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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Re: Wow!
04 Dec 2013, 08:48
I didn't do my usual fast this Monday which felt very weird. I didn't want to miss the pub lunch after our union meeting! But fish and chips and two pints of yummy real ale (not forgetting salted caramel and choc tart!!) left me feeling bloated and crap.
I feel a bit jaded about losing weight. It's all gone so well until recently and as my weight loss has slowed so has my enthusiasm. My common sense tells me that my weight fluctuates but the big picture is a downward trend so there's nothing to fret about. Doesn't stop me worrying about it and feeling like a failure. Silly me.
Non fasting days have me craving chocolate and starch and after two takeaway curry meals last week I am hoping I have sated my cravings for now.
Maybe it's the time of year...the dark afternoons depress me and the impending festivities make me feel extra lonely.
But I refuse to give in to misery! Bah humbug to misery!! I am fasting today and Friday which may lead to a little weight loss. My youngest son and his lovely girlfriend are coming over for Christmas then he will be with me for the new year so there will be lots of Scrabble and we might finally get to play the Risk game I bought last year lol.
Time off work means little cash but it means more time with my horse, dogs and son so it's not all bad eh!? x
Re: Wow!
04 Dec 2013, 08:53
Sounds like you have fasting fatigue Drilakila. I think all of us veteran fasters get this from time to time. At least you have a horse to get back on when you are ready :lol: :lol:

I agree about the long dark days. It was dark here in the north east at 3.30 yesterday. I hate it so much when its like this. However I have been taking Vit D3 and I think it might be helping.

Sounds like Christmas is shaping up to be a lovely family time for you.

You have done really well so far, so just pick it up again when you feel like it.
Re: Wow!
13 Dec 2013, 14:05
My current weight this morning was 80.4 kgs. 0.4 to lose by the 25th so I am feeling positive about that. I took the size 10 jeans back to M&S. Apart form them being very small I hated the denim. Thin and shiny and yuk. Bought another style in a size 10 and resisted trying them on. Until yesterday lol. Guess what...I can get them on and do them up!! Not quite comfortable yet but I am very hopeful it won't be long.
After last weeks blip fasting has gone well this week. I am feeling ok! x
Re: Wow!
14 Dec 2013, 08:51
What a surprise I reached my interim goal today! 79.9kg! Wow indeed! I am officially no longer obese...just overweight hahaha!
What a difference a day makes. Sometimes x
Re: Wow!
14 Dec 2013, 09:05
That's awesome, drilakila! Congrats!
Re: Wow!
14 Dec 2013, 13:04
Brilliant, well done :like: :wink:
Re: Wow!
14 Dec 2013, 13:26
Wow indeed! Your weight begins with a new number. Well done :like: :like: :like:
Re: Wow!
14 Dec 2013, 17:14
Every pound you lost was well deserved :)
Good job :)
Re: Wow!
26 Dec 2013, 09:07
It's been a weird Christmas for me. I have got so used to eating less two roast dinners in two days has made me feel pretty grotty. Two bottles of booze hasn't helped either!
But I have been very stressed. Very. I decided to go and look at new cars since I am giving up my disabled sons Motability car in Feb. He wants the money instead which is fair enough. I have an old 4 x 4 which I love but it uses a lot of diesel and at 18 years old will need constant renewal of parts. Already had a new exhaust.
Anyway to cut a long story short, I test drove a sporty Corsa and loved it. Of course I did. Who wouldn't love a fast brand spanking new car. The finance on offer was really good and as it's an ex demo it was on offer with 0% interest and a full warranty for the life of the car. I ummed and ahhed and worried and kind of said I'd have it.
over the next few days with lots of phone calls and extra offers I decided to buy the car. Sleepless night later I cancelled. Then they gave me details of boring petrol Corsa's which worked out more expensive and offered another £500 off the ex demo and I talked it over with a few friends.
The insurance is £200 cheaper than the 4 x 4 and I can sell that and cut my monthly finance payment to under £200 a month. I am re mortgaging which will give me an extra £350 a month to live on.
As some of you know, it's been a very tough couple of years for me. But this winter the business has picked up a little. I have plans for making it better and more importantly the determination not to give up!
But all week I have hardly slept. I managed to relax and enjoy time with my son and his girlfriend, eat and be merry. My weight so far has stayed the same..we will see late on lol.
Part of me feels I am making a big mistake and the other is quietly excited about having my very own lovely car to keep for the forseable future. Something economical and reliable but fun. It has been more stressful than buying my house!!! But then I am on my own making these big decisions which I find challenging at the best of times.
It could all go horribly wrong and I could lose everything but I feel I need to at least try. And I just read rawkaren's signature in a post above this as I write..."You have nothing to lose by trying and everything to lose by not".
We've had two days of eating and to be honest I am sick of it! My body is crying out for a rest, mentally and physically lol. I am putting ther car issue out of my mind until Friday when I go sign the finance and go to work. I haven't discussed it with a few of my friends probably because they are against buying new cars because of the depreciation. Others because I have been bemoaning my financial worries for a long time and this feels like a total extravagance somehow.
Sorry to blabber on but it feels good to get it off my chest.
I think I might have a fast today. Funny how just a few months on this WOE has changed me in so many ways.
Thanks for reading this long winded moan. Any thought and comments would be appreciated xxx
Re: Wow!
26 Dec 2013, 09:23
Sounds like your car is on borrowed time, so you will need to change it sooner or later. Just make sure you shop around for deals. This time of year is good for negotiating as car dealerships will be quiet post Christmas.

Know what you mean about fasting. I'm a bit sick of food from the last couple of days - am sipping dandelion tea feeling very virtuous.

Good luck whatever you decide. Here is to a better 2014 for you. :like:
Re: Wow!
26 Dec 2013, 14:09
Everyone who needs a car needs a reliable one, my husbands pre owned car has cost him £1,500 in the last month. I work on the principle that if you are planning to keep a car for a long time then depreciation isn't too important.
Re: Wow!
28 Dec 2013, 09:09
Official weigh-in day today and I only put on .2 of a kilo! So pretty much the same weight despite all the chocolate.
Set myself a new interim target of 75kg.
And...I went ahead and bought the car! The official receipt showed a lower payment than expected, I did some number crunching and bit the bullet and to my surprise business is picking up even more too. It also means I may be able to give the Motability car back early and my son can have the money sooner.
I am thinking part of my not sleeping is insomnia, the other worry lol. At least I am not running on adrenalin today. Fasting yesterday was really enjoyable. I drank lots and worked hard. It was only in the evening that I wanted to eat but telling myself I can have what I want tomorrow really helped. x
Re: Wow!
28 Dec 2013, 10:57
Yes I'm sure worrying and stress do cause more problems than we realise so really pleased that you have sorted your new car and are feeling more confident about your job. x
Re: Wow!
01 Jan 2014, 09:30
Thanks to you all for the lovely replies and a Happy New year to everyone!
I got my new car yesterday. I am still a bit in shock and worried about it all but the money for the first payment is safely in the bank for the end of the month.
My insomnia continues, sigh.
I ate everything I wanted to this holiday but got a lot of indigestion and to my great surprise I have lost more weight this week. I am thrilled because i ate and drank willy nilly lol.
I decided to try all the positive things I could this year...I have a jar that every day this year I will be writing on a little piece of paper something nice/good/positive that happened. I call it 'my lovely life' jar. The first bit of paper went in this morning..I bought a new car. It's a good start!!
It's quite exciting to think of all the good things I will write down and put in there. I bet there will be lots of notes with my weight loss on if nothing else! x
Re: Wow!
01 Jan 2014, 09:44
What a great idea drilakila, you'll have a mountain of positive thoughts to re-read and inspire you as the year goes on!
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