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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 10:45
@manderley ooooh, what a lovely kitty, sweet or what? I am SO glad to hear that you are feeling better, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas xx

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 13:37
Cake is iced, gingerbread house is cooling and I'm about to start the wrapping. This year I'm using the ironing board technique as recommended on twitter by Ruth Langsford (@RuthieeL)

I'm about 8 hours ahead of myself this year but am starting to feel anxious about what I may have forgotten/have I enough presents? I always get like this just before the shops close
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 13:46
Ahhh @manderley, she looks all cosy tucked up in her bed. At least she is helping, my fatboy is asleep
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 14:02
Your wall hasn't quite reached me yet @Ballerina but I think it is on its way. I have had a face full of sand though.

@Manderley, she is just lovely - looks like you've got some really good company over Christmas after all :wink: .

I gave OH a verbal kick up the backside on Sunday because he was so grumpy and it seems to have worked. Woohoo, he has been a happy bunny the last couple of days. Thankfully he has finished work and all the mail has been delivered (he's a postman/manager) so he can relax now too.

Must go and do the housework, then I'm sure I'll be back later with a glass of red.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 14:11
Have just poured myself a Christmas Eve glass of red. All jobs done. OH on the way home. Sunny, windy but flickering with snow..... now where is Santa
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 15:27
This one is a real stick of glue, she follows me everywhere, sleeps on me and is right by my side right now. She's a cat who takes me for her mum. Her sister, on the other hand, is fast asleep with no care in the world, not for me anyway....

It's a bit early for the Christmas Eve glass of vodka, it will have to wait a while. Just have to find a new recipe to cook my prawns as I wanted to cook and flambé them with whiskey but I don't want to finish under the table :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 16:10
Hubs finished at lunchtime today, so we did a trip to the recycling yard - he takes me to all the nicest places! It was snowing on the way back... brrrrrr.
I was going to make a nut roast for DiL on Boxing day, but she tells me she's having one tomorrow, so it's plan B.

Except I haven't got a plan B
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 16:15
Just had my first sip of red, all ready, Christmas Eve guests due in about an hour, it's getting dark and I shall light all the candles soon. This house looks like the inside of a cathedral on Christmas Eve but that is just how I like it. Hubs has done belly pork, roast chickens, yes, plural, veggie things and lots of extra fancy bits with lovely sweets to follow. Can't wait to see what I bought for hubs to give to me, yes, you read that right, I buy what I REALLY want and don't tell him what it is so that way one of us gets a surprise, works for me every time. I have spotted an interloper under the tree that I didn't put there and it has hubs handwriting on it so as usual he has got me something which I don't know about yet. If it is a Dyson then he will be dead before midnight but I suspect not, too small, ooooh! We open all our presents tonight, which I like as the atmosphere is SO magical, lights twinkling, candles setting everything on fire, me tiddly, perfick!
Have a great night all my lovely friends,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 16:16
Can I suggest a mushroom and cashew nut pie? They are lovely. Rose Elliott recipe I think ... ?

What a beautiful twilight here today, soft and clear. Look up for the sleigh! Or at least for the ISS pass over the UK at 17.58 tonight :0)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 16:38
Another go with the heating this morning - so went to nearest Argos by 10am for another oil filled heater ... Another visit by British Gas, and the problem thankfully sorted by lunchtime. So along with visits from the District Nurse to see My Dad, the carers delivering presents (as well as seeing to my Dad) and last minute present wrapping, my Mum and I are just about bushed ... will be putting M and S pizza in for evening meal shortly, and then ... Might try on the party dresses again, and take a photo ot two :wink: :shock: :wink: :shock:

Looking forward to tomorrow, especially now the heating is sorted ...
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 16:43
:heart: All done, showered hair washed toenails painted !!!
Buffet set ready for our visitors probably
about 45 mins away
Now it must be time for a large glass of red :heart: Sue
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 17:15
Ooooh thanks @Azureblue. I've found my Rose Elliot 'Vegetarian cookery', so I'll be browsing that tonight. Will let you know what I choose. I've made Simon Rimmer's mushroom pate for starters on Boxing day. I think it'll be going home with her, as there is so much!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 18:07
ISS looked amazing just now, good clear view at our human-made wonder. Woohooo!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 18:08
Poo Poo Poo. I've done all my jobs today, house looking lovely, food all prepared. I put on a lovely ankle length orange silk skirt for drinks and midnight mass, sat down to a bowl of meatballs, and dribbled sauce all over the skirt. I. AM. NOT. HAPPY.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 18:23
Its only 10:30 a.m. Los Angeles time on Christmas Eve day so we've got a long way to go 'til the witching hour!! I'm so organized, I can't stand myself. The sun is shining, its going to be a beautiful couple of days :sun: so maybe a little trip to the beach Christmas afternoon. Polly is helping me wrap pressies - or should I say pecking little holes in all my beautiful wrapping paper!!!

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone - will be thinking of you all.

Luv from me :heart: :heart:
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