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04 Feb 2014, 12:43
It was only some old geezer holding a cute dog, Ballerina!
Well, that's my rollmop gone.
I asked an assistant in a branch of Tesco where the rollmops were.
'Upstairs,' she said.
'That's a strange place for them', said I.
'Oh no, all the cleaning stuff is upstairs!' she replied!!
She had the good grace to laugh when I told her what they are!
04 Feb 2014, 12:51
Priceless Penny! You couldn't have made that one up!
04 Feb 2014, 12:54
nursebean wrote: Oh I give up!! :bugeyes:

With regard to the height thing. Its annoying because my sister is the same height...but she weighs 7 stone something and has never had to diet. I've spent most of my adult life dieting...and still can't reach anything like her size

Bean :frown:

Same same same. My sis is skinny too. And we are going on Hols together in July, she has false boobs, false eyelashes and false nails ( I have gel nails as well) but now she's unhappy about her wrinkled face, she's 24 months younger than me and people ask who's the oldest. And she's a granny. Har har, yes she was an early starter whereas I had my first at 27. So obviously a bit more fat under my skin makes me look younger lol
Keep plugging away beany I'm with you.
04 Feb 2014, 13:05
When I try and open your picture I get told it doesn't exist any more!
04 Feb 2014, 13:07
Where has the nice eye candy guy with the dog vanished to?
( story of my life..eye candy that vanishes...)
04 Feb 2014, 13:14
Ooh ..Penny...sounds like my Nan..a right old battleaxe..we were her wee slavies..had to shop,wash her feet,do her brass,fetch and carry...even eat up all her old stale leftovers..
A cosy twinkly Gran she was NOT!
04 Feb 2014, 13:16
Gahhhhh! Put message in wrong place again!! Keep getting lost between all the Tents :(
04 Feb 2014, 13:20
Further to the rollmop debacle @PennyForthem...
I chose a congratulations card for grandparents to a new baby boy..
As i paid, i said to the very young don't have cards for great-grandparents do you?
No,she replied,then added brightly..
we DO have cards for graduates tho!
Erm..stands back in amazement.. X
04 Feb 2014, 13:31
CandiceMarie wrote: Gahhhhh! Put message in wrong place again!! Keep getting lost between all the Tents :(

We'll have to get you sat nav - or tent nav!
04 Feb 2014, 17:05
Afternoon all. I've been a busy bunny today and thinking of a nap in a few minutes before i go to the gym. Nah! I would barely get to sleep before I need to wake up and get my act together. So I think a coffee is in order. That plus thermals as I'm so cold. I think feeling cold is a sure sign that I'm trying to go into fat burning mode. I hope the gym will warm me up. T'shirt, very thick fleece, trousers and very thick thermal socks and I can barely type because my hands are stiffening up. Yet its 22C in the house.

I've had a bit of time in shed today as I managed to get the door open. Its dire, the roof is still leaking. I think the best thing I can do is either put another layer of tar paper on it or get the repair tape and double tape every edge there is. My ceiling in there is actually black with mold in places.

I've also been doing a bit of decoupage, it was fun. Lots of housework, even though its not my day as its a fast day and I needed to keep busy. 2 books arrived and I'm also getting stuck into them.

Ooh! Oooh! Ooh! *bounces up and down in her chair*. Hubby has booked us into a hotel, just us two, in an executive suite no less. Its only for one night as we are going to a meeting, but I get him all to myself for the weekend and I don't have to cook either. There's a pool, sauna and a gym in the hotel too. Plus I get to go shopping in a city centre, even if its Bolton of all places. :grin: I also get to buy a new going out outfit.

Who was it that got some jeans like the NYDJ ones, but from BHS? What are they like and are they worth the money? If there is a BHS in Bolton I will go there first to buy some and a top and maybe a new bra, again! My cup size is down to a C or D I think, with me wearing E's and F cups, my bras are looking baggy. Not the look I need for a weekend away.

Its still 2 weeks away, but I am so looking forward to it.
04 Feb 2014, 17:09
@rawkaren ages ago (new year) you gave a recipe for walnuts to go with cheese.
Made them today and they are amaaaaazzzzzing. Need to jiggle it a bit, too much coating for the amount of nuts, my mistake as i didn't weigh them. Maybe a touch more smoked paprika or a wee shake of cayenne. Scrummy and will be served with the cheese board tomorrow for Christmas mark III. Thanks.
Julie that sounds just the ticket. Enjoy looking forward to it and then the actual event! :grin:
04 Feb 2014, 17:32
Bean :wink:
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04 Feb 2014, 17:33
@JulieathomeSound like a nice busy day to me. My daughter does decoupage, and if I get going with her I'm there for hours.its very therapeutic isn't it. And there's nowt wrong with Bolton (apparently) .ha ha my mums from just down the road near Blackburn.
04 Feb 2014, 17:39
Crikey, a George Clooney look-a-like. Lovely dog too.

Oops, I better get a move on, the gym opens at six and we have to walk the long way around because the fields are too muddy to walk across.
04 Feb 2014, 17:50
Oh I know, my OH gets fed up with people thinking he's George. I can live with it

Bean :wink:
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