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01 Feb 2014, 19:54
Oh my cousin Cannelloni! A Delia recipe? I bet that tasted good

Bean :wink:
01 Feb 2014, 19:55
Crikey, lamb? I haven't been able to afford enough lamb to feed 4 of us for about 5 years, maybe 10 years. Lamb is the ultimate treat for me, something I have in restaurants. I am at the stage where I am buying budget minced beef and chicken from the factory shop of Sun valley. But the credit cards are now nearly clear.
01 Feb 2014, 20:07
We had Tesco veggie sausages in a red wine and puy lentil sauce. It was yummy. Son's girlfriend has made some red velvet cupcakes with a cream cheese topping which were rather lovely.
01 Feb 2014, 20:08
Thanks, @Wendy Darling. That looks really good. Hubs likes lamb, and since we are branching out (more fat, less carbs, maybe even a little red meat..) I think I'll try it.

PS Are you really a Wendy? I used to hate it so when people would make Peter Pan remarks to me as a child. Well, family lore has it that my brother was named after a dog :grin: :grin: :grin:
01 Feb 2014, 20:10
I was on a fast today and have just eaten my one meal: M&S Count On Us Chili Con Carne, which was really delish. Mi followed this down with a 50g pot of Petit Filous. D'you know, they're only about 48 calories. A lovely little treat!

Now I'm looking very much forward to breakfast :-)

Bean :starving:
01 Feb 2014, 20:13
Yep, Bean, it was delish. Sorry to hear that Julie. It's my absolute favourite but we rarely have it as the family don't like it. They liked this though! Why don't you treat yourself one day? It would be a lot cheaper to cook it at home than buy it in a restaurant. I was fortunate enough to have got it free (otherwise it would never have made it over the doorstep) it was delivered by mistake with my online grocery shop. I rang the supermarket to tell them and they said they don't take fresh food back (understandably) I was willing to pay for it but they said not to worry as it was their mistake. Enjoy!! So we did :smile:
01 Feb 2014, 20:16
Blimey, what a bonus!

Bean :starving:
01 Feb 2014, 20:32
Those kind of delivery mistakes I like. The restaurant meals are treats anyway. Usually a birthday or anniversary meal out, so as we would be spending a lot anyway I have the lamb which saves me buying it at home.

Pork is nice and cheap at the moment. I picked up a piece of belly pork yesterday from the discount section for half price so that is going to be tomorrows treat. My eldest s doing the cooking, so I expect it to be very slow cooked with honey, soy sauce and 5 spice mix, then shredded and added to a stir fry or something similar. I'm looking forward to that.
01 Feb 2014, 20:49
That sounds lovely Julie. Hope you enjoy it
01 Feb 2014, 21:10
Mmmm, I love lamb too, but admit we haven't had it very often for a while. What a great bonus with your delivery!

I do wish I had more time to chat on here with you all!
01 Feb 2014, 21:45
Doodle you are welcome anytime - just show up on the Beanie thread :like: :victory: Which is already at 100 posts, although only a day old! :shock: :victory: At this rate, we'll be preparing for the next one in about 2 and a half weeks ... :razz:
01 Feb 2014, 23:17
What's going on,I've been away from the screen most of the day, there's unrest in the 16.8 tent, a new chatterbox, and it's up to 100 posts already.

S reminds me of my husband. I have spent many an hour helping him reword very important letters etc. he is very "to the point" and "factual" us ladies are far better at putting our point across with feeling and we don't even try or even know that we are doing it. So In summary he can't help it and doesn't know he is doing it. In my house we call it "flowering it up"
02 Feb 2014, 08:57
Lovely day to all of you, fellow beanies !!! :grin:

It's sunny even if it's freezing cold and after days of rainy days it really is a wonder

Last night I tried to make a soup mixing cauliflower and Brussels sprouts and let me tell you, it's not a thing to do, it is absolutely uneatable :starving:

Today I'll go for the usual Sunday lunch with some special attention to my dog who is not too well these days. He has some anti depressant to take and it makes him really lethargic at night, so I want to watch him to see how he acts during the day

Silverdarling wrote:
Manderley wrote: OK I am watching the Horizon program about fat vs sugar and may I say I find the twins doctors annoying ? Not about what they are saying, mind you, it really is interesting but in general they make me want to kick their butt :shock:

I know, I am strange, sometimes.... :lol:

@Manderley - no you weren't the only one - they irritated me too! i think only one of them would have been irritating (too bouncy, tiggerish and gung-ho) but two of them was just too much. Yes they were good looking, but the whole package was just a bit too wearing! Itchy hand (or in your case, foot!)

Very good looking? They look as they still have milk that will go up their noses and look at that stomach ! They are falsely slim as they have both big guts, even at the beginning. Plus I found the one who was on the fat diet really was doing too much when the doc told you he was nearly pre diabetic. I mean is he really a doctor to react that way ? Did he really believe that an extreme diet, even for only a month, wasn't without any consequences ? please......
02 Feb 2014, 09:11
Morning tweeps and a lovely one it is too - so far! We're off on another photographic mission today, to a 'seaside' village on the Wirral called Parkgate. The sea (or rather the Dee Estuary) deserted it a few centuries ago and only a very high tide restores it to its former glory. Obligingly, high tide is at lunchtime, so we're having lunch too! Now that's what I call a result.

Carie, I once worked for an Austrian boss as PR and his motto, was, 'never use one word when you can use 10' Flowering it up was appropriate, as it was a plant food company!
02 Feb 2014, 09:38
Have a lovely photographic session @PennyForthem and don't be like those people I saw in the paper the other day. It showed them all happily photographing something...whilst behind them was a huge elephant! Most amusing :)

As for me, I've just looked at my progress tracker and it tells me that I will reach my goal in May (oh thats not too bad I thought)...2016! What?! Well all I have to do now is prove it wrong

Bean :dazed:
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