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03 Mar 2014, 10:08
Yes they do say that you have to see it in 3D on the big screen. So something like the IMax would be perfect.

Oh, I really hope it's not the lack of chocolate that's seeing the weight loss. That would be terrible! xx

Bean :shock:
03 Mar 2014, 12:19
CandiceMarie wrote: @Sue.Q it's ten months today for you! X :clover: :heart: :like:

Thanks @CandiceMarie yes I hadn't realised that like you I've made lits of new forum "friends" and lost lots of unhealthy ugly pounds all of which I really grateful for because this forum has made that achievable. :heart: Sue

:shock: pity I seem to have been "asleep" for 3 months. :shock:
03 Mar 2014, 12:25
Another hungry gal here! Hopefully it will go away soon! Had a look at the Nutribullet (I was assuming it was some kiind of supplement!) - can't quite get my head around how it is different to a liquidiser though........
03 Mar 2014, 17:27
@PennyForthem, I hope you've got your wheels back and are mobile once more.
@rawkaren, best of luck with your raw food eating plan, hope it works well for you.
I normally go to the gym on Monday morning but yesterday I tripped and fell on the kitchen floor, badly jarring my 'bad' knee and bruising my hip. My leg was aching that much this morning that I knew I wouldn't be able to cope with the bikes or rowing machine so had to cry off. However it was such a lovely day that hubs suggested we go out and had a drive through some gorgeous Cheshire villages and ended up having afternoon tea in Knutsford, the setting for Mrs Gaskell's Cranford, so had a lovely day after all. :like: :like:
03 Mar 2014, 17:30
Sorry you hurt your knee @callyanna, but happy for you that the day turned out well.
03 Mar 2014, 17:55
Aaaggghhh going out of my mind...deep breaths..... Waiting for the high school allocation email to ping up....and it's a fast day..... Deep breaths........browsing the forum.........deep breaths.......aaaarrrggghhhhh!
03 Mar 2014, 18:15
Paper clutter. Oh, how I hate it :curse:

Whatever I do, I never seem to be rid of it. Been tackling a mountain of it all day and still got a heap to go :cry:

Nobody who saw our domestic paperwork would ever believe that I A) used to run a successful business and B) have been employed by quite a few firms to do admin! :confused:

It's never the same, doing your own, is it?
03 Mar 2014, 18:45
Winsome, as someone who used to teach Admin/Management (and have the qualifications to show for it) real life is much more challenging than that. I would take students to task for not finishing their 'homework', but, phew, I couldn't do that now!

Callyanna, sorry to hear about your knee. I love Knutsford, as my fave aunt and family lived there on 'Millionaires' row' (we never saw much evidence of millionaires though) but they did live next door to Roberts the Bakery folk, who were always lovely!! Hope you're much improved tomorrow x

Car now back, as of 5pm today. Wallet several £££££ lighter.
03 Mar 2014, 18:49
@callyannaSo glad you had a good day..i love Cheshire villages!..but sorry about your knee...Hope things improve quickly xx
03 Mar 2014, 18:54
CandiceMarie wrote: @callyannaSo glad you had a good day..i love Cheshire villages!..but sorry about your knee...Hope things improve quickly xx

Thanks CM, will have to start taking more water with it! :grin: Don't know how I did it, was only putting the dishes away and tripped over my own feet! went through Great Budworth today, would love to live there!
03 Mar 2014, 20:55
Waaahhhhhh Mary Berry baking apple and cinnamon loaves on tv and it's a FAST DAY
03 Mar 2014, 20:57
Lemon celebration cake now
03 Mar 2014, 21:47
@nursebean it's definitely not chocolate, I think it's the fact that you are no longer eating carbs / cereals for brek!!! At least I hope you're not! ??? !! :shock: :shock: :?: :?:

Have had a small Moser Roth choc bar tonight - that's after some cheese and chili chutney (sadly not @PennyForthem 's) on some crackers.

And I had another nice surprise over the weekend. Tried on a couple of M and S dresses, size 12, and they fitted! My Mum had bought them and suggested I try them, well blow me down both fitted, and one with room to spare ...

So got online, and three dresses to pick up tomoz! :victory: :wink:
03 Mar 2014, 23:01
Silverdarling wrote: after some cheese and chili chutney (sadly not @PennyForthem 's) on some crackers.

And I had another nice surprise over the weekend. Tried on a couple of M and S dresses, size 12, and they fitted! My Mum had bought them and suggested I try them, well blow me down both fitted, and one with room to spare ...

So got online, and three dresses to pick up tomoz! :victory: :wink:

Chilli chutney can be arranged....
I am taking some Tesco jeans back tomorrow, size 12, too roomy. I look at them and think I'll never fit into those.
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