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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 09:18
@Manderley glad they meet with your approval!

To all our wounded fasters, get well soon.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 09:38
:heart: :heart: Take-care of yourself@Manderley and if the bruising and swelling doesn't go down in a couple of days get it seen too, some Injury's take a hell of a long time to heal especially ligament damage. forget your cycling until all is well but having said that if you're still wearing your dads extra large slipper you won't be wanting to go out
with that on. :heart: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 15:39
@Manderley are you sure its not broken? Or a torn or detached ligament? If the break or the detached ligament they will need looking at by a doctor. It just sounds so very wrong.

I'm a lot better today, so much in fact that I went to the gym. It was just what my abused muscles needed, a nice bit of stretching to sort them out. Now will I be saying the same tomorrow is the big question.

My plans for today include getting stuck into a book with my feet up. I am having a self enforced break. The larder drawers can wait a bit, so can the giant crochet hooks. Plus I seem to have got a bee in my bonnet about making some patchwork throws for the beds. Just as Adam shoves my sewing machine in the attic. Oh well, it can come down again when I have the materials I will need.

I am also trying to figure out where to stay on holiday next year, this is all dependent on health etc. but I so want to go on holiday. We usually drive if its within 1800 miles, as hubby loves the driving and I love being a passenger with just him. Then we get settled somewhere and the next day meet the lads off the plane. We are going to try out Bulgaria, but its such an interesting place that I can't decide where to go. So it may be a two centre holiday next year.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 15:53
To cheer up all those who are having gloomy weather today. Nice views here
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 16:01
That looks lovely. Hot weather and a swimming pool. Just what the doctor ordered.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 16:03
Julieathome wrote: That looks lovely. Hot weather and a swimming pool. Just what the doctor ordered.

Sadly not my pool and its rather chilly here, but the sun is very welcome indeed :like:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 16:26
Oh that looks so tempting Karen! Hope you are having a fantastic holiday and enjoying the break from routine. x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 17:00
Crikey, I have so much food in my freezer that my meal planner stretches to the 24th January. There could also be a few more meals with left overs as well. I haven't got to the bottom of the freezer drawers as if I move anything too much I can't get the drawers shut again.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 17:06
Edit that, I've just found the unused chipolates and a packet of cheap ham. So that adds on a 'toad-in-the hole' and a quiche. so we will still be eating to the 26th at least. I still have to buy fresh and probably frozen veg and milk but that's peanuts to a full shop. One happy bank account this month.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
30 Dec 2013, 19:57
I'm just buying fresh food only too. £16 shop today. Woohoooo!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
31 Dec 2013, 00:49
Accidental gardening; I did it again. Just wandered out to pick some flowers to replace the ones I had in for Christmas. They were looking a bit sad. Then I saw that the ornamental grape was trying for world hour later I finally stopped with a full recycling bin and another heap. Good to have it done but would have been better with gloves, hat and sunscreen. Will I ever learn?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
31 Dec 2013, 05:21
Another sleepless night for poor ole Candy!
And its blowin up a storm outside
Grateful to be warm and cosy but worried about anyone sleeping rough and any animals out in the cold :( x x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
31 Dec 2013, 07:16
Morning @CandiceMarie and everyone else! I"m sorry to hear you are not sleeping well at all. I do worry about you. Do you ever sleep?

Well I'm feeling a little 'meh' this morning. The chiropractor rang me last night to reschedule my early Jan appointment as they were closing the office to attend the funeral of one of the two receptionists that work at the tiny practice in Hexham. I was devastated to hear that Norma (who I have to confess I did not know that well), had died a couple of days prior to Christmas from a thrombosis. Early 60's I would have said. Even though she was not a friend or someone I have known for very long, I keep thinking about her, her family and of course those at the practice, who are still deeply shocked. Every time I woke up in the night I kept thinking about her.

Maybe it is always worse this time of year too. Those melancholic feelings seem to descend too easily. God bless you Norma. I was glad to have known you if only for a short while.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
31 Dec 2013, 08:15
Good day yo all !

@Julieathome I really don't think anything is broken, except my sanity. I mean, I can't stay in bed, just can't, for the whole day so, for example, yesterday I cleaned the whole apartment top to bottom. Except the windows. So, of course, after I was exhausted and fell asleep.

Plus I can stand in my toes for a few seconds and can sit as I always do, crossed leg on my bed or on the floor without any pain. I could put a pic of my foot online but I don't want to scare you, purple is not a pretty color on a skin :wink:

@Sue.Q OMG you have an avatar, I am in shock ! :shock: :grin:

@rawkaren It's a pretty view you have here... I also think the melancholy is in the air at the end of the year, it's time to take stock of the year and we tend to see the negative before the positive, it's in the human nature I suppose....

The plan for today is to stay quiet, cook a little, have a nice shower, a facial mask. OH has the flu and will have to stay in bed today and tomorrow so there won't be any big party tonight
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
31 Dec 2013, 08:27
Yes I agree it's that time of year - and nasty things do seem to happen around now. At the library on Friday, we had a man in who was trying to find emergency counselling help for his sister, as over Christmas her son had committed suicide. Her doctor had only offered her sleeping tablets. She didn't want to call the Samaritans, or a 'helpline'. Luckily we were able to help by signposting local mental health emergency services, but why her GP didn't do this I don't know. I suspect though that there may be a cost to them linked there somewhere ...

Anyway, have decided a duvet day for me tomorrow - will read one of the books from the Book Club thread ... Half day at work today, finish at lunchtime, and fasting!!
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