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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 03:12
Ah but don't forget the splendoolas were coming MY way, quite different

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 03:52
The lot of you are just plan NUTS! :grin: :lol: However, this quote
Silverdarling wrote: 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore !'[/i]
reminded me of what my late husband use to shout every morning when he opened the door, didn't mind the time could be 5 am or 11 am "GOOD MORNING WORLD! ARE YOU READY FOR ME YET?" Lmao! I would cringe and laugh at the same time! He would say it at home and especially when we were camping, open the zip on the tent and he'd be a shouting for the world! :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 04:33
Yes, @Betsysgr8, I guess NUTS is our version of mad. Upon further reflection, I prefer mad.

And @Silverdarling, that Network quote has really become part of the vernacular. I bet it ranks in the top 25 movie quotes of all time. And rightfully.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 05:55
miam nuts...... Don't know if you had that nestlé chocolate bar, "nuts" it is soooo good, :heart: :razz:

And, right now, I am watching a video of a Bacon jam recipe :shock: .... Have no idea what it tastes like but it looks really good :grin:

And it's only 7:00AM :rotfl:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 06:08
Hi there, I had a bacon jam icecream, strange, but strangly moreish!!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 06:16
Good morning ! The strangest ice cream I had was a camembert one.Really strange. It was served with strawberries and balsamic vinegar
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 07:09
Morning Manderley, I'm just off to bed, although I think that ice cream combo sounds nice to me. :like:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 09:39
Ballerina wrote: So,....@Silverdarling thinks @Pennyforthem and I are a pair of hookers
girls :lol: :lol: :lol:

I would love to say you are all wrong, well Siverdarling definitely IS wrong as I find hard to visualise penny and I under a lamp post plying our trade, :shock: :lol: :shock: but I find it hard to disagree with the others, good fun though, eh? :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:

Morning tweeps - or is it afternoon yet? phew, 4 dogs don't half gobble their food - and my time!

So I read @ballerina and I have a new career; all I can say is that she'd have a designer handbag and I'd have a Next one

In addition to looking glam under that lamp post I woke this mrning (and in the middle of the night) with a nose bleed. Now that's a very fetching look, isn't it?

Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 12:35
I.. am... wearing... size ...12 .... jeans! Yay!
Spurred on by all the jean talk, (and comments about my baggy jeans!) I tried on a pair of NYDJ yesterday (size 10) but decided I just couldn't justify the exhorbitant price tag at the moment.
so I bought a pair of these instead ... bi=1&ps=40
and they are so flattering to my figure - and a lot kinder on the wallet! Now, I don't know how long they'll last, but I'm sure they'll give as good a service as the expensive ones!
I also bought this ... bi=1&ps=40

I'm really, really pleased!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 14:05
@Debs @Manderly @rawkaren

I had - and loved - a bar of dark chocolate with bacon in it (Vosges brand). Very scrumptious, fairly expensive ($8 US for 1 bar, about twice what I pay good chocolate bars like Ghiradelli, etc), but oh so good. I think I need to go find one, it's been a couple of years since I had it!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 14:08
PennyForthem wrote: I.. am... wearing... size ...12 .... jeans! Yay!
Spurred on by all the jean talk, (and comments about my baggy jeans!) I tried on a pair of NYDJ yesterday (size 10) but decided I just couldn't justify the exhorbitant price tag at the moment.
so I bought a pair of these instead ... bi=1&ps=40
and they are so flattering to my figure - and a lot kinder on the wallet! Now, I don't know how long they'll last, but I'm sure they'll give as good a service as the expensive ones!
I also bought this ... bi=1&ps=40

I'm really, really pleased!

Brilliant! :like:
Photos please!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 14:18
debbiejgb wrote: @Debs @Manderly @rawkaren

I had - and loved - a bar of dark chocolate with bacon in it (Vosges brand). Very scrumptious, fairly expensive ($8 US for 1 bar, about twice what I pay good chocolate bars like Ghiradelli, etc), but oh so good. I think I need to go find one, it's been a couple of years since I had it!

Vosges! I tried that brand already. Hawaiian Black Sea salt and caramel dark choc :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 14:21
I've only had the bacon -am scared to try any others as it was so good! :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 17:14
Quiet here, where is everybody. :?:
I've been sleeping, and baking cup cakes with or should I say for my daughter.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Jan 2014, 20:54
BBC2 in 6 minutes!
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