terrible from it. It had an amazing engine though.

Tonight is film night, my daughter has nipped over to the 'outlaws' place and will stay there the night, in a real bed, before coming back tomorrow for one last night here. Thursday she flies out!

Concerning getting the lads to do housework. Its based on the fact that I am going into hospital soon (I hope) and they are in training for then and afterwards. Plus they all know how precarious my stress levels are at the moment and they know that I am likely to bugger off at any time for a few days respite and if the house is a tip when I get back then I will bugger back off again, so they are in training.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 15:42
We have Waitrose cards and, though no branch in our town, there are three within easy drives, a good excuse to pop out and get free drinks and some yummy goodies (like Yeo Greek yogurt and unsalted butter and their packs of soup are lovely). Even OH now asks do you need anything from Waitrose, an otherwise unheard of request!
We have a golf car and it goes well though I agree with it being low. Our last car was a megane which was even lower so the golf doesn't feel too bad. I'd love a Skoda a Yeti though :0)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 16:19
D'you know, I'd love to own a Morris Minor or a Volkswagon Beetle (the original one) and I love original Minis. I've owned two in the past and then I upgraded to a new MINI (bought it brand new). I just wish car manufacturers would go back to these styles...but with added mod cons!

Bean :geek:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 16:51
@nursebean update on latest Coen Bros film
v good..think anyone wd enjoy the story,characters,music etc
Highly recommend! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 16:57
Thanks guys, as I've never heard of Sanyongs, had to google. Wow aren't they nice, just the right size and shape I like. Had a freelander to tow our caravan 12 yrs ago, was a lovely motor.
My step dad has a scooter, and yes my mums boot is full of it when they go out.
I like the elevated view when I'm on the M6 going to visit my mum in lancs.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 17:11
*blushing* I do have to admit that every time I think of the Sanyong, mentally the little voice is saying 'I would like a nice big shlong'. A slang word for the male 'member', especially if it's long.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 17:16
Julieathome wrote: *blushing* I do have to admit that every time I think of the Sanyong, mentally the little voice is saying 'I would like a nice big shlong'. A slang word for the male 'member', especially if it's long.

Ooh Err misses and so you should be blushing, :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 17:52
Yes, er...moving on!

Thanks for the "review" @Candicemarie. Will check it out when it comes to Netflix (hope they don't take TOO long about it!)

Just finished watching "Homeland 3" - what a great series that was/is...but still not as good as Breaking Bad. If anyone hasn't seen this yet...what on EARTH are you waiting for?!

Bean :geek:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
28 Jan 2014, 19:26
Good grief! All this talk of cars and shlongs - I thought I'd accidentally wandered into the Men Only club! What happened to the jeans and handbags discussion?
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