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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 16:24
I found a recipe for Pastry, with ground almonds, orange zest and orange juice added to the mix, and it is absolutely delicious in mince pies. The only problem was I over filled them and they made the most awful mess.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 17:18
I am hoping they still have some left, somewhere on Xmas Eve. It looks like shopping will be then as the benefits people have messed hubby's money up last month and we are still feeling the knock on now. So he doesn't get any money till Xmas eve. But, I have just done a meal planner and by scraping the bottom of the freezer we actually have enough food to last us till 3rd January (his next paymet) and that's with only one extra turkey meal. So go me! All we will need is fresh fruit, veg and milk, which will , fingers crossed, allow us to go out for our Anniversary meal as well.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 17:30
CandiceMarie wrote: Is there anyone here apart from me and FatDog who havent yet had a mince pie? X :grin:

Not me. I don't like them very much.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 17:37
Ouch! Christmas is off to a good start. While loading the wish dosher, I caught the top of my finger on the largest, sharpest knife. It still hasn't stopped bleeding and I've been through umpteen plasters.
Glad I got the pate made before that!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 17:40
Betsysgr8 wrote:
CandiceMarie wrote: Is there anyone here apart from me and FatDog who havent yet had a mince pie? X :grin:

I had some pie at Thanksgiving (end of November) and none since, does that count as not having any yet?

Would that be pumpkin pie tho Betsy ..As long as they weren't mince,youre in the
"Havent Had A Mince Pie Yet " Club! :wink: :lol: ..
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 17:42
SianS wrote: I found a recipe for Pastry, with ground almonds, orange zest and orange juice added to the mix, and it is absolutely delicious in mince pies. The only problem was I over filled them and they made the most awful mess.

Ooh i think they sound lovely, Sian,dont mind messy! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 17:43
PennyForthem wrote: Ouch! Christmas is off to a good start. While loading the wish dosher, I caught the top of my finger on the largest, sharpest knife. It still hasn't stopped bleeding and I've been through umpteen plasters.
Glad I got the pate made before that!

Ooh ooh Penny are you ok? That sounds nasty :00
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 17:53
PennyForthem wrote: If you want me to send you a box @Manderley just PM me and one will wing its way to you x

Ahhh thats so lovely of you @PennyForthem
And ouch re yr finger..if its any consolation,been in London less than 48 hours and have already cut my finger on a knife AND somehow sustained a small but painful cut behind my toe..( how? :confused: )
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 18:37
:heart: I haven't had a mince pie yet @CandiceMarie
to be fair + honest I'm not much for them :shock:
But have just had treacle sponge and custard!!!!!! :shock:

Hope you're OK@PennyForthem with your throbbing end

Today's plans have gone a little astray because of last minute pressie shop so must stay off this forum tomorrow to make the mince pies + quiches ready for the outlaws visit on Christmas eve for wait for it drinks + nibbles :heart: Sue
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 18:48
Me neither, no mince or mice pie for that matter but did have a jar of mincemeat I used in brownies but they don't count! :oops: :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 18:49
CandiceMarie wrote:
Betsysgr8 wrote:
CandiceMarie wrote: Is there anyone here apart from me and FatDog who havent yet had a mince pie? X :grin:

I had some pie at Thanksgiving (end of November) and none since, does that count as not having any yet?

Would that be pumpkin pie tho Betsy ..As long as they weren't mince,youre in the
"Havent Had A Mince Pie Yet " Club! :wink: :lol: ..

I had a very thin slices of pumpkin, cherry, pecan and I think blueberry or was it mincemeat? Lol, sounds like a lot but it really only came out to the size of one regular slice. I wanted to sample my sisters pies and I did share my plate with BF.

Oh! I did have a very small portion of apple crisp at my Mom's when my brother and his family were visiting from New Mexico. :)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 18:55
Lets call it blueberry so yeh,I think you qualify for the No Mince Pies Yet club Betsy! :0) x
It sounds divine anyway..i' m getting peckish..ready for my dindins and wondering will i make it tomoz with my usual Monday fast! Time will tell..x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 19:08
I have had neither a mince pie nor a mice pie,not my favourite, but, I have been overindulging in Panetonne with double cream which has had vanilla bean paste mixed into it. Let me tell you, there is heaven and it is awash with vanilla bean paste, an Italian dessert which the PT fairy has a problem with and double cream, oh dear, I've died and gone ................

Ballerina x :heart:

Normal service will be resumed...........perhaps.....perhaps not!,,,,
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
22 Dec 2013, 19:27
Just awaiting an apple crumble with custard .....

Ooooooh it's Christmas Eve Eve Eve!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 01:57
Lets see, Doritos chips have been opened and a couple of handful's have been eaten. Then there was the 3 bakewell tarts (i am going to regret them in the morning).

Also the fold up chair my son dropped on my foot, catching the big toe joint. Its a lovely pale blue colour and twice the size of the other big toe at the moment. Nothing as drastic as sliced fingers so far. We are all hoping desperately that this year no one will end up in hospital over the Christmas period. The kids have told me they are tying pillows all over me to stop me hurting myself or more specifically my neck this year.

The tally so far for major stuff over Christmas is Pneumonia for one, another 12 hours and they say we may have lost him.
Twisted gut and bowel blockage, surgery, then released where his gut burst on the way home and he was re-admitted for a month (nearly lost that one too).
Falling in the septic tank and giving myself concussion, airlifted to hospital for that one (doctors were in hazmat suits).

Christmas times are worse than holiday times, the worst I've had on holiday is 2 broken toes at a water park. Oh and the stitches in my foot from a broken tile (a different water park).

Did I say I was accident prone by any chance?
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