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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 18:45
About to get started. Champagne open! Merry Christmas everyone :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 19:14
Happy Christmas Eve to you all. I have done all my chores, and after consulting my lot we have decided to have our Christmas Dinner in the evening which (weather permitting) will allow OH and I to have a walk. Now you may think a walk isn't that exciting, but I have bought my born-again-walker hubs a GPS walking thingy, so I assume that once he has played with it indoors for a bit we will need to take it out for a test-walk.
Cheers for now :smile:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 20:59
Hi Christmassy chums!
Well its really here for our Ozzy gang..And not long for us..
Had a lovely Xmas Eve,hope you did too..gonna catch up with all the news on here after dindins,just about to sit down to it after a great day that has included out to the shops with everything bought so no pressure,just enjoying the magic...finding a lovely little florists and buying white freesia for the table,plus some gorgeous but incredibly inexpensive baubles for the tree.then to the pub for one drink before home to get the pressies put under the tree
Only thing left to do is pop to the hospital next door with chocs for the staff working over the next day or two..then dinner and drinks and wait for santa!
Merrrrry merrrrrrry Christmas!!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 21:03
Just about to eat the dessert (Eton Mess revisited but revisited with vanilla ice cream, meringue and raspberries). I am crazy to look forward a fast on Thursday ? Tomorrow, only lunch as it will be heavy enough

Oh and I had my first Toblerone triangle tonight

Merry Christmas to everybody :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 21:13

... as you can see, Santa's done a diversion and popped over here early :grin:

Merry Christmas to everybody! See you all tomorrow in Penny's marquee!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 22:41
:heart: Cheers @rawkaren another large red!!
Oohh @Manderley I think I may just have to join you with a chunk of toblerone :heart: :heart:
Santa was early @Silverdarling not made it here yet
Got rid of the xmas eve visitors and relaxing together just the two of us, before tomorrow's visits. :heart: :heart: Sue
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 22:45
Phew! What a day. This is the first chance I've had to even turn on the computer.

I blame the lie in this morning, the day started off hours later than I had planned, but we made it. House hoovered, tidied etc. then off to Morrisons when we were there at just the right time to nab some bargains. A lovely huge pork joint for 1/4 price. A pile of fish, Basa, smoked Basa and smoked haddock again 1/4 price, cream and cakes too. I was even eyeing up the reduced turkeys, but I couldn't fit it in the freezer.
The only things we missed out on was asparagus and red cabbage. But its not the end of the world, we can work around it.

My daughter and her partner arrived whilst we were putting the shopping away, again the shoehorn had to come out as the freezers are overflowing now. Its a good job we have a very cold storage room to put the milk in temporarily to help ease the storage problem.

Then we had a lovely meal with Jade and Nathan of topside of beef (reduced and less than braising steak would have been) with a red wine and onion reduction/gravy, giant Yorkshire puddings that flopped because I turned the wrong oven off, carrots with rosemary and honey and peas. Followed by a ginger,cider and pear trifle. Plus booze and chocolates. I am going to need about 6 fasts to get over this holiday.

Then I went upstairs and finished wrapping presents. Why oh why did I buy so many clothes for the lads (the both need a clothing overhaul, so I ebayed and got loads of stuff). I cut it very, very close though as I only had 2 foot of wrapping paper left.

Tomorrow is pressy time, family and food. Starter for lunch, main at dinner time, and pudding at supper time. Jade and Nathan should be back on Boxing Day for dinner time Smorsborg of sliced meats, cheeses, crackers, crudities and dips. (the only meal of the day on Boxing day). It will also be the last time we see nathan as he travels to Dubai on the 2nd January, my daughter follows on the 30th January.
The day after is my Wedding Anniversary, so hubby and myself will be off for another meal, but just ourselves, our eldest is driving us there and back, but its going to be just us for a change. I wish I could book a night away as well, but a minimum of £69+ for a bed for the night isn't worth it when we get a free taxi home.

Its going to be a busy, calorie heavy few days for us. I will be glad to get to a gym and do my fasts by the end of it.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:05
Ewe.. just put my hands into goosey's nether regions to find its giblets, which were never meant to be encased in a plastic bag! They will be doggies christmas dinner after flavouring the gravy.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:17
:heart: Happy Christmas@PennyForthem yes you look after the dog and make sure he enjoys his xmas dinner before I take over the walking duties :heart: be very careful with that poorly finger of yours and where you're putting it we don't you visiting A&E do we :heart: :heart: Enjoy :heart: Sue
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:18
I've finished for the night. Tomorrow is soon enough for peeling veg and stuffing the turkey.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:35
At long last the girls have put their stockings out and gone to bed. My youngest has been tracking santa on her phone and I suspect she still is, under her duvet. I know they are 12 and 15 but I still like them to be asleep before their sacks get filled but I am tired as well.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:43
Oh heck, one of the cats has found herself a new home - she is now zonked out on one of the stockings!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:53
You girls are sure making my Xmas morning - thank you! What a hoot!!!

Vegies done; Michael Buble playing in the background.

Champagne in hand; Pork in Weber sending out a wonderful smell around the neighborhood, 22 year old doggie Harry trying to sleep;

Esky filled with ice for the Beer; Starters done, mobile keeps dinging me with messages

What a wonderful morning, and already to greet my family!!

Let the Festivities begin!!!

cheers Maggie. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:56
:heart: @wildmissus :heart: trust the cat to find somewhere warm + fluffy for the night !! That would be a surprise for your daughter in the morning :heart:
Mum santa gave me a pussy cat :heart: :heart: Sue
yes I've had enough now!! another long one tomorrow
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
24 Dec 2013, 23:59
:heart: Hi @Maggiee glad your day is off to an organised start and a nice warm one you lucky girl :heart:
Hope Santa is good to you, Enjoy :heart: Sue
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