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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 22:30
We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 22:32
Minsmum wrote: @rawkaren I may needs some help with who to be, having never watched it. I mean I don't want to end up as the village hoochy mumma !!!

Or some sex crazed mad queen ..... (Cersei Baratheon). Suggestions please from Game of Thrones fans!

I'd go for Danerys Targaryen or Sansa Stark.....
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 22:33
Aww, Hugs and commiserations Maggie. It must have been a very sad day for you but I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted him to suffer.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 22:33
Maggiee wrote: We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(

Maggiee. I'm so sorry. It's hearbreakng to lose animal family members. :heart: hugs :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 22:37
Maggiee wrote: We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(

So sorry to hear this Maggiee - I still remember losing our family dogs in this way 35 years ago now, within 6 months of each other. It's very hard, so sending you plenty of virtual hugs. :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 22:53
Maggiee wrote: We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(

(((hugs))) :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 22:56
Maggiee wrote: We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(

Oh, what can anyone say other than I'm so sorry. This is the downside of pets but at 22 years old you obviously gave him a long and happy life. Hugs and then some more hugs on the way

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 23:03
:heart: Hugs :heart: @Maggiee
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 23:07
So sorry to hear your news Maggiee but 22 is an incredable age to reach-you must have given him a brilliant life.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 23:15
So sorry Maggiee x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
03 Jan 2014, 23:21
Maggiee wrote: We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(

So sorry to hear this. Hugs to you.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
04 Jan 2014, 00:25
Maggiee wrote: We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(

Oh. My. Goodness Maggiee, it only seems like 5 mins ago I was leaving you a message about your Harry over in the insomniacs tent. 22 yrs wow, what a great age for a doggie. Remember all the good times, cry when you need too. My mate lost her 23 yr old called Marley week before Xmas.
Much love
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
04 Jan 2014, 01:31
Maggiee wrote: We had to say goody-bye to our dear little doggie boy 22 year old Harry this morning after having two fits during the night. :heart: :heart: :heart:

He is now up in Doggie heaven sharing the bread with our beloved friendly Magpies!

cheers Maggie :(

Ahh so sorry to hear this news @Maggiee
Yes he will be in the Happy Hunting Ground now,all his aches and pains forgotten,but he won't forget his loving home he had with you for so many years x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
04 Jan 2014, 07:39
Morning all. The UK Daily Fail is showing the success stories from THEIR 2 day diet today in the online version. Sorry I don't know how to post the link on iPad!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
04 Jan 2014, 07:45
the last kindness maggiee
hug from me
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