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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 13:33
Manderley wrote: Morning to all !

Congratulations @CandiceMarie. For the lottery not for the fall of the tooshbrush :grin:

Thank you for your kind words. :heart: When I talked about Christmas curse, I was not kidding, one way or another, each and every year I spend the time between Christmas and New Year in bed.

The night was not so bad, considering, and the foot is not worse than last night. It's difficult to move my toes but as it is swollen, nothing abnormal. I can walk, barefoot, but do it just for the essentials

Sorry to hear this @Manderley..hope you'll soon be better xx
The christmas curse continues..not only the broken toothbrush :shock: but this morning my daughter put ear drops in her eyes instead of eye drops :curse: x x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 15:13
My daughter couldn't give much this year, so she gave us a scratchcard each, I won £2.00 and my son won £10.00 . So the lottery streak continues.

It seems that today has been an unofficial fast, no one has felt hungry yet. We will go overboard calorie wise in a bit as it's cheese board, crackers, crudities and dips for dinner followed by Christmas cake or a slice of giant Jaffa cake. I'm just off to make a blue cheese dip, all for me as no one else in the family will touch blue cheese in any form.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 16:47
[quote="Manderley"]Morning to all !

Congratulations @CandiceMarie. For the lottery not for the fall of the tooshbrush :grin: .........................

@Manderley can you help me out here please? What is a 'TOOSHBRUSH'? :shock: Also, I hope you stop self harming soon and start to get better. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 16:54
CandiceMarie wrote: [

The christmas curse continues..this morning my daughter put ear drops in her eyes instead of eye drops :curse: x x


Oh dear, I laughed and then I Felt guilty. Hope she is O.K. And that it didn't hurt too mûch xxx

Ballerina x :heart:

P.S. How are you getting on with your new Lottery funded tooshbrush? My mind is all a boggle :lol: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 17:09
Ballerina wrote:
CandiceMarie wrote: [

The christmas curse continues..this morning my daughter put ear drops in her eyes instead of eye drops :curse: x x


Oh dear, I laughed and then I Felt guilty. Hope she is O.K. And that it didn't hurt too mûch xxx

Ballerina x :heart:

P.S. How are you getting on with your new Lottery funded tooshbrush? My mind is all a boggle :lol: :lol:

Its ok to laugh Bal ..DD is ok.. :like:

As for the tooshbrush..its to brush your teesh with,silly!

Manderley's slurring her words coz she's still drunk from the party.. :wink:

Actually it was my TUSH brush that got broken...usually i spend hours combing my tushbush with my tushbrush...grin: :lol: :lol: but i' m gonna spend my Big Winnings on a New Year Wax and Vajazzle! grin: xx
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 17:51
OMG I am so ashamed.... :shock:

I always try to read what I wrote one last time before posting but the alcohol of yesterday, the lack of sleep and the painkillers made me have a goldfish :dazed: I.Q.

Now I need to stop laughing because of the image of the tushbrush and damned it hurts :rotfl:

@rawkaren and @PennyForthem thank you for her (the pic in the avatar), she's my other furry baby, the blue eyes one :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:09
Manderley wrote: OMG I am so ashamed.... :shock:

I always try to read what I wrote one last time before posting but the alcohol of yesterday, the lack of sleep and the painkillers made me have a goldfish :dazed: I.Q.

Now I need to stop laughing because of the image of the tushbrush and damned it hurts :rotfl:

@rawkaren and @PennyForthem thank you for her (the pic in the avatar), she's my other furry baby, the blue eyes one :heart:

Don't worry @Manderley my brain is always goldfish size! :bugeyes: i forget everything!

And i could never chat on here fluently like you do when this isnt even your first fact i dont speak fluently on here even in my first language! :grin: i really admire your ability to chat here so pls dont feel bad if i tease you coz i think youre fab! Big hugsybugsys xx
Ps glad you are enjoying the tushbrush jokes! But sorry it hurts to laugh x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:22
CandiceMarie wrote:
Ballerina wrote:
CandiceMarie wrote: [

The christmas curse continues..this morning my daughter put ear drops in her eyes instead of eye drops :curse: x x


Oh dear, I laughed and then I Felt guilty. Hope she is O.K. And that it didn't hurt too mûch xxx

Ballerina x :heart:

P.S. How are you getting on with your new Lottery funded tooshbrush? My mind is all a boggle :lol: :lol:

Its ok to laugh Bal ..DD is ok.. :like:

As for the tooshbrush..its to brush your teesh with,silly!

Manderley's slurring her words coz she's still drunk from the party.. :wink:

Actually it was my TUSH brush that got broken...usually i spend hours combing my tushbush with my tushbrush...grin: :lol: :lol: but i' m gonna spend my Big Winnings on a New Year Wax and Vajazzle! grin: xx

My mind is now boggling, along with @Ballerina's :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:28
Away 5 mins and what have I missed? :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:31
Is it wrong to eye up the 2/3rds empty bottle of cheap plonk after being good the whole day?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:34
Nope its still christmas,fill your boots! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:48
Thank you, @CnadiceMarie, it really helps to practice every day. When I lived in England, people took me for an Irish woman because I am a natural red hair and that I lost my French accent after a few months. At the time there was a popular tv show with Antoine de Caunes and Jean Paul Gaultier where they were taking a very strong French accent and I always found it awful. If I remember correctly it was called "Euro Trash"

Since I went back home I still practice every day, reading, watching movies and trying to catch British TV because losing is fairly easy.

So coming here was a double blessing, for my waist and for my English :grin:

And you shouldn't hesitate to correct me when I make mistakes :wink:

@Julieathome what is plonk ????
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:51
Plonk, dear @manderley is the Euro Trash of the wine world!
Now, if only I could speak French as well as you speak English x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 18:59
... Just looked this up and apparently the nearest translation is 'le pinard' :wink:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
26 Dec 2013, 19:00
To be fair, French is a real difficult language with latin in all that complicated stuff in it. You should look to our conjugation, you couldn't imagine what a headache it can be, and it's only a part of the rules

English is logical (except for the irregular verbs) and fluid, natural and beautiful. I learned while I was translating the lyrics of my favorite songs when I was a teen as I wanted to know exactly what I was singing about. On the other hand, I am dreadful in German, too difficult for me, too many rules :bugeyes:

And I guess the translation for plonk could be "piquette" :wink:
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