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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 15:24
Been ranting away and it ate my post! @sue.q, I sympathise........

Was ranting as I'm now at Gatwick on a 12 hour 'road trip' to Mallorca. Here is a shorter version.

Left home at 8am. Did not fly NCL to LGW as flight always gets cancelled this time of year when the weather is slightly dodgy.
Found out yesterday no Gatwick Express -out for essential maintenance until the new year and the slow train also out due to a landslip.

My old life came in useful as I know a friendly car firm who took us (at great expense) from Kings Cross to LGW.

So here early thank goodness and OH wants to eat. The flight is not until 5:25 so no choice but to sit it out. Thank goodness there is no mayhem today like there was earlier this week.

However. I have a msg for Ms McCall at EasyJet (or anyone else there reading this). Why punish your regular northern travellers this time of year (I'm a frequent flyer and EasyJet Plus card holder). I'm wasting my holiday on a 12 hour trip that ordinarily takes us 2 hr 40 mins, yet if you are in the south, you get three flights today to choose from from EasyJet alone. Oh I know why (Newcastle is not profitable), but really?......

Now pass me a glass of red :razz: :razz: :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 15:30
@rawkaren can I stick a rocket up someone's bottom for you.! Get that red down ya dear.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 15:31
I haven't even started on the Christmas cake. Its still in its box looking all pristine. Neither have we touched any Christmas pudding and we still have mince pies left. Along with a whole Christmas tub of Quality Street chocolates, 2kg of dates, a box of After Eight mint chocolates (unopened, sacrilege in this house), a box of mint matchsticks, 3 giant bars of chocolate, half a box of Lindor chocolates, half a large box of Thorntons continental chocolates and a box of Jelly babies and the 2 litres of cream. I keep looking in the cupboard and wonder when they are all going to get eaten?

At least the booze will keep.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 18:02
Please send jelly babies! I can't get them here for love nor money and the airports ha ven't had them in duty free on our last couple of trips :(
Except the post is awful and I probably wou ldn't get them...
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 18:09
janeg wrote: Please send jelly babies! I can't get them here for love nor money and the airports ha ven't had them in duty free on our last couple of trips :(
Except the post is awful and I probably wou ldn't get them...

Love it @janeg - you sound really desperate (sorry :lol: that sounds awful, but it's just hit my funny bone!) I've just got a vision of you lost in the desert, like in a movie - but instead of 'water, water' you're whispering desperately 'jelly babies ... I must have ... jellybabies ...'

I'll get my coat ... :lol: :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 18:16
... And to serve me right for that 'heartless' last post, I now feel a bit 'meh' and I think have the beginnings of a cold ... And am desperate for a rice pudding ... :bugeyes: :confused: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 19:51
Feel better soon honey {{{+}}}
Let The Monday Fast commence (51 minutes ago) :0)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 19:56
@Janeg, I will ask Nathan and my daughter Jade to pick some up if they have any spare weight allowance in their suitcases when they come out.

You could make your own, if they have ordinary jelly out there.
Make a really strong mix, triple strength may do, and let it cool and thicken till its gloopy. In a small tray put a thick layer of cornflour and make depressions in it. Pour the thickening gloop into the holes then leave to solidify.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 20:00
Silverdarling wrote: ... And to serve me right for that 'heartless' last post, I now feel a bit 'meh' and I think have the beginnings of a cold ... And am desperate for a rice pudding ... :bugeyes: :confused: :shock:

Shame on you, Silver, for taunting a poor, jellybabyless @janeg wandering in her jellybabyless desert, as opposed to dessert.
Hope you get well soon x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 22:51
Once again, I have read all the posts but can't comment individually, just what a pain, awww, awww, and awwwwwww.

@callyanna may I suggest that you take a photo of your new safe place so you know where it is next year? Modern equivalent of tying a knot in your hanky, just don't lose the photo!

@Sue.Q I keep thinking of you, able this year to wear proper shoes and how your feet must be lovely and warm and dry. It brings tears to my eyes when I think how happy you were when you posted about that. I know I'm a soppy, but I am just so chuffed for you and the image I keep seeing in my minds eye is of your poor cold tootsies all nicely wrapped up :smile:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
29 Dec 2013, 23:56
:heart: :heart: :heart: OOHhh @Wendy Darling my tootsies have been very toasted indeed thank-you :heart:

The transformation is nothing short of amazing especially because when I sat down to think things over it's probably been over 30 yrs since I've seen ankle bones
( oh god here I go again ). its so raw + its past my bedtime.

Well along with my new "interim" wardrobe of new clothes well Santa bought me new boots + now snow to try them out!!!!
New walking boots for my new year walking which I'm going to do even more of it will be new year/new me. :heart: :heart:
Thanks Wendy x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 06:29
thank you for making me laugh this morning ladies
that is very sweet of you Julie- the luggage allowance doesn't go far so get Nathan and Jade to bring wee things to make their place 'home' rather than jelly babies!
Hope you feel better silver
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 08:07
Morning all. Well it was worth the effort as it's rather lovely here this morning...... @silverdarling. Hope you are feeling better today although I had to laugh our loud at your jelly babies joke!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 08:18
:heart: :heart: Morning. @rawkaren you lucky girl soaking up the sun enjoy your day today hope your food is better than our hotel produced in Oct I'm sure it was the carb overload that resulted in 5kg gain :shock: :shock: :shock:

very windy again here and heavy rain don't you worry
about us poor souls back home and
fasting in the cold Lol :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 09:07
Good day to everyone !

@PennyForthem, I taste one mince pie last night and goodness gracious it was good ! They'll have the center stage tomorrow night as the New Year's eve dessert

Thank you so much for the lovely card as well, it is on my library shelf as visible as it was on the chimney, this one being still too busy with the decorations

@Sue.Q, so happy for you
As I can't wear proper shoes but a big sleeper borrowed from my dad who is 7 sizes bigger than me,I am looking forward to a normal size foot

@Julieathome, I hope you are feeling better

I went straight to bed yesterday afternoon as I was exhausted and my foot was hurting me. The bruise now has traveled a bit on the front and I can't forget the idea to go back cycling on Thursday.....
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