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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 02:02
Then there was the time hubby came home late and fell over the briefcase he dropped in the middle of the bedroom floor, he headbutted the corner of the dressing table, knocking himself out. He ended up with concussion, stitches and a black eye. Whilst he was concussed he tripped and kicked the wooden sofa leg and broke one of the long bones in his foot. He looked a right mess, the rumour started soon after that, that I was a husband beater.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 04:55
Thanks for lovely PM,PFT! @PennyForthem xx
Another sleepless night..and wheres all the Tenters when a girl needs to chat?
I' m still awake,son in law snoring,daughter was doing squeaky whistles,now shouting in her sleep..they havent woken me, i just cant sleep - again! Gahhhhh!
Quite peckish too,so going to raid some of the party fare even tho youve cunningly hidden it Penny from marauders..or think you have ..! I bribed the elves and pixies to tell me ....mmmmm what to eat first..yumyum! :razz: :lol: :grin:
( oh for some zeds tho)!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 04:57
Julieathome wrote: Then there was the time hubby came home late and fell over the briefcase he dropped in the middle of the bedroom floor, he headbutted the corner of the dressing table, knocking himself out. He ended up with concussion, stitches and a black eye. Whilst he was concussed he tripped and kicked the wooden sofa leg and broke one of the long bones in his foot. He looked a right mess, the rumour started soon after that, that I was a husband beater.

Sorry to laugh Julie..your poor hubby,but that story is hilarious! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 05:28
Your poor toe! And what Crisis Christmases youve had Julie! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 06:40
Morning early risers (and Candice who has been minding the tent all night). Gearing up for the supermarket dash first thing. Elbows are ready. Then hopefully some respite as I am having my hair done this morning. It's normally a long job as I'm naturally dark (especially at the back), but grey/white on top, so that is why I chose to be blonde and have dark roots rather than dye it dark and have white roots........

As I will be there for some time, I will take my ipad with me and see you all in the hairdressers later.

I see we are going to get another weather thumping today. Stay safe everyone.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 06:44
At least the weather thumping will keep me awake and alert for elbow jostling in waitrose!
Enjoy having your hair done xx
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 06:54
We are off to Manchester to get Mrs. Hitler senior, aka mil, for Christmas. She does not want to come, is almost 90 and now hates leaving home. I feel quite sorry for her til she gets here and then I want to kill her as she is getting so difficult. Such a shame as she used to be quite nice company and her and I have had some lovely times together over the years. She probably thinks that I am getting old and grumpy as well and she could be right. Karen I hate going to the hairdresser so you have my sympathy there. I am planning to do some food shopping later in the day, so late that I'm hoping everyone else will have been and gone as my elbows are just not what they used to be. Julie, I apologise for laughing at you misfortunes but you described it all so well, hope you all survive Christmas

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 07:11
I'm just on my way out shopping too, well sharpened elbow at the ready. Got all my groceries yesterday, going out now for the turkey and some other bits. Still need to buy, write and post a few cards. Going to try to do some wrapping and possibly some baking later.

Good luck Rawkaren, CandiceMarie and Ballerina and everyone else out today. Mind the weather and GET YOUR MITTS OFF THAT TURKEY. ITS MINE!!!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 07:38
I thought I was being so smart by getting my groceries delivered instead of fighting the crowds. Alas, it appears I'm stuck at home waiting for the delivery now - and I've just received a text to say they're running at least 100 minutes late - which means it could be delivered any time between now (6:30pm) and 9:30pm!!

I could have been there and back twice over already!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 08:18
Hello everybody

Wow Julie, I hope things go better this Xmas, I will be thinking of you.

House is now clean and tidy; the Xmas table is set; the outdoor patio area is tidy and ready for drinks and nibbles as it's going to be warm here in Melbourne on Xmas Day and it will be nice sitting outside under the large umbrella, I am certainly looking forward to a glass of chilled white wine.

Just some last minute perishable purchases in the morning then it's home to peel vegetables, make the Cauliflower/Broccoli Cheese and other food prep before settling in for the night to watch the Carols by Candlelight special which is on TV tomorrow night.

Have a very Merry Christmas everybody

cheers Maggie. :smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 09:44
I too will be out foraging for fresh food, dreading it :0/ OH absolutely hates it so will be rushing me to finish and so I forget things in a bid to comply.
Oh well.
Happy Christmas Eve Eve everyone :0)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 10:01
Mrs Smug here; had bulky stuff delivered last week, got treats from the farmers' market on Saturday, braved Morrisons yesterday; I don't need to go to the shops again for about 3 months!
It's a good job we are caravanners; the 'van fridge is full, the portable beer fridge is full (but not with beer!) and the house fridge is full. Worryingly, it all needs to be eaten. Luckily, not all by us!
Today, I have the gelatiera in action, making limoncello ice cream and then a batch of salted caramel icecream for the kids on Boxing day, to go with sticky toffee pudding.

I wish I could be Santa this year and visit you all x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 10:48
Not looking forward to braving the elements on this blustery, wet December day but needs must if we want turkey on Christmas day! Would much rather have a lazy day watching old b&w films on tv or curled up with a good book but have a ton of things to do. Just waiting to Skype my brother in Western Australia, then girding my loins for the shops!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 11:21
Today myself and the lads are off to the gym in a different gym as our very local one has closed down for the hols. Then we are having a swim after. After that we are braving Morrisons for meat for tomorrow night as my daughter has only just got around to telling me that she and her partner are coming for dinner. She really likes my slow cooked beef in red wine, so I need the beef today, to get in the pot in the morning ready for the evening. There is no way the timings will work out tomorrow for it to be as tender as it should be. That plus the Ginger, cider and pear trifle for afters.

I am so going to regret this Christmas, food wise and weight wise, but the whole premise behind 5:2 is one of still being able to enjoy your life and that means enjoying your food when you can.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Dec 2013, 11:45
Just a quick visit as I am sick and won't leave my bed. It's a strange tradition I have, systematically getting sick just before Christmas until the beginning of January. It never fails, happens every time for 10 years or so now, have no idea why. That's THE secret to not put on pounds or kilos during the Holidays.....

Good luck to all of those who will brave the crowd today and tomorrow
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