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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 09:36
I think we need to convert the now defunct Christmas tent into a sick bay. Goodness me, the post holiday injuries are mounting up. Julie, I hope you are OK and Manderley you sound on the mend, which is good. Everyone else who is suffering.....I hope you all have a better start to the New Year, and Karen, have a great holiday x

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 10:28
Julie I agree with others complete rest satin cushion, box of chocolates, glass of wine in front of telly, and send for visitors to come and entertain you. The visitors will have to look after themselves and you of course. Hope you have done no real damage. Keep us informed. :like: :clover: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 10:41
Julie, I hope you haven't done any serious damage and I agree with Nessie - make sure everyone else looks after you.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 10:57
@PennyForthem , the mince pies are here !!!! Still wrapped, though, I'll open it after lunch

I don't remember when I was this excited for food. Thanks a lot ! :heart: :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 11:01
Blimey that was quick! Only posted Monday! Be careful @Pennyforthem - we'll all be wanting some! :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 11:41
PennyForthem wrote: Morning all from a gorgeous Wales!
To all wounded soldiers, big hugs.
@Manderley any sign of those mince pies yet? They should be with you soon as they were posted last Monday. I'm sending you some 'virtual sprouts' as well as you need those too!

Here... catch...

PennyForthem, didn't want to sound ungracious but since you have brought up the subject of sprouts I did wonder whether you should be putting them on now for next year's Christmas dinner as I did feel the ones we've just been served were slightly too al dente for my liking! :oops: :lol: :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 12:05
Beaten you to it, @callyanna. I saw the face you pulled and thought, 'that girl will have her sprouts soggy next year!!'

Enjoy the mince pies, @Manderley. We'll organise it earlier next year so you have them in time for Christmas. Let's hope the postman didn't squash them!

@silverdarling perhaps we should organise a mass mince pie swap next Christmas!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 12:09
Shall I just say one word of many... Ouchy!
I'm moving but slowly and painfully. I'm one big ache across my shoulders, down my back, both hips and my right leg and ankle. The right arm is pretty useless as well. So nothing much planned for the day. I may boss the lads around to get my larder drawers finished, or at least to take some photo's for uploading to ebay. (Its free listing for the next week or so.) I have strong anti-inflammatories so will be taking them if it gets too bad, though I believe there is a reason for inflammation in the injured parts and its best to let nature do her business where possible. Rushing the healing may do more damage than the initial injury.

When I think of it, if I had just fallen to the ground I would have been less injured than trying to save myself.

I'm having a veggie blow out today. Vegetable soup for lunch (or a BIG salad) and a stir-fry with some chicken for dinner. I really feel the need for veg at the moment. It could also have something to with not have been to the toilet for 6 meals. If this keeps up I will be taking some of hubby's laxatives.

Its a lovely bright blue sky outside today, I may just wrap up and pull up a chair outside and watch the planes fly over. I don't think it will be @rawkaren because most of what goes over us heads to America.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 12:16
Sounds just what the doctor ordered, Julie. Hope you feel better very soon x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 12:26
We are having a veg heavy dinner today as we both seem desperate for a decent, proper meal and not picking at party bits and pieces, which are lovely but it could never be called a meal. I have also written to the hotel where we had our Christmas lunch, 12 of us, and have asked for a full refund as, well,, in my letter I described it as "at best mediocre and at worst inedible" . I then go on in my usual fashion, oh you all know the sort of rubbish I write, anyway, we shall see what happens. Our meal had been paid for in full but the next table to us, 9 of them, refused outright to pay so it was an interesting time in the restaurant. At one point a paramedic turned up, followed shortly by a full ambulance crew. Now, the food was bad but even I didn't expect emergency treatment and it took them about 30 minutes to revive the lady who had collapsed no doubt shocked by rock hard carrots. Meanwhile, the band played on, surreal, or what?

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 12:34
Good luck there, Ballerina.
We also had a poor meal and when hubs (politely) brought a problem to the management's attention, he got short shrift. I left a review on Tripadvisor and see, in response, 'management' has slated me! Very arrogant.
No way to run a restaurant.
We didn't even ask for a refund, as we were pretty certain we wouldn't get one.

Let us know how you get on.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 12:44
I am not convinced that we will get a refund either but at least I got to vent my displeasure. Over one thousand pounds went into their coffers on Christmas Day from our table alone so it was not a cheap do for such dreadful food. I actually can't wait to hear what they have to say about it all, tee hee, and yes, you will all be the first to hear how I get on. :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 13:01
Wales is indeed glorious this morning. Just back from a lovely billingual service. Another egg glut this morning, so arranging to give them away - 3 dozen gone already.

Feeling so much better, ear and snot almost cured, hope my fellow sufferers feel better too.

Outside to do farm jobs this afternoon then off to drinks with friends, then a veg curry to tackle the parsnip/sprout/onion mountain.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 14:47
Doh! as hubs is watching yet more footy on tv I decided I'd sort out a high up cupboard in the kitchen and throw out old roasting tins etc lurking there and what do I find but the lovely Christmas cards I'd bought in last year's sales and spent ages looking for a few weeks ago. Silly me, of course that's where I put them! to find a better place to store them till next December!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 15:19
Rotten luck on the Christmas meal front, do the restaurants do it on purpose because they have to work? Our Linda McCartney veg pies were awful too, threw them all out after lunch.
By contrast I had a grand stirfry in coconut oil with tamari and herbs last night, with veggie Cumberland sausages and also tried Quorns new chorizo. Really rather lovely.
Still wading through Christmas cake, at least it's nearly all gone. Though the hamper of food seems to be increasing ...
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