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05 Feb 2014, 15:22
Hope you feel better soon, Callyanna, and that hubs is taking good care of you.

Here in the frozen NE of the US, we are cozy inside as snow falls all around, perhaps we'll total 7 inches today. Better than the 10 to 14 inches that were expected. Worrying forecast, though, for possible freezing drizzle later today.

Indoors, my hubs is the one with the sniffles and coughs--though I'm feeling a little tickle in the throat--maybe some good fairy will come in and minister to us both if things get tough-- Fat chance! :grin:
05 Feb 2014, 15:26
Oooooh sorry to hear you're under the weather callyanna; plenty of nutritious soups an a touch of medicinal brandy. Get well soon xx

Leaving chocolate crumbs, Debs? Are you sickening for something, too?

I've just been out for lunch with my friend; we seem to end up having the same topic of conversation, which drives me nuts. In fact, I've stopped trying to talk, as she does a very good job for the two of us and as soon as I open my mouth, she interrupts.
I just nod or say, 'oh, you told me that last time....'. Easier that way!
05 Feb 2014, 15:27
Sorry to hear you're so poorly @Callyanna. Colds are so miserable aren't they. Just keep warm and cosy today. If you want a real pick-me up then I recommend you watch "Shawshank Redemption" with a 400g bar of Dairy Milk. You'll feel better in no time at all!

Bean :heart:
05 Feb 2014, 15:48
Thanks for all your kind wishes dear forum friends and hope anyone else feeling off colour soon picks up too! Think part of the problem in the UK has been such a mild winter, wet yes, but not frosty or cold enough to kill off all the germs!
05 Feb 2014, 15:58
Get better soon @callyanna , just to cheer you up how about a gluten free chocy cake.

I have everything, except the chocolate. Which is unusual as I normally have the chocolate but not the other ingredients.
05 Feb 2014, 16:05
Thanks for that link Julie, will have a good look later. Actually I have just scoffed and enjoyed a M&S individual choc sponge pud with cherries and some Greek yogurt. Hubs gave me a good 'talking to' earlier saying I was looking 'too thin', so whilst I do want to be slim I also don't want to end up as a scrawny old bag of bones :shock: so am going to go easier on myself for a while, allow myself more treats and hopefully put a few pounds back on. :like:
05 Feb 2014, 16:11
There is nothing much happening here today, except the weather. I actually grabbed the laundry basket to rescue the washing from the tumble drier, which is in the small shed, took one step outside and yelped ' Bu***r that, I'm not going out in that', as I backed back into the kitchen, rather sharpish. Hubby just sniggered and mutter something about 'heart of a lion, not!'.

There was no way I was going out in that rain, it was those really heavy, big fat drops that hurt when they hit you. There is one advantage to the rain though, its filling up our rainwater tank again. having my daughter here for a week, washing every item of clothing nearly, drained the rainwater tank and it hasn't had chance to refill properly since as its balanced out between rain in and toilet flushing and clothes washing out. A couple of days of this should sort it out. Its great having water bills of only £80 every 6 months.

So, what have the rest of you been doing today?
05 Feb 2014, 16:40
Not a lot of outdoor stuff @Julieathome because it's not nice out there! At least it's not as wet here in Norfolk as poor old Somerset,Devon & Cornwall.
I have spent quite a bit of time on here catching up on reading posts,doing some washing too, a spot of ironing and a quick trip to the shops for vegetables, went to my local auction house to get rid of some old chairs and had a look at some art work my husband has his eye on! So that's what I have been up to. :heart:
05 Feb 2014, 17:13
I booked the car for an MOT on line. I got a confirmation email back, but Hotmail said the sender had 'failed fraud checks'.
I'd better phone the Landrover garage just in case...

callyanna, my hubs is always saying now, 'don't lose any more weight!' As one gets older (not saying, mind..) but one doesn't carry 'thin-ness' well.
05 Feb 2014, 17:25
Talking about auctions, I'm off to my local one in a bit. I will have a quick zoom around to check whats there and approximate time of anything I'm interested in. Then a dash to the gym and back to the auction house if I need to. I am after a router (woodworking type not an internet type) but can't afford one from the internet. Oops, got to go, catch you later.
05 Feb 2014, 17:29
Forgot to say that I had a lovely skype call from Jade earlier. She is finding the changeover a bit difficult, where she is there are no pavements so she and her partner can't nip out for a run and the roads are horrendous for bike riding, they have to plan and drive somewhere for it. She also can't believe the amount of dust that gets into the apartment. She's not at the 'I want to come home' stage yet, so all is good.
05 Feb 2014, 17:31
Just been for a walk,enjoying being buffeted along as it was lifting the lethargy and fogginess and giving me a few feelgood endorphins
Noticed a new shop ahead..could make out the word "vinegar" in a window..Is it a new chippy (fish andchip shop) i asked myself,quickening my pace.."This is a good thing! " i thought excitedly.".a chippy round the corner! How ideal..or is really,hmm."
By this time i' d drawn close to the" chippy" and realised what was going on..
Liverpool is often used by film makers and creators of period dramas for Tv..we have amazing architecture and the most listed buildings outside of London and Bristol (bows modestly,built them myself) and they're been filming " Foyles War" locally
The chippy was in fact a shop they've cleverly created with signs in the window..
"Carrots in stock!" " Spend your coupons here! " and the one that fooled me.." Plenty of vinegar!"....So if you watch new series Foyle's War,look out for a snugly coated Moominlike chunky figure trundling past..they might forget to edit me out! Hehe! X :wink:
05 Feb 2014, 17:32
Isnt skype fab for keeping in touch with loved ones @Julieathome xx! :like:
05 Feb 2014, 17:40
Today's fasting distraction.
05 Feb 2014, 17:54
@PennyForthem i have a friend like yours ..i love her dearly but as she has got into her seventies she has got an annoying new habit of butting in while i am still speaking..have told her about it and she says,yes i know..but ijust want to tell you something as soon as it comes into myhead..!
Wondering if this is an age related thing,coz its out of character..
Certainly calls for patience on our part doesnt it? And makes the friendship less interesting than it was ?
@callyanna yes i think penny is right and yr Hubz..we have to be careful as we get older ..youre so elegant now so allow yrself some treats and stay Audrey Hepburn ish chic /slim! Rather than turning into a bag of bones and not having any fat reserves for times like now when ypure unwell and not eating much x
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