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So sorry for what you're going through, it sounds horrendous Thinking of you and hoping you find some solutions soon.
The situation is getting even worse as my mother is losing her mind now. She doesn't know she's at her home, she thinks she's at my home, she wanted to talk to a manager last night and she's really really confused about what she has and what my dad has. It will sound silly but it may be a blessing in disguise as she will be an emergency now because of her mental state..... Also I found her trying to get up this morning despite the restraints....

I really really hope there will be a solution today, we will go to the ER as soon as the ambulance arrives and I hope they will realise that she's deteriorating....
Keep us posted @manderley
Hope things get sorted today xx
Sending more hugs and hoping your Mum can now get proper medical care and you can have some respite.
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Oh goodness, I hope they give you the help your mom needs so badly.
What a tough time you are having @Manderley , it must be exhausting.
We are thinking of you and sending lots of virtual hugs from all around the world. x
So very sorry to read about this. Nothing ever prepares you for challenges like this. :( And even for us fortunate to live in developed, rich nations the processes are not really adequate to what we need. And I fear things will be getting worse--we're living longer than ever but we're not creating systems that adapt to that properly. I was listening to a Radio 4 programme yesterday about the strain of caring and I felt emotionally overwhelmed by the difficulties many people face trying to make sure their loved ones have suitable care without being so strained themselves that they require care too.

I'll put an update on my mum's situation under the carers' tent. Things have been extremely bumpy for us, but things appear to be improving finally after weeks on the ICU.

xox Ladan
I hope things moved forwards for you today. You must be so very weary.

Hugs 'n' stuff xx
Hugs @Manderley, no suggestions but I feel for you in your dilemma.
Stay strong, @Manderley, and take comfort from the thought that we are all wishing you the best of outcomes. XXX
So sorry to write only now but everything is going really fast and it's the first time I am in a quiet environment since yesterday morning.

My mother is in the hospital. They had no choice as to keep her as she's an emergency now. Her mental state began to deteriorate on Tuesday and since then it's going bad. She 's in a a kind of dementia state, wants to go home but consider home where her parents lived years and years ago, does tantrums, etc. Today I learned she said to the medical staff that s he just went on a trip and was just there for a day or two before I take her back home, where her parents lived home..... I have to make an appointment tomorrow with her doctor to know what to do next but they definitely will keep her for now.

About my dad now, he reacts well to the treatment but there seems to be some lesions to his liver. However these lesions are there since 2003 so, if it's cancer, it's a really slow one. Tomorrow they will began to get him up, which is good news. Over all, it's really positive. They will keep him for as long as needed for him to come back home as strong as he was before. Let's just hope that the lesions are not the cancer kind......

I don't know where I find the strength to deal with everything at once. It's really stressful and I often feels lost but I have to go on, I don't have any other choice.

I began to eat again today. As I barely ate for several days I lost quite a bit of weight but it doesn't matter.

Oh and I have my dog, Happy, with me, at home, which is quite troubling for my 3 cats which are on the top of the wardrobe right now.... Let's hope they will get use to him...
Pleased to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel at last for you Manderley. Hope things continue to improve :heart:
I echo what SD said xx
I hope things continue to improve and you can relax a little.
Thinking of you. :heart: xx :heart: Good to hear that things look more promising. :) Now it's just you, the dog and cats at home, that should give you a chance to look after yourself and get your strength back (pets are wonderful company, aren't they, stroking them and being with them can help you relax)- though you have been very strong dealing with all that you have had to deal with. Best wishes. :heart: <<hugs>>
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