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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 09:11
Congratulations to all our forum winners and congratulations to all our forum members for joining and becoming fasting winners. Well done and onwards and downwards :0)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:25
Yes such fantastic news for all forum members! Well it's a white out here this morning. Heavy frost and cold! Not seen one of these for quite a while. Makes a change from rain :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:35
PennyForthem wrote: Wow, all you faster fasters! (Note to self, make sure you do not inadvertently type r instead of s in faster)
Well, banquet gone by the board as we've been out all day and to see grandkids (terrible twos stropp, big time)
Put a goulash in the slow cooker at 3.30, so just going to do spelt/barley brown rice mix for hub and some veggies for me.
I spy with my little eye, something beginning with R W.

Haha@PennyForthem People's Choice ( congrats!) fasting fasters ! :lol: :lol:
Made me laugh,but who or what did you spy...RW?...i am racking my brains but i dont have many of them to rack! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:44
Robbie Williams? :?: :razz: No idea either CM! :oops:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:50
Ooo MM is on channel 4 Sunday Brunch now. I just missed him talking about sugar so switched to C4+1 so I can watch.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:51
I think you're right Cally!
Penny spied Robbie Williams coming up her path to deliver her Award!
Hmm or maybe Robert Winston? :?:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:52
rawkaren wrote: Ooo MM is on channel 4 Sunday Brunch now. I just missed him talking about sugar so switched to C4+1 so I can watch.

Will hasten to C4 + 1 toot sweet! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:55
It was good to see him on sunday brunch. He did well on the bike.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 10:59
rawkaren wrote: Ooo MM is on channel 4 Sunday Brunch now. I just missed him talking about sugar so switched to C4+1 so I can watch.

Yes - Carie just mentioned it - like you, switching to C4 + 1!!! Apparently TAPEWORMS were mentioned :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 11:29
@callyanna'd think she'd come online and tell us..
But No,she's too busy with Robbie/ Robert....
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 11:41
Red Wine might be more appropriate knowing Penny!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 11:48
That is sooo true!
Hey or Red Witch! Do you remember those! :0)
Cider and cherry B! Hehe! Penny is prob knocking a few of those back to celebrate.... :shock: :razz: i hope she can sober up in time to sashay up the red carpet! X
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 11:51
@rawkaren thanks for the headsup..i enjoyed catching up with our Robert..
He was intetesting and also,easy on the eye..dunno why, i always like a man in glasses.. :geek:

Have to say tho..he looked like he'd been to the Blind Barbers..either that or someone cut his hair with a knife and fork.. :grin: :lol: :grin: :
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 11:54
Missed it, through web browsing for stuff I don't want or can't afford. I'm only web browsing as a form of procrastination to get away from starting my 'Learn Bulgarian' course, from scratch again. I've run out of housework to do (I shouldn't be doing any today as its not my day anyway).
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
12 Jan 2014, 11:59
@Julieathome, dare I ask why Bulgarian? do you have some connection with the country or just fancy taxing your brain?
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