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01 Feb 2014, 13:16
Beans and lentils folks. I can't get puy lentils here for love nor money. What can i substitute with? Urud dhal? Green lentils? Black lentils?
Beloved is a wee bit staid with food but has has puy lentils and really liked them. It's to go with poached eggs....
01 Feb 2014, 13:48
I'm trying to think of ways and recipes to bulk out our protein. I just can't afford the level of meats we used to. I was thinking of it because our Polish neighbor brought around some pork (I think it was pork) patties that had barley or something like it in them. My daughter casually mentioned adding diced apricot and sage to her pork burgers. Considering I used to be a chef, my cooking has become very boring.

I also do a sausage and bean hotpot, using tinned baked beans. A diced chilli in the pot makes it a lovely warming winter dinner. We don't put any starchy veg in the pot as we have the hotpot with rice on the side.

I guess my meal planning needs to be developed a bit more so I can have the ingredients in when we do next weeks shopping.
01 Feb 2014, 13:59
OK I am watching the Horizon program about fat vs sugar and may I say I find the twins doctors annoying ? Not about what they are saying, mind you, it really is interesting but in general they make me want to kick their butt :shock:

I know, I am strange, sometimes.... :lol:
01 Feb 2014, 15:15
nursebean wrote: Talking of corsets...have you seen this woman with the smallest waist?

I wonder what would happen if she took the corset off

Bean :shock:

OMG! :shock: Please tell me that's not a genuine photo? Why on earth would anyone want to do that to themselves? It's as bad as the old Chinese(or is it Japanese?) custom of binding up little girls' feet! :frown:
01 Feb 2014, 15:19
I think it's been photo-shopped.
It's not nice, is it?
And as for Manderley's corsetry, I just don't think they do my size...phew...
01 Feb 2014, 15:28
I do have a corset, I really must try it on again now I've lost some weight. It might cheer me up. My self image is sliding into the 'your fat, your still fat' mode. Instead of the 'whoo hoo, look at me I'm not a size 26 anymore' mindset I have been in.

There have been studies on corsets and back problems and the general consensus was that a corset can help, but, they can also cause the muscles to atrophy, especially the muscles needed to support the back. As long as you are also exercising to keep those muscles trim (abdominal, laterals etc) then a corset is fun and can be very comfortable. It certainly helps to get rid of the muffin top when wearing tight trousers. Its also a great way to bribe hubbies. If you get me ...... I will wear my corset tonight.
01 Feb 2014, 15:30
Oh I am sure they do, Penny, their biggest size is 112cm so I guess it makes 44 inches :wink:

I really don't think the pic was photoshoped, it's not the first time I see this kind of pic, some women are addicted to corsets and only took them of to shower, even keep them to sleep :confused:

Julie, I still do my hour ride, without the corset, of course and I really got a self confidence boost when I first put it on. I was feeling as a whole woman and really attractive, for once. Imagine, I couldn't stop looking in the mirror and I hate mirrors :grin:
01 Feb 2014, 15:31
Because of a 30-year history of intermittent low back pain, I wear a back brace a lot to prevent/treat what old-timers used to call lumbago or putting one's back out. ... 7Aod9kgANg It helps keep the spine in place and reminds me to bend only from the hip, not the waist when making the bed, loading the washer, exercising, etc.

I think your corset, Manderley, is doing much the same for you, but looking much more alluring! Esther Gokhale recommends corsets, too.
01 Feb 2014, 19:07
Hi All, did we decide on a January read? I did look at the Beans post and I have got The Rosie Project downloaded but I'm still reading Decembers! Thanks x
01 Feb 2014, 19:12
Yep that's the one WD - The Rosie Project. Or for those who want a looooonng read, The Luminaries :lol: - I think Beaniebops who is reading this is quite enjoying it :shock: :razz:

Edited to add - and there's now a January / February Book Club tent in the Glamping Grounds
01 Feb 2014, 19:25
Manderley wrote: OK I am watching the Horizon program about fat vs sugar and may I say I find the twins doctors annoying ? Not about what they are saying, mind you, it really is interesting but in general they make me want to kick their butt :shock:

I know, I am strange, sometimes.... :lol:

@Manderley - no you weren't the only one - they irritated me too! i think only one of them would have been irritating (too bouncy, tiggerish and gung-ho) but two of them was just too much. Yes they were good looking, but the whole package was just a bit too wearing! Itchy hand (or in your case, foot!)
01 Feb 2014, 19:29
I could do with a back brace to remind me not to slump when I'm at my desk. I just can't seem to get the chair, desk, monitor height combo right.
01 Feb 2014, 19:31
That's the worst part of a fasting day over. Cooking hubbies and youngest sons dinner. Just a quick pasta dish. I used the leftover pizza base sauce with some chopped in Polish garlic sausage over a bed of pasta. Quick, simple and probably cost £1.00 for both bowls.
01 Feb 2014, 19:38
Can I just say...that woman is 100 per cent genuine! I actually saw her on tv...moving, yes you read me, moving!! Crazy or what?

Yep I'm STILL reading The Luminaries but I'll probably finish it by year!

Bean :geek: :cry:
01 Feb 2014, 19:48
This was tonight's dinner. Something you can do with beans ... beans.html

It was fab
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