Cheer up Cilla. It only a number and you know you can get back to where you need to be. How's the new car?
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I'm ok rawkaren. It is only a number. I was feeling smug over xmas. Wiped that smile off my face lol.
Ahh MY car? He he, nicknamed Kepler as I bought it on Keplers 425th birthday lol. I get in it,smile and give myself a hug lol. Now we've had some dry weather I have been able to give it more of a test drive and it makes me smile. It's nothing special really,just another little grey box on wheels. But it's my little grey box on wheels! I am sorry to say I scratched the alloys on one side already though! Bah!
Thanks for asking.
cilla xxx
Ahh MY car? He he, nicknamed Kepler as I bought it on Keplers 425th birthday lol. I get in it,smile and give myself a hug lol. Now we've had some dry weather I have been able to give it more of a test drive and it makes me smile. It's nothing special really,just another little grey box on wheels. But it's my little grey box on wheels! I am sorry to say I scratched the alloys on one side already though! Bah!
Thanks for asking.
cilla xxx

well waddyaknow I lost a kilo after my fast yesterday. My weight will go up and down again before the week is out but maybe saturdays weigh in will cheer me up. I had a bit of a panic over my calorie receptionist at work went to get me my fav no sugar ginger beer but I didnt see that he got me the sugary stuff. 64 cals per 100ml. It was only when I got home and took the bottle out of my bag I saw it was the wrong one. The horror lol! About 30 cals over the allowance in the end so I don't know why I panicked. Bloody drama queen lol!
I was in a filthy mood yesterday, everything felt a bit off. Probably 'just depression' rearing it's ugly head again or maybe just low blood sugar. That and getting back to normal after the holidays and 10 days of my sons company. Back to being alone except when I am at work and the brief chats with my house mate. Try as I might to be ok with it I find myself feeling very miserable about it sometimes. At the same time restless and unable to settle down to do anything but unable to communicate with anyone. I feel I shouldn't use other people to make me feel better, that should be something I can do for myself if I knew how lol. But I paid some bills yesterday and the sun is shining today. It's not all bad.
cilla x
I was in a filthy mood yesterday, everything felt a bit off. Probably 'just depression' rearing it's ugly head again or maybe just low blood sugar. That and getting back to normal after the holidays and 10 days of my sons company. Back to being alone except when I am at work and the brief chats with my house mate. Try as I might to be ok with it I find myself feeling very miserable about it sometimes. At the same time restless and unable to settle down to do anything but unable to communicate with anyone. I feel I shouldn't use other people to make me feel better, that should be something I can do for myself if I knew how lol. But I paid some bills yesterday and the sun is shining today. It's not all bad.
cilla x

Yay! Fasting is feeling good and the scales showed me it has paid off this week. I have been a bit down about the weight gain. An underlying niggle in my thoughts harking back to habits from years ago but looking at the big picture and losing a kilo has made me feel ok and less worried. I am laughing at myself for thinking I was bomb proof and all that eating over xmas wouldn't make a difference. I lulled myself into a false sense of security because it took a couple of weeks for my weight to begin increasing. Then it didn't stop despite going back to 4:3 Ha!
But now I know what happens before it happens. It's all experience and knowledge and knowledge is power!
cilla xxx
But now I know what happens before it happens. It's all experience and knowledge and knowledge is power!
cilla xxx

Ooooh 81.6 kg this morning. Excellent!
cilla xxx
cilla xxx

WOW indeed today!!!
Usual saturday weigh-in and I have lost a whopping 3.4kgs this week!!!!!!
Back in the orange and out of the red with a BMI of 29.36. Can't quite believe it as this is my lightest yet. For years!
Of course it might have something to do with the six hours of painting my studio walls I did on Monday, sticking to my fasts this week and also just being more active mentally too.
I've been feeling a bit down mood wise after going back to my pre xmas weight. The lack of sleep was getting me down too so I started taking Magnesium and in the back of my mind I worried it might make me put weight on...I don't know why as there isn't any scientific evidence that it could or would. But I have been sleeping pretty well since taking them and upping the dose to 300mg a night.
I am loving the new car! Finally feels like mine and I won't have to give it up in three years time like all the Motorbility cars I've had for the last 20 years. Mine, my precious lol!!
I can't praise this WOE enough right now. Been a faster for almost six months and it's beginning to feel really like a way of life not a diet. Xmas taught me that I can have time off but it will make me feel out of sorts and put on weight. Fasting gives my body a much needed rest!
cilla xxx
Usual saturday weigh-in and I have lost a whopping 3.4kgs this week!!!!!!

Back in the orange and out of the red with a BMI of 29.36. Can't quite believe it as this is my lightest yet. For years!
Of course it might have something to do with the six hours of painting my studio walls I did on Monday, sticking to my fasts this week and also just being more active mentally too.
I've been feeling a bit down mood wise after going back to my pre xmas weight. The lack of sleep was getting me down too so I started taking Magnesium and in the back of my mind I worried it might make me put weight on...I don't know why as there isn't any scientific evidence that it could or would. But I have been sleeping pretty well since taking them and upping the dose to 300mg a night.
I am loving the new car! Finally feels like mine and I won't have to give it up in three years time like all the Motorbility cars I've had for the last 20 years. Mine, my precious lol!!
I can't praise this WOE enough right now. Been a faster for almost six months and it's beginning to feel really like a way of life not a diet. Xmas taught me that I can have time off but it will make me feel out of sorts and put on weight. Fasting gives my body a much needed rest!
cilla xxx


Great result Cilla! isn't it great when all your hard work finally pays off and you obviously sound so happy with this WOE!

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone but the scales read 77.7kg this morning. x

sorry but I am sulking this morning. Back in the red and over 80kg. Despite these crap numbers I feel slimmer and a friend said she didn't recognise me initially when we met up last Tuesday.
My jeans are looser and I feel good. I wonder what's going on?
cilla xxx
My jeans are looser and I feel good. I wonder what's going on?
cilla xxx

Dratted numbers!
Don't let them get to you. You say you feel better and your jeans are looser so I'd take that as a positive.
(Next weigh in will probably be better.)
Don't let them get to you. You say you feel better and your jeans are looser so I'd take that as a positive.
(Next weigh in will probably be better.)

Oh cilla, how disappointing for you!
Feel free to have a sulk but don't feel free to eat lots just because the scales aren't going your way this week! I know from past experiences how easy it is to let a gain in weight sabotage your whole diet. However, this is a WOE and we know that we have to expect these ups and downs, sometimes even in a week when we know we have been 'good' and deserve a loss! It isn't fair but we just have to get over it and know that the scales will show a loss next week or maybe even tomorrow!
Good luck with dealing with your disappointment.
Onwards and downwards!

Feel free to have a sulk but don't feel free to eat lots just because the scales aren't going your way this week! I know from past experiences how easy it is to let a gain in weight sabotage your whole diet. However, this is a WOE and we know that we have to expect these ups and downs, sometimes even in a week when we know we have been 'good' and deserve a loss! It isn't fair but we just have to get over it and know that the scales will show a loss next week or maybe even tomorrow!

Good luck with dealing with your disappointment.

Thanks! Luckily I am not the sort to binge as retribution for not losing lol. Thats counter productive to say the least.
I shouldn't sulk really, it's just a glitch and all part of the journey x
I shouldn't sulk really, it's just a glitch and all part of the journey x

Hi Cilla. At least you feel slim. As you say, it's not the end of the world. You are still losing.....

What is going on with my body???
I had to abandon my fast on Monday...the pub lunch and pint of real ale was too much of a temptation. That evening I went on a carb binge..the first since I started this WOE. Shocking.
Tuesday morning I got my period which was even more of a shock for a menopausal woman and not having had one since July!!!
This morning the scales read a whopping 83kg!!!!!!!! I am not giving up as this is my way of life now. I am just annoyed with my body for sabotaging my weight loss lol.
I am sure it will be a glitch and pretty soon I will be back on track. I can't even say I don't understand what's going on because I do. It's just my body adjusting and all part of the ageing process but bloody hell, it's really really annoying!!!!
cilla xxx
I had to abandon my fast on Monday...the pub lunch and pint of real ale was too much of a temptation. That evening I went on a carb binge..the first since I started this WOE. Shocking.
Tuesday morning I got my period which was even more of a shock for a menopausal woman and not having had one since July!!!
This morning the scales read a whopping 83kg!!!!!!!! I am not giving up as this is my way of life now. I am just annoyed with my body for sabotaging my weight loss lol.
I am sure it will be a glitch and pretty soon I will be back on track. I can't even say I don't understand what's going on because I do. It's just my body adjusting and all part of the ageing process but bloody hell, it's really really annoying!!!!
cilla xxx
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